MOAMA LALC Construction and Community Advisory Group Update 17/08/2012 The Murray River level is approximately 26,794 ML/day downstream of Torrumbarry, down from 34,701 last Friday. Flows are expected to decrease over the coming week however Yarrawonga is currently releasing 26,6126 Ml/day up from 17,436 Ml/day. During this past week: Rain fell in Barham during the week (7.5mm). Work continued over the week in areas where access could be safely gained. All works were closed Friday due to the rain. Thule Creek regulator concrete works continued, protected by the bypass channel. Back filling has continued. Swan Lagoon, Cow and Barber Creek sites and the Return Channel remain flooded. Runner A regulator is protected from both directions by coffer dams. Calf Creek Regulator also remains dry protected by an earth bund. The town levee has been maintained, although there were some minor breaches in the levee bund, causing flooding of Borrow pits. Back filling against the Offtake Channel structures continued. Construction Progress: Site Levee Culverts Calf Creek Cow Creek Barber Creek Runner A Return Channel Inlet Channel Inlet Regulator Swan Lagoon Thule Creek River Rd Bridge Stop logs Activity Complete By volume 65% Installation Concrete works Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Excavation Gates / Fishway Structural works Concrete Deck Back fill 3/19 100% 95% 70% 100% 98% 98% 95% 30% 95% 98% 75% 85% Comments Levee top soiling continuing On hold due to weather conditions Pending backfill. Fit out has commenced 85%. Currently flooded Currently flooded. Fit out on hold, backfill 10% Currently flooded, fit out to be completed. Structure backfill 40% Gates fitted. Fishway baffles placed Flooded Wing walls. Backfilling 60%. Residual fit out under way.. Complete To be completed in August Upcoming Construction Works and activities. (Weather, flood and access dependant) The Murray River levels are expected to slowly recede over the next week. Further rain is expected today (10mm at Barham) and 25 mm in the upper catchments. Light rain is again forecast mid next week. Pending safe access, dewatering of sites and borrow pits will continue. Levee fill operations (50% of plant) will continue where possible. Back fill of the levee against the structures will continue at Thule, Offtake Channel and possibly Runner A and Calf Creek. The last concrete pour at Thule will be scheduled according to access limitations. The bypass channel flow is receding. Final excavation of the Inlet Channel will recommence when safe access can be gained. The process is expected to take 3 days of dry weather to complete. The remaining batter and bed will be trimmed, and topsoil and habitat trees placed. This is expected to take 2 weeks. Concrete works on the wing walls and back fill will continue. Topsoiling of the stock pile is scheduled to commence. An estimate of the remaining spoil is being prepared. Swan Lagoon, Barber, Cow and the Return Channel sites are all closed due to flooding. Community bus tour – Barber Overflow regulator 12/8/2012 Around 60 people attended the community bus tour on Sunday the 12 th of August. Information on The Living Murray program and the Koondrook-Perricoota Forest Flood Enhancement Project was provided as well as the opportunity to ask questions on the Indigenous Cultural Heritage of the area. A similar tour of the upstream structures is planned for the 26th of August weather permitting. LEVEE WORKS NOTICE The construction of the new levee as part of Koondrook-Perricoota Forest Flood Enhancement Project involves the removal and incorporation of sections of the existing Barham flood bank into the new levee. In the event of a natural flood event occurring during this construction period, either the original levee or the continuity and height of the new works will be maintained to retain the level of security previously afforded by the original levee. For further information visit or contact Fulton Hogan Construction on 1800 337 285. “Offsetting the environmental impacts of dams and river regulation by the construction of significant on ground works in the Koondrook-Perricoota Forest."