Topic: Year 7 Geography (Latitude & longitude) Year Level 7 Author Tim Poga Stage 1 – Desired Results Established Goals: S&E: Learning Area Outcome 2: Place and Space- understand that the interaction people have with places in which they live is shaped by the location, patterns and processes associated with natural & built features. HoM to be Developed: Striving for Accuracy Exploring Meaning of the HOM Expanding Capacity for using the HOM Increasing Alertness for the HOM By the end of this unit students will be able to give examples from their prior classroom experience of times when they have strived for accuracy. By the end of this unit students will be able to use the ‘One Step Back’ strategy to help them strive for accuracy. By the end of this unit of work students will be able to use the cue of degree of consequence to recognize situations where it is appropriate to Strive for Accuracy Extending Values of the HOM Building Commitment towards the HOM By the end of this unit students will be able to clearly connect their ability to Strive for Accuracy to both the quality of their work and the grade awarded. By the end of this unit of work students will be able to evaluate their use of Striving for Accuracy using reflective prompt provided by the teacher and drawing on examples from their work. Understandings about the content: Essential Questions about the content: Students will understand that… Latitude and longitude are important mapping tools which can be used to accurately locate places in the world. Latitude can be used to describe the global pattern of climate. Longitude can be used to explain world time zones. What is latitude and longitude? How can latitude and longitude be used to accurately locate places on a map. What problems might occur if a place is inaccurately located? Knowledge about the content Skills required of the content Students will know… Students Will be able to… Key terms: map, latitude, longitude, coordinates. Identify the continents Locate places using latitude and longitude. Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: Your task is to identify and list the latitude and longitude of the following locations. You are a flight planner for an air cargo company who uses the ‘One Step Back’ for checking their work. Your clients are expecting you to drop off cargo at each of these locations. Your challenge is to drop his cargo off to the exact locations given or your company will lose money. You will need to continuously travel east or west around the globe so you will need to reorganize the list of locations into a sequence which allow them to be travelled to by flying continually east or west. For each degree of latitude or longitude you are out on each location, your company looses $1000 of profit. You will need to check your flight plan against the ‘Perfect Plan’ your teacher will give you in order to determine how successful you are. Anecdotal evidence from class activities. Stage 3 – Learning Plan Learning Activities: Teaching Habits activity: What does it mean to strive for accuracy? Use a ‘what does this mean to you’ activity and word splash. Skill set development activity: Teach the ‘One step back’ strategy as a way of checking student’s checking their own work. This can be done through a cooking analogy; once an ingredient has been added to a recipe how might a cook take one step back and double check they have just done the right thing? What examples can the students give from their own experience when they have done this? (And what did it mean when they realised they were right or wrong in the previous step they took?) Direct the use of the Habit activities: Students are introduced to the concepts of latitude and longitude. | Students are introduced to the connection between latitude and the global pattern of climate. | These need to be in terms of why Students are introduced to the connection between longitude and world time zones. | accuracy is important. Task Setting activities: Students complete a series of increasingly difficult mapping activities using latitude and longitude, latitude and climate, longitude and time zones. These should These need to be not only in terms of why accuracy is important but the impact of inaccuracy.