HED 150 – Certificate

The undersigned parties certify that name of student of name of highschool High School
has completed the requirements for number of credits credits for the following Programs of Study
competency based course with a grade of B (3.0) or better.
HED 150
Medical Terminology I
3 Credits
This course is a two-quarter presentation of medical terms and their uses. It is a comprehensive
development of a medical vocabulary presented in order of body systems.
The student is eligible to receive college credit for this course according to the provisions of the
articulated Programs of Study Agreement between the high school and college.
CTE Instructor/Date
CTE Director/Date
Programs of Study Coordinator
Big Bend Community College’s competencies for this course are listed on the reverse side.
HED 150 – Medical Terminology I
3 credits
Ch 1: Fundamental Word Structure 
Analyze, build, spell, and
Describe various types of body 
Describe the two sets of teeth 
Describe the formed elements in
Describe the fundamental
pronounce medical words.
with which humans are
elements that are used to build Chr 4: Organization of the Body
Describe the vertebral column.
Name the four blood types.
medical words.
Define terms that describe the 
Identify abnormal curvatures of 
Describe the three main
Describe and state the functions
List three guidelines that will
body and its structural units.
the spine.
portions of a tooth.
of the lymphatic system.
assist you with the building and 
List the systems of the body and 
Describe the differences in the 
Describe the accessory organs 
Describe the accessory organs
spelling of medical words.
give the organs in each system.
pelvis of a male and female.
of the digestive system and
of the lymphatic system.
Explain the use of abbreviations 
Define terms that are used to
Describe various types of
state their functions.
Describe the immune system
when writing and documenting
describe direction, planes, and
Describe digestive differences
and the immune response.
cavities of the body.
Describe skeletal differences of
of the child and the older adult. 
Analyze, build, spell, and
Analyze, build, spell, and
Understand word analysis as it
the child and the older adult.
Analyze, build, spell, and
pronounce medical words.
pronounce medical words.
relates to Head-to-Toe
Analyze, build, spell, and
pronounce medical words.
Comprehend the drugs
Identify and define selected
pronounce medical words.
Comprehend the drugs
highlighted in this chapter.
Analyze, build, spell, and
Comprehend the drugs
highlighted in this chapter.
Describe diagnostic and
Describe selected medical and
pronounce medical words.
highlighted in this chapter.
Describe diagnostic and
laboratory tests related to blood
surgical specialties, giving the 
Comprehend the drugs
Describe diagnostic and
laboratory tests related to the
and the lymphatic system.
scope of practice and the
highlighted in this chapter.
laboratory tests related to the
digestive system.
Identify and define selected
physician’s title.
Identify and define selected
skeletal system.
Identify and define selected
Ch 2: Suffixes
Identify and define selected
Describe each of the conditions
Recognize how suffixes are used 
Describe a medical record.
Describe each of the conditions
presented in the Pathology
when building medical words. 
Define HIPAA.
Describe each of the conditions
presented in the Pathology
Identify adjective, noun, and
List and describe the general
presented in the Pathology
Ch 11: Respiratory System
diminutive suffixes.
components of a patient’s
Ch 9: Cardiovascular System
Describe the organs of the
Be aware of suffixes that have
medical record.
Ch 7: Muscular System
Describe the cardiovascular
respiratory system.
more than one meaning.
List and describe the four parts 
Describe the muscular system.
State the functions of the organs
Recognize suffixes that pertain
of the SOAP Chart Note record. 
Describe types of muscle tissue. 
Describe and state the functions
of the respiratory system.
to pathological conditions.
Ch 5: Integumentary System
Provide the functions of
of arteries, veins, and capillaries. 
Define terms that physiologists
Identify selected suffixes
Describe the integumentary
Describe cardiovascular
and respiratory specialists use to
common to surgical and
system and its accessory
Describe muscular differences
differences of the child and the
describe the volume of air
diagnostic procedures.
of the child and the older adult.
older adult.
exchanged in breathing.
Analyze, build, spell, and
List the functions of the skin.
Analyze, build, spell, and
Identify the commonly used
State the vital function of
pronounce medical words.
Describe skin differences of the
pronounce medical words.
pulse checkpoints of the body.
Ch 3: Prefixes
child and the older adult.
Comprehend the drugs
Describe blood pressure.
Describe respiratory differences
Recognize how prefixes are
Analyze, build, spell, and
highlighted in this chapter.
Analyze, build, spell, and
of the child and the older adult.
used when building medical
pronounce medical words.
Describe diagnostic and
pronounce medical words.
Analyze, build, spell, and
Comprehend the drugs
laboratory tests related to the 
Comprehend the drugs
pronounce medical words.
Identify prefixes that are
highlighted in this chapter.
muscular system.
highlighted in this chapter.
Comprehend the drugs
commonly used in medical
Describe diagnostic and
Identify and define selected
Describe diagnostic and
highlighted in this chapter.
laboratory tests related to the
laboratory tests related to the 
Describe diagnostic and
Be aware of prefixes that have
integumentary system.
Describe each of the conditions
cardiovascular system.
laboratory tests related to the
more than one meaning.
Identify and define selected
presented in the Pathology
Identify and define selected
respiratory system.
Recognize prefixes that pertain
Identify and define selected
to position or placement.
Describe each of the conditions Ch 8: Digestive System
Describe each of the conditions
Identify selected prefixes that
presented in the Pathology
Describe the digestive system.
presented in the Pathology
Describe each of the conditions
pertain to numbers and
Describe the primary organs of
presented in the Pathology
Ch 6: Skeletal System
the digestive system and state Ch 10: Blood and Lymphatic System
Describe the skeletal system.
their functions.
Describe the blood.