18_Environment_3 - englishinwonderland


UNIT 1 – The World Around Us Vocabulary

The 4 elements water, air, earth, fire

Geographical terms continent, land, island, peninsula, ocean, coast, seaside, bay. Gulf, river, plain, desert, lake, mountain, forest, wood

Adjectives used to indicate position of places on earth northern, southern, western, eastern, polar, equatorial, tropical, continental, aquatic

Adjectives used to describe nature

Positive: beautiful, quiet, picturesque, grand, wonderful, splendid, impressive, magnificent, glorious, large, superb

Negative: hideous, disgusting, spoiled / degraded, dirty, unattractive, polluted, ugly

Wildlife flora, organism, insects, mammals, fish, rainforest, tropical plants, exotic plats, wild animals, fauna, birds

Natural hazards / Natural changes / Environmental changes hurricane, earthquake, flood, fire, heat wave, drought, global warming, climate changes, rise in sea level

Industrialisation power station, chemicals, pollutants, emission of fumes, overuse of plastics, misuse of pesticides, pesticide, poisonous gas, industry/ factory/ plant

Environmental degradation pollution, noise pollution, smoke, smog, carbon dioxide, rubbish/ garbage/ litter/ junk/ waste/ refuse disposal, household garbage, organic waste, landfill site, effluent, acid rain, exhaust pipes, traffic jams, ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, air conditioned, urbanisation, consumerism, deforestation, mass extinction, human-driven extinction


Verbs to describe environmental abuse to pollute, to degrade, to exploit natural resources, to cause the extinction of species, to poach, to produce garbage, to dump waste/rubbish, to emit fumes, to deplete resources

Environmental protection ecosystem, sustainable planet, recycled paper, container, bottle bank, paper bank, plastic bank, battery bank, plastic/paper bag, packaging / wrapping, sewage treatment, energy-efficient bulbs, natural fabric/fibre, water supply, environment-friendly/eco-friendly car, cruelty to animals, conservation

Adjectives related to environmental protection biodegradable, energy saving, water saving, endangered, environmental, demographic, alternative, renewable, contaminated, user friendly, eco-friendly, economical, unleaded

Verbs related to environmental protection to recycle, to re-use, to reduce, to save (energy/resources), to persuade, to inform, to campaign, to demonstrate, to hold a demonstration, to warn, to implement, to threaten, to restore, to sustain, to sort out / the rubbish), to conserve, to turn off, to protect, to preserve, to defend

Environmental movements and public information ecologist, naturalist, global action, local action, campaign, persuasion, civic action, public opinion, mobilisation, respect for the planet, planet protection, poster, leaflet, booklet, advertising, ecology, research, to volunteer, to donate, to complain, green/ecological organisations

Political/Social Issues environmental laws, environmental summit, environmental code, population density, protocols, transport policies, food resources, mineral exploration, green parties, energy policies, lobbies, overpopulation, decrease in the birth-rate

Bioethics traditional breeding methods, identical cells, splitting an embryo, cloning, ethical concern, biotechnology, microbiology, genetical manipulation, reprogramming cells, improve food crops, genetic diseases, genetic engineering, genome, genes, biodiversity, euthanasia, surrogate mothers, sperm banks, abortion

Alternative lifestyles veganism / vegetarianism, animal exploitation, animal liberation, cruelty to animals, reduction in animal suffering, activism, vegetarian/vegan in Screen 2 – by Virgínia Barros, Paula Correia & Fernando Pinto

