Agenda Item: Paper Number MEETING: PUBLIC BOARD MEETING DATE: 7 FEBRUARY 2013 8 CM/01/13/07 TITLE OF PAPER: CQC STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER. SUMMARY: This paper provides current strategic risk information and asks the Board to review the adequacy of mitigating actions, the appropriateness of each risk target and seeks approval for the strategic risk ratings. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Board are asked to APPROVE the draft strategic risk register attached to this report as a key element of CQC’s approach to managing risk. Board Agreement/Endorsement Board Discussion LEAD DIRECTOR: Louise Guss AUTHOR: Amanda Bellis DIRECTORATE Governance and Legal Services DATE: 29 January 2013 SUPPORTING PAPERS: Annex A – Strategic risk register Page 1 of 4 Agenda Item: Paper Number 8 CM/01/13/07 GOVERNANCE AUDIT TRAIL: The strategic risks identified were developed by members of the Board and the Executive Team at a joint workshop on 17 October. The mitigating actions and evidence of mitigation have been further developed from those agreed risks and the integrated register is attached for approval. LINK TO STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND BUSINESS PLAN The strategic risk register has been developed using the current strategic objectives, business plan and draft strategic objectives for 2013-16, each risk is aligned to these objectives. IMPLICATIONS FOR NCSC Although there are no specific mitigating actions for NCSC at this level, some underpinning actions may have an impact for NCSC and these will be developed in partnership. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A. RISK IMPACT: The Strategic Risk Register forms part of CQC’s risk management model. The register reports identified risks, controls