Research Activities The department had a truly outstanding year in garnering outside funding. Over $175,000 was obtained on two different grants from NSF to upgrade our microprobe and our Unix network, thus achieving a major goal. In addition a number of major research grants were funded including three grants from the Texas Advanced Research Program, a $438,000 EPA grant, a $390,000 NSF grant to promote diversity in the Geosciences, and a $5.5 million in-kind donation of oil exploration and production software from Landmark Graphics. Major funding that crossed departmental lines includes a $200,000 annual increase to PACES funding and $1.7 million NIH grant led by Dr. Amaya in Health Sciences. That the number of individuals who are successful in obtaining outside funding is on the rise is shown by the fact that seven individual faculty members serve as the principal investigator on these awards. Andronicos NSF: Deciphering Tectonic History of Slowly Cooled Precambrian. Polymetamorphic Terranes in the American Southwest UTEP Research Inst.: Testing Models of Proterozoic Tectonics in Northern New Mexico Anthony Nuclear Science Center, Texas A&M Univ. DOE Reactor Sharing Program, Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Lab. NSF: Refining Geothermal Exploration via Geochemical Modeling of young Volcanic Centers in the Kenya Rift. Doser DOE/Dept Threat Agency: Seismological & Lithospheric Studies of the Libya Region NSF: Modeling Stress Changes Induced by Earthquakes in the South Island, New Zealand, & Prince William South, Alaska, Regions Texas Advanced Research Program: Geological Constraints on Inversion of Surface Geophysical Surveys Texas Advanced Research Program: Character Fault Control of Groundwater Movement USGS: Crustal Earthquakes of the Prince William Sound Region and Their Relation to the Rupture Process of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake. USGS: Assessing Seismic Hazard in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Using the Historical Earthquake Record and Mixed-mode GPS Geodesy USGS: Studies of Historical Earthquakes in the South-central Alaska. USGS: Source Parameter Studies of Historical (1930-1964) Intraslab & Crustal Earthquakes of Washington and Oregon Goodell Dept. of Agriculture: Absorption Features of Salt & Salt-affected Soils in Field, Laboratory, and Aviris Reflectance Spectra: Mapping and Applications EPA: Reflectance Spectra of the Common Salts Prevalent in Arid Soils: Application of Remote Sensing. Keller NMSU/Hewlett Packard: Creating a Single Map: Combining Data Bases to Form a Single Regional GIS System NIMA: The Calculation of Terrain Corrections for Gravity Measurements Using New Digital Elevation Models and Multispectral Imagery NSFTR: ITR/IM+AP (GEO: A collaborative Project for the -creation of a Geospatial Data System for the Transition Zone between the Colorado Plateau & Basin & Range Province (Geoinformatics in Action) NSF: Lithospheric Structure & Evolution of the Rocky Mountain Transect of Western U.S.: an Integrated Geological & Geophysical Investigation NSF: Collaborative Research: Lithospheric: Rocky Mountains; Phase 2 - Geodynamics Texas Advanced Research Program: Capacity Bldg for Resource Assessment & Responsible Development, TexasMexico Border Texas Advanced Research Program: A Cooperative Geophysical Study of Lithospheric Structure in Central Europe includes a Supplement for High-school Teacher Participant Langford EPA: Riverbank Filtration Effectiveness in an Arid Environment. DOE/CERM: Investigations of Potential Hazards to Groundwater Created by Illegal Dumping in the Rio Grande Alluvial Aquifer, El Paso County, Texas. LeMone Sandia National Laboratory/CERM Collaborative Program Texas Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority: Evaluation and Comparison of the Disposal Repository Compared with the Assured Isolation Facility Concept. Miller NSF Building Pathways into Geosciences for the Hispanic Community of Learners in El Paso NSF: Deployment of Temporary Earthquake Monitoring Network in Bhutan NSF: Upgrade to Geophysical Computing at UTEP USGS: Controlled-source Study of the Structure of the Seattle and Tacoma Basins-SHIPS USGS: Collaborative Research: Seismic Hazards Investigations of Puget Sound (SHIPS) Texas Advanced Research Program: Geophysical & Petrological View: Magmatic Contribution to Intracontinental growth: Rio Grande Rift Texas Advanced Research Program: Formation and Evolution of Proterozoic Crust in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico Pingitore Bureau of Reclamation: Experimental Dating