Samantha Herd


Samantha Herd pd.2 To Kill A Mockingbird

Chapter 9

1. What does Atticus warn Scout to hold and keep from doing? Fighting

2. Which black man is Atticus defending? Tom Robinson

3. How did Scout respond to Cecil’s name calling? she walked away

4. How did Scout feel about how she handled Cecil's name calling? She felt noble

5. What words did Uncle Jack not want to hear from Scout? damn and hell

6. Where do they spend Christmas and with whom? At the Finches Landing, with

Uncle Jack, Jimmy, Atticus, Aunt Alexandra, Francise

7. What did Jem and Scout get for Christmas? They both got air rifles, Jem got a chemistry set

8. What does Francis says that the rest of the family feeling about Atticus as a parent?

Francis says that Atticus is embarrassing the family, and letting his children run wild

9. Why did Scout split her knuckle to the bone on Francis's front teeth? Because Francis kept calling her and Atticus a “nigger lover”

10. What is the “usual disease” of Maycomb Atticus talking about while Scout is eavesdropping? racism

Chapter 10

1. Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird?

Because they don’t do anything wrong, they are innocent

2. Which neighbor speaks highly of Atticus's legal talents? Miss Maudie Atkinson

3. How does Atticus do, in regards to Cecil Jacobs's father, in the touch football game?

Atticus doesn’t let people tackle him because he is much older, he also sat out and wasn’t part of the touch football

4. Who informs Atticus about Mr. Harry Johnson's mad dog, old Tim Johnson?


5. Who informs Miss Rachel and Miss Stephanie Crawford about the mad dog?


6. Who is the first to address Atticus by his old nickname? Miss Maudie Atkinson

7. What is the nickname? One-Shot Finch

8. What didn’t Atticus want Scout bragging about at school on Monday?

Because maybe it was something he wasn’t proud of

9. What is the reason Miss Maudie suggests for Atticus not shooting a gun anymore?

He’s a gentlemen, and a civilian, he doesn’t have the heart to shoot things

10. How do Scout and Jem feel about their father at the end of he chapter? Jem and

Scout are proud of their daddy

Chapter 11

1. Why did the Finch children dislike passing by Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose's house?

Mrs. Dubose wasn’t very nice, she always said mean things to the Finch’s

2. Atticus advised his son to act like a gentleman toward whom? Mrs. Dubose

3. What did Atticus do that made Scout think he was the bravest man who had ever lived?

Atticus actually talked to Mrs. Dubose, about the courthouse, he told her she looked like a picture

4. T F Jem bought his sister a real baton. True

5. To show his wrath for Mrs. Dubose, what did Jem do? Jem took Scouts baton and ripped Mrs. Dubose’s garden apart with it, then he broke the botan in half and left it there

6. What did Jeremy have to do for one month? Jem had to read to Mrs. Dubose

7. As a reward for completing their first day's session with Mrs. Dubose, what did Atticus bring the kids? He got them a candy box

8. Did Mrs. Dubose kick the morphine habit? Explain. No, she was addicted to it, her doctor gave it to her as a pain killer but she started to rely on it too much.
