sc/cm 2015-16 Classroom Signs GIVE is a directional sign. This means I-GIVEYOU. If you change the movement toward yourself it becomes YOU-GIVE-ME. You can also sign with both hands to GIVE-EACH-OTHER or TRADE. Help is a directional sign. When using HELP as a general sign the movement is straight up. For HELP-ME the movement is toward your body. For the sign HELP-YOU simply move the sign toward the other person. You will learn many more directional signs later. When you change the movement to one strong downward movement the sign becomes MUST/HAVE-TO. Move can be a directional sign. The sign for SURE is also the same sign as TRUE and REALLY. Your facial expressions will change depending on which meaning you want to convey. This is also the sign for DON’T. You will also see the sign (two thumbs up) for YOUR WELCOME. ^ STAND/STANDING The sign for HOME began as EAT/SLEEP as home is where you eat and sleep. Over time the sign evolved to maintaining the same handshape in both positions. Here the flat hands represent two feet taking steps forward. Not only can the fingers represent legs, but they also represent the eyes. Here, two eyes read the page. With this sign the fingers represent the two legs as they walk . Often CANCEL is signed bigger. The sign for student is LEARN + the agent marker, which represents a person. Can you see how the sign brings the information off the page and into the head? Here you see that the information is coming out of the head to be given away to others (the sign for TEACH) and the agent marker is added to make it a person. When to use the Question Mark: -best informally -NOT with “wh” questions The question mark does not replace the “Question Maker” (eyebrows up). It is used to emphasize that a question has been asked and that the signer expects a response. Just as we saw that HELP is a directional sign, ASK is a directional sign as well. See how the movement changes direction depending on who is asking whom. To-eat Although FOOD and EAT are interchangeable signs, often you will see them as a noun/verb pair. We will learn about these later. What does this mean? Food Well… for a verb (EAT) you sign one big movement and for a noun (FOOD) you sign it twice with a smaller controlled movement. To-eat Although FOOD and EAT are interchangeable signs, often you will see them as a noun/verb pair. We will learn about these later. What does this mean? Food Well… for a verb (EAT) you sign one big movement and for a noun (FOOD) you sign it twice with a smaller controlled movement. Cool Information: The sign for WISH is the exact same sign as HUNGRY! CAFETERIA is signed the same way but with a “C” handshape. NAPKIN is singed with a “flat O” handshape. Days of the week can be signed toward or away from the body depending on the signs preceding or following. Mostly, the palm orientation is in. Alternate signs for Thursday. Most commonly used. This is the sign your book teaches for SUNDAY. Another very popular way to sign SUNDAY is with the hands moving up and down facing forward. This sign is also used to mean COMPETE or COMPITION and you will also see it to mean RUN-TRACK and RACE. The sign for DAY shows the sun moving across the horizon. The sign for week moves across the hand from left to right, just as the days of the week move across a calendar. Here you see the sign for week and then it drops off to show the end of the week GRAB (an opportunity) NONE WARNING BOOK DESK/TABLE GIVE-TO HELP NEED MOVE PENCIL SURE/TRUE/REAL CLEAR/BRIGHT EXCUSE/EXCUSE-ME EXPLAIN MEAN/MEANING NOT VAQUE/UNCLEAR YOU’RE-WELCOME DON’T-DO-THAT/NO-NO DOOR OPEN-DOOR CLOSE-DOOR TURN-ON-LIGHT TURN-OFF-LIGHT LIGHT STAND GET-UP JUMP SIT/SIT-DOWN HOME WALK PARTY READ SLEEP WALK-TO DEAF (old sign) CANCEL/GRADE/CORRECT ERASE (a board ERASE (paper) HAND-OUT/PASS-OUT PAPER NOTICE/SEE/TO-SPOT STUDY STUDENT TEACHER TEXT/EXAM WRITE WRONG/ERROR ASK FOOD EAT HUNGRY READY RESTAURANT WITH MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY CHAT CHURCH DO-DO/WHAT-DO ENJOY KICK-BACK/TAKE-IT-EASY MOSQUE COMPETE/PLAY-SPORTS TEMPLE YESTERDAY DAY DAILY/EVERY-DAY WEEK WEEKEND WORK/JOB GET-BETTER/IMPROVE GET-WORSE IMPORTANT WATER/WATER-FOUNTAIN MASL Vocab – Pam Walker – no voice – by page MASL page 61: MASL page 64 MASL page 66 Underkd – with voice - alpha Unit 2a Unit 2b Unit 2c