Project for Petroglyphs-chemical Analyses of Rock Varnish and Base Rock Samples. DOE: Induced Subsurface Mineral Growth to Sequester Radionuclides and Toxic Elements by Coprecipitation EPA: Speciation of Metals in El Paso-Juarez Air Particulates and Soils NIE/NIEHS: Community-based Participatory Research in Environmental Health NSF: Acquisition of X-ray Microfluorescence Instrumentation NSF: Synthesis; Characterization, & Simulations of Silver Chalcogenisis NSF: Incorporation of Minor & Trace Elements in to Coral Skeletal Aragonite: an X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy & Microstructural Study Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab.: Beam Time Allotment for "Incorporation of Minor and Trace Elements in Coral Skeleton. UTEP Border Health: Childhood Lead Exposure in El Paso-Juarez Schulze-Makuch CDRF: Electromagnetic Fields as Energy Sources for Microbial Metabolism EPA/SCERP: Transport and Removal of Viruses Using a Constructed Wetland. NASA: Exploration of Geothermal Discharge Areas Using Remote Sensing and Hydrogeological Methods. NASA: Locating Hydrothermal Areas Using Remote Sensing UTEP Research Institute: The Water Resource Potential of the Sacramento Mountains UTEP Research Institute: Investigation of Virus Transport in Ground Water Selected Publications: 19992002 Andronicos Andronicos, C.L., L.S. Hollister, C. Davidson, C., and D. Chardon, D., 1999, Kinematics, and tectonic significance of transpressive structures in the Coast Plutonic Complex, British Columbia: Jour. Struct. Geol., v. 21, p. 229243. Hollister, L.S. and Andronicos, C. L., 2000, The Central Gneiss Complex, Coast Mountains, British Columbia, GSA Special Paper 343, p. 45-59. Anthony Allchin, D., E. Anthony, J. Bristol, A Dean, D. Hall, D., and C. Lieb, 1999, History of Science - with labs. Science and Education, v. 8, p. 619-632. Barnes, M.A., R. Rohs, E.Y. Anthony, W.R. Van Schmus, and R.E. Denison, 1999, Isotopic and elemental chemistry of subsurface Precambrian igneous rocks, west Texas and eastern New Mexico: Rocky Mountain Geology (Special Issue on Proterozoic magmatism) v. 34, p. 245-262. Clark Nandigam, Ravi, Kenneth F. Clark, Elizabeth Y. Anthony, Tom Williams, and Oscar Comaduran, 1999, Rare-earth element and zinc-bearing carbonatite occurrences near Villa Ahumada, Chihuahua, northern Mexico: XXIII Convencion Nacional Asociacion de Ingenieros de Minas, Metalurgistas y Geologos de Mexico, 31 p. Doser Doser, D.I., T. H. Webb and D. E. Maunder, 1999, Source parameters of historic (1918-1962) earthquakes, South Island, New Zealand: Geophys. J. International, v. 139, p. 769-794. Doser, D.I. and R. Lomas, 2000, The transition from strike-slip to oblique subduction in southeastern Alaska from seismological studies: Tectonophysics, v. 316, p. 45-65 Doser, D.I., and W.A. Brown, 2001, A study of historic earthquakes of the Prince William Sound, Alaska, region, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 91, 842-857, 2001. Goodell Bader, Janet L., P.C. Goodell, G. Gonzalez, A.S. Ali, and S.D. Pillai, 1999, Chromium-resistant bacterial populations from a site heavily contaminated with hexavalent chromium: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, v. 109, p. 263-276. Wong, Virgina, P.C. Goodell, and E.Y. Anthony, 1999, Characterization of U-series disequilibria at the Pena Blanca natural analogue site, Chihuahua, Mexico; in Wronkiewicz, D.J. and J.H. Leeds (eds.), Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXII: Material Research Society Proceedings v. 556, p. 801-808. Howari, F.M., P.C. Goodell, and S.Miyamoto, 2000, Spectral properties of treated silty clay loam and fine sandy loam with gypsum, halite and their mixtures: Remote Sensing 2000: From laboratory spectroscopy to remotely sensed spectral observation: Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., p. 2-27. Goodell, P.C., 2001, Learning activities for an undergraduate mineralogy/petrology course: ”I AM/WE ARE”: Jour. Geol. Educ., v.49, p. 370-377. Harder Hodgson, J.A., P.W. Readman, B.M. O’Reilly, P.S Kennan, S.H. Harder, G.R. Keller, and H. Thybo, 1999, Leinster granite seismic project (LEGS): A wide-angle study of a late Caledonian granite: EOS, v. 80, p. F-1029. Snelson, C.A.,LH.M. Rumpbel, G.R. Keller, C. Prodehl, K.C. Miller, and S.H. Harder, 2000, Continental dynamics Rocky Mountains Project (CD-ROM): Preliminary results from the 1999 Seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection experiment: EOS, v. 81, p. F-1235. Hoffer Hoffer, Jerry M., and Robin L. Hoffer, 1999, Geological excursions of the El Paso area, Vol. III: Geology along the border: Santa Teresa to Columbus, New Mexico: El Paso Geol. Soc. Guidebook, 65 p. Hurtado Hurtado, J.J., Jr., K.V. Hodges, and K.X.Whipple, 1999, Evidence for ongoing tectonic activity at the position of the South Tibetan Fault System and the Main Central Thrust in the recent past; in 14th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop: Terra Nostra, no. 2, p. 73-75. Hodges, K.V., K.X. Whipple, and J.M. Hurtado Jr., 2000, Himalayan neotectonics may implcay active southwest extrusion of Tibetan middle curst: EOS Amer. Geop. Union, v. 81, n. 48, p. 1094 Hurtado, J.M. Jr., K.V. Hodges, K.X. Whipple, 2001, Neotectonics of the Thakkhola Graben and implications for Recent activity on the South Tibetan Fault system in central Nepal Himalaya: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 113, n. 2, p. 222-240. Keller Keller, G. R., and R. D. Hatcher, Jr., 1999, Comparison of the lithospheric structure of the Appalachian - Ouachita orogen and Paleozoic orogenic belts in Europe: Tectonophysics, v. 314, p. 43-68. Simiyu, S., and G.R. Keller, 2000, Seismic monitoring of the Olkario geothermal area, Kenya rift valley: Jour. Volcanol. and Geotherm. Rsrch, v. 95, p. 197-298. Simiyu, S., and G.R. Keller, 2001, An integrated geophysical analysis of the upper crust of the southern Kenya rift: Geop. Jour. Internat., v. 147, p. 543-561. Langford Scanlon, B.P., and R.P. Langford, 1999, Relationship between geomorphic settings and unsaturated flow in an arid setting: Water Resources Research, v. 35, p. 983-999. Langford, R.P., 2000, Nabkha (Coppice Dune) Fields of south-central New Mexico, USA: Jour. Arid Environ., v. 45, no. 1, p. 41 LeMone. LeMone, D.V., D. Bell, and T.A. Kerr, 1999. Establishing an Assured Isolation Facility for Low- or Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste Management: Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Proceedings of the 40 th Annual Meeting, Waste Management Division, Session E, Paper 1, Waste Management - Low-Level Waste, 8 p., published on CD-ROM. LeMone, D.V., P. Vaganov, S. Turchenko, R. Dodge, and H. Xie, 2000. The Salmi Complex of Karelia, Northwestern Russia: Potential High Level Radioactive Waste Repository: R. G. Post (ed.), HLW, LLW, Mixed Wastes, and Environmental Restoration - Working Towards a Cleaner Environment, Waste Management 2000, American Nuclear Society, International Atomic Energy Agency, and University of Arizona, Session 59 [Progress in Repository Development in Europe], Paper 5, 7 p., published on CD-ROM. Miller Chang, J.-Y., K.C. Miller, and G.R. Keller, 1999, Seismic expression of late Cretaceous to Recent structure in southwestern New Mexico: Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 34, p. 131-148. Brocher, T.M., T.L. Pratt, K.C. Creager, R.S. Crosson, W.P. Steele, C.S. Weaver, A.D. Frankel, A.M. Trehu, C.M. Snelson, K.C. Miller, and S.H. Harder, 2000, Urban Seismic Experiments Investigate Seattle Fault and Basin, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., v. 81, no. 46, p. 545-551. O'Donnell, T.M. Jr., K.C. Miller, and J.C. Witcher, 2001, A Seismic and Gravity Study of the McGregor Geothermal System, Southern New Mexico, Geophysics, v. 66, p.1002-1014. Pingitore Rodriguez P., J.A., N.E. Pingitore, G.R. Keller, and A. Perez, 1999, An integrated gravity and remote sensing assessment of basin structure and hydrologic resources in Chihuahua City region, Mexico: Engineer. and Environ. Geop., v. 5 p. 73-85. Orquiz, R., W.W. Li, N.E. Pingitore, T.T. Espino, and J. Gardea-Torresdey, 2000, Temporal measurements of PM fine and coarse concentrations in El Paso: Proceed., Air and Waste Management. Assoc., 93 rd Annual Conf. Schulze-Makuch Schulze-Makuch, D., D.A. Carlson, D.S. Cherkauer, and P. Malik, 1999, Scale Dependency of Hydraulic Conductivity in Heterogeneous Media. Ground Water, v. 37, n. 6, p. 904-919. Schulze-Makuch, D. and J.F. Kennedy, 2000, Microbiological and chemical characterization of geothermal fluids at the Tortugas Mountain Geothermal Area, southern New Mexico, USA. Hydrogeology Jour., v. 8, p. 295-309. Irwin, L.N. and D. Schulze-Makuch, 2001 Assessing the plausibility of life on other worlds. Astrobiology, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 143-160. Schulze-Makuch, D., S.D. Pillai, H. Guan, R. Bowman, E. Couroux, F. Hielscher, S. Emmert, J. Totten, I.Y. Espinosa, and T. Kretzschmar, 2002, Surfactant modified zeolite can protect drinking water wells from viruses and bacteria. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, feature article, vol. 83., no. 18, p. 193 & 200201 Velasco