Spring 2003
Penny Glenn
Aspen 170 (732-6728)
Office Hours:
M W 11-12
T TH 1:30-3:00
F 1-3
Office Hours may also be held by appointment. Please ask me if you would like to come in
during other times of the day. I will be happy to accommodate your needs if I can.
AH 101 Medical Terminology
Two (2) Semester Units
Medical Terminology by Fremgen and Frucht
I also encourage you to have a good medical dictionary. Please use the student disk which
comes with the text as well as flash cards.
There will be seven (7) exams and a comprehensive final. Any student with a 90% average at the end of the
semester may choose not to take the final exam without influencing his/her final grade. Anyone with an overall
percentage of 89% or below must take the final exam. Grading is based upon a percentage system as outlined
below. Scores from all tests and in class activities are added and averaged. Tests average 70-80 questions. Tests
are a combination of multiple choice, fill-in-the blank and short-answer essay.
To facilitate successful pronunciation of medical terminology, you will be asked to pronounce and define
terminology in class. A variety of medical reports will be used as case studies for pronunciation and definition of
terms. These reports are in-class activities, and you must be present to receive points for the activity. Short
quizzes will also be given. These in-class activities will be worth five to twenty points, which will be added to the
number of points possible for the semester. Again, you may make up tests, but in-class activities such as case
studies and quizzes cannot be made up.
Exams are taken in class or in the Testing Center on designated days. Anyone missing an exam on the designated
day should inform the instructor prior to the test for alternative testing arrangements.
Late Exams:
Ten percent of the total number of points will be deducted from the score of late exams. Please take late exams
the day you return to class. You may arrange a time with me.
Your final grades are available on the CSI website at You must have your student identification and
PIN number to access your grades.
The CSI behavioral policies are on page 15 or the CSI catalog. If behavioral problems or classroom disruptions
occur, the following three-step plan will be implemented:
On the first occurrence, the student will receive a verbal warning.
On the second occurrence, the students will receive a written reprimand.
On the third occurrence, the student will be dismissed from the class.
Allied Health 101
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General Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, you will:
Identify the parts of the medical term.
Give examples of ways word parts can be combined.
Use combining vowels appropriately
Explain how prefixes and suffixes modify root words
Define selected prefixes and suffixes and give an example of each.
Define selected word roots and given an example of each.
Define, spell and pronounce selected medical terms for body systems.
Supply the correct medical term when given a definition.
Build complete medical terms using medical prefixes, root words, combining forms and
suffixes appropriate to the term.
Change medical terms that are singular to plural form.
Recognizes medical abbreviations used by various services in a healthcare setting.
Learning Objectives Specific to Physical Systems:
Anatomical Terms
Define and give examples of homeostasis and metabolism
Define the anatomical positions
List and define the correct terminology used for direction, anatomical planes, abdominal regions
and abdominal quadrants.
Analyze, pronounce, define and spell terms related to the body as a whole.
Integumentary System
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell medical terms used in the integumentary system.
Define terms relating to the physical examination and symptomology of the integumentary
Skeletal System
Define the terms relating to bone classification.
Differentiate between the three categories of joints.
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell common terms of the skeletal system.
List and define terms describing the physical examination, abnormal
conditions and diagnostic
and therapeutic procedures common to the skeletal system.
Muscular System
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell terms relating to the muscular system.
List and define terms describing the physical examination, abnormal conditions and diagnostic
and therapeutic procedures common to the muscular system.
Nervous System
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell terms relating to the nervous system.
List and define terms describing the physical examination, abnormal conditions and diagnostic
and therapeutic procedures common to the nervous system
Endocrine System
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell terms relating to the endocrine system.
List and define terms describing common endocrine disorders, diagnosis and treatment.
Cardiovascular System
Define terms relating to the heart.
Name and define common terms used in an electrocardiogram.
Define terms related to blood vessels.
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell terms related to the cardiovascular system.
List and define terms describing the physical examination, abnormal conditions, diagnosis and
therapeutic procedures common to the cardiovascular system.
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Respiratory System
Define the terms relating to the major division of the respiratory system.
Define the terms that describe the structures within the lungs.
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell terms relating to the skeletal system.
List and define terms describing common respiratory disorders, signs and symptoms, diagnostic
procedures and treatment.
Blood, Lymphatic and Immune Systems
Analyze, define, pronounce and spell terms related to the blood.
Analyze, define, pronounce and spell terms related to the lymphatic and immune system.
Define the terms related to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the lymphatic and
immune systems.
Digestive System
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell terms relating to the digestive system.
List and define terms describing common digestive disorders, the physical examination, signs
and symptoms, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic procedures common to the
digestive system
Urinary and Male Reproductive Systems
Define the terms describing the nephron.
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell terms relating to the urinary system,.
List and define terms describing common urinary signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures
and treatment.
Define the terms describing the male reproductive system.
Pronounce, analyze, define and spell terms related to the male reproductive system.
List and define common terms related to the physical examination, diagnosis and treatment of
abnormalities of the male reproductive system.
Female Reproductive System
Define the terms describing the female reproductive system.
Define the terms related to conception and prenatal development.
Define the terms related to the birth process.
Analyze, define, pronounce and spell common medical terms of the female reproductive system.
Define terms related to some common abnormalities of the female reproductive system.
Define the terms relating to physical examination, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of
abnormal conditions related to the female reproductive system
Eyes and Ears
Identify the terms relating to the outer, middle and inner ear.
Analyze, pronounce, define and spell medical terms related to the eye and ear.
Define terms related to the examination, diagnosis and treatment of the eyes and ears.
Consistent attendance is essential to doing well in this class. You will be dropped after three
consecutive absences.
General Policies:
Anyone caught cheating on an exam will receive a grade of zero for that exam. Cheating
offenses will be brought to the attention of the student's advisor and department chair. You may receive
an “F” for the course.
All exam dates are tentative and may be changed at the discretion of the instructor. You will be notified in
class of changes in the schedule. All exams must be taken during the scheduled exam period. This
includes all students enrolled at the outreach centers. Late test must be taken within one week of the
scheduled test.