Cascading water and solute transport through the vadose zone: advection, dispersion, and transformations in highly non-steady flow. Ciaran Harman1,Suresh Rao2, Nandita Basu3, Murugesu Sivapalan1,4 1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Civil and Environmental Engineering Purdue University, School of Civil Engineering 3 The University of Iowa, Civil and Environmental Engineering 4 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Geography 2 The transport of a sorbing, degrading solute (such as Atrazine) through the soil is largely driven by infiltrating water from storms or irrigation, and so depends on the interactions between the timing and characteristics of the rainfall or irrigation events, the properties of the solute, soil characteristics (e.g, porosity, macropore density etc.), and the antecedent soil moisture conditions. This interaction causes the time series inputs of the solute to be “filtered” prior to reaching the watertable, so that the timing, frequency and magnitude of output events is altered. This filtering is similar in kind to “shot noise”, but richer due to the non-linearities of unsaturated transport, and the effects of evapotranspiration on the transmission through unsaturated zone. While many previous studies have examined the movement of solutes through soils for a particular site, few have examined the nature of this filtering in more general terms. In this work we present an elegant 1-D model of solute transport through the soil, driven by random episodes of infiltration events, that is designed to examine this filtering effect. The model simulates transport through the soil using a Lagrangian framework, allowing simple implementation of Fickian and non-Fickian transport through the soil. A unique feature of this model is the event-scale time-stepping and decoupling of hydrologic and biogeochemical processes. By assuming that infiltration and redistribution processes occur instantaneously during an event, while degradation, mobilization, and evapotranspiration are the only important processes occurring between storms, analytical expressions can be derived for the event-to-event transformations of the input signal within the system. Solutes can be surface applied in recalcitrant and labile forms, with first-order mass transfer between the pools, and linear reversible sorption. Infiltrating water mobilizes the labile dissolved solute, generating a point load that moves through the soil with wetting fronts generated by storm events. The retardation and first-order decay of the point-loads eventually decouples them from the wetting fronts they first entered with, allowing solutes to concentrate in the profile. Because only one timestep is required per storm, the model runs very fast, allowing us to examine the effect of different parameter combinations on the filtering. The results show that, particularly in shallow soils, solute delivery events exhibit an intriguing clustering behavior both in time and in a phase space plot with solute inputs and initial conditions. This clustering is caused by events that flush significant amounts of solute from the system, which occur more rarely when soils are deeper, or degradation rates are higher.