Grammar Notes: Directional Words and Noun/Verb Pairs Directional Words: What is a directional word? a sign who’s movement gives it added meaning (Review: Who can name the 5 parameters of ASL? Palm Orientation, Handshape, Non-manual Markers, Location, Movement) So for a directional word, changing the MOVEMENT adds more meaning. Give me a few examples: HELP, COME/GO, GIVE How would you sign: y/n-q Will you help me? you-HELP-me? Do you sign the lowercased words? No? So why are they there? To show the direction you move the sign. How would you sign: Give her the book. BOOK you-GIVE-her. Noun/Verb Pairs: CAR/DRIVE CHAIR/SIT What’s the difference? MOVEMENT! Nouns are repeated. Verbs are signed once. Nouns: Person, place, thing, idea Verb: action