RHINO RUGBY CLUB PLAYER, PARENT AND SUPPORTER AGREEMENT INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Rhino Rugby Club. In order to help answer questions and avoid potential issues or problems during the season, it is important that Players, Parents and Supporters understand the philosophy, expectations, rules, and policies of the Rhino Rugby Club (Club) as outlined in the following pages: PHILOSOPHY The Rhino Rugby Club’s purpose is the long-term growth and development of each Player, including his/her growth in skills as well as development as a person. The Club’s Coaches will sometime make decisions and issue instructions that the Players may not understand. Club or Team interests, Player development or other goals will sometimes be given a higher priority than winning. Players and Parents must understand this and conduct themselves in keeping with a healthy team environment. Remember, playing only to win without taking into consideration other factors that are important to the health of the team and each of its Players will not result in a solid foundation for either the team or the Player and can have a negative effect on the team and club dynamics. Players should also understand that attendance and effort at practice can affect playing time. Playing time during major tournaments and league finals where the primary objective is to win, is not guaranteed and will be at the sole discretion of the Head Coach. The Club does not allow Coaching by other Players, Parents or Supporters. No one on the sideline should instruct Players or complain to officials during or after a game. Any abuse of Players, Coaches and especially Referees will be dealt with swiftly with immediate expulsion of Player, Parent or Supporter from the field. If behavior of this sort becomes a pattern then related Player of Parent or Supporter may be suspended or asked to leave the team. Initials________________ Positive vocal support and encouragement are welcome during the game. However, Parents and Supporters should keep in mind that something as simple as “Kick it!” or “Pass it!” could be interpreted as instruction and are not desirable. These instructions can be contrary to what the Coach is teaching or has instructed the team to do. The Club insists members of the Coaching staff be the only voice at all games and practices. No one other than those listed on official game rosters may sit on or near the team bench during games. From time to time, Parents and Supporters may observe a Coach addressing the team at half time or after the game. Please respect the space and privacy necessary for your Coach and team to carry out their game responsibilities and strategies. Players and Parents should feel free to communicate with the Coach and ask questions but should do so at the appropriate time. Players are encouraged to speak up and communicate for themselves as much as possible. Coaches are expected to communicate openly, honestly, and professionally with Players about their progress and any problems. The Club encourages Player-Coach or Player-Team-Coach conferences at appropriate times. THE CLUB, THE TEAM, THE PLAYER AND THE COACH The Club’s guiding principles when making decisions are as follows in order of importance: First, what is in the best interest of the Club; Second, what is in the best interest of a Team; Third, what is in the best interest of a Player; and Fourth, what is in the best interest of a Coach. POLICY ON COMMUNICATIONS If a problem arises that a Player or Parent needs to resolve, the Club has a policy on how to effectively address it. For everyone, follow the 48 hour rule, which means give a problem two days to settle down before initiating communications. It is amazing how much simpler a problem may seem after taking two days to cool down. After that, the Player or Parent needs to follow this protocol. Discuss the problem with the Coach. If not resolved then… Discuss the problem with Team Management. Coaches and Team Managers promise to address problems directly, quickly and provide continuous feedback until resolved. When resolved, Team Management will provide a clear explanation of the decision. Initials_______________ Under NO circumstances should a Player, Parent or Supporter write to the entire team, members of the Southern California Rugby Union or other outsiders soliciting support and trying to influence a decision. Dealing with Player or team problems is the sole responsibility of the Coach and Team Management. Going outside of the Club will only cause confusion and could result in serious problems for our teams’ playing status within our Union. Coaches are the decision makers on the team. They will work together with Team Management to keep you informed of team plans and changes to plans when they occur. Most Coaches will communicate with team members via email. E-mails should be used only to distribute factual information. They should not be used to air problems or to express opinions. Coaches will not use e-mail when an urgent message needs to get out to the team, as a telephone call is the preferred means of sending urgent messages. Coaches will also make sure that team members that do not use e-mail are contacted in another way. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS Each Player registering to be a member of the Club assumes a financial obligation to pay Club dues. Club dues include Southern California Youth Rugby Union registration fees, insurance, facility rental fees, a uniform kit, visiting Player lunches, Referee fees, and other costs as determined by Team Management. The Club relies on the timely payment of these dues to ensure the proper functioning of the team. Should a Player fail to pay Club dues in a timely manner, the Player may be suspended from play until all accounts are brought current. If a Player decides to leave the Club the Player must inform the Coach. A refund may be requested and will be considered by Team Management if the departure is because either the family has moved out of the geographical area or the Player has suffered a season-ending injury before the 3rd league game of the season. VOLUNTEER OBLIGATIONS The Rhino Rugby Club is a volunteer organization. The Club relies on everyone, Players and Parents, pitching in to help make the practices, games and tournaments run smoothly. Tasks such as fundraising, providing snacks for the players, preparing the fields, working in the concession stand, serving lunch and selling gear require volunteers to be successful. Players and Parents will be assigned several jobs during the season so please be on time and come with a great attitude to help your Club be the best we can be. Please discuss any tasks for which you would like to volunteer or any conflicts with scheduling with your Coach or Team Mom. Initials___________ THE CLUB CODE OF CONDUCT As a Player, Parent and Supporter for the Rhino Rugby Club, you are part of a Team and a Club. Your actions reflect not only upon yourself, but on everyone in the Rhino Rugby Club organization. Players, Parents and Supporters are expected to: Conform to the rules established by your team and the Club Respect the Coach’s and Team Managers’ decisions and follow their instructions Avoid inappropriate behavior during practice, games, team or Club sponsored events, tournaments, and travel Follow the Club’s 48 hour rule and communicate only with Coaches and Team Managers about any problems Attend practices, games, and tournaments to which your team is committed Treat teammates, members of the Club, opponents, Coaches, Referees and other officials with respect Not use alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco at the practice field, game or while representing the Club. Doing so will be cause for immediate removal from the field or club event. Refrain from using foul language Care for your uniform , other Club equipment and fields Remember that under the rules of rugby, a Coach, Parent or Supporter can be ejected from the playing enclosure by the conduct of that individual, or a team can forfeit a game by that conduct; Coaches are expected to: Set high standards for their own and their Players’ conduct Set team rules, including attendance rules, and fairly and equally apply these rules Treat all Players honestly, fairly, positively, and with respect Be committed to helping each Player develop rugby skills and game understanding Communicate openly, honestly, and professionally with Players and Parents Represent the Club in a professional manner with any actions being beyond reproach Act professionally at all times Abide by team and Club rules. Not use alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco at the practice field, game or while representing the Club. Doing so will be cause for immediate removal from the field or club event. Initials__________ SIGNATURES Please sign below indicating that you understand, accept and agree to the responsibilities and obligations listed above and will comply with the Rhino Rugby Club Player, Parent and Supporter Agreement. Player Name: Signature: Date: Parent Name: Signature: Date: Parent Name: Signature: Date: