EUPISD Early Childhood Part C to B Transition Policies 2009 Communication 1. 2. 3. The Early On Supervisor will sign all Part B paperwork, including initial referrals, MET Reports, IFSPs/ IEPs, and Transition Plans. All EUPISD LEA superintendents have authorized the Early On Supervisor to serve as a district designee for children who are receiving Early On services and who are found to be Part B eligible. Area Coordinators will have access to an electronic file of all Early On paperwork for the districts that they supervise, and they will inform local district superintendents or designees of the children that are receiving Early On services on a monthly basis. The Early Childhood Supervisor will run monthly reports from MI-CIS to monitor the status of children under 3 and share these reports with Area Coordinators monthly. An electronic file transfer will occur at the point of transition from Part C to B. Area Coordinators will monitor MI-CIS records of transition status children within their districts. Data Entry / Recordkeeping 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All Early On Service Coordinators will enter their own data into MI-CIS and the Early On Supervisor will monitor student records through MI-CIS reports. MI-CIS reports will be given to Service Coordinators at least quarterly for data verification and corrections. Early On Service Coordinators will notify Area Coordinators of the date of bi-annual interagency transition planning meetings. Area Coordinators are strongly encouraged to attend these meetings in order to stay current regarding the service needs of children within their respective districts. Local Superintendents and Area Coordinators will receive notification of transition planning conferences for all Part B eligible children. The district Superintendent will attend or assign a designee to participate in the transition planning conference. All Part B eligible children transitioning from Part C will have an initial IEP/IFSP in MI-CIS prior to age 3. Part B data entry personnel will enter all subsequent IEP/IFSP as a review/revise/reevaluation document and not an initial. Training 1. 2. 3. The Early On Supervisor will schedule interagency meetings 2 times per year, in Chippewa, Luce and Mackinac County specifically, for the discussion of transitioning children. Any new Part B data entry personnel and new Early On Service Coordinators will attend training in data entry for children transitioning from Early On with special education eligibility. Early On Service Coordinators and Part B data entry personnel will meet at least one time per year to update knowledge of MI-CIS. Monitoring 1. 2. The Early On Supervisor will review MI-CIS records and / or reports monthly to check for data inconsistencies. Area Coordinators will monitor the data entry on all MI-CIS files for children transitioning within their districts. This will occur upon notification of a transition planning conference and upon completion of the first IEP/IFSP held after age 3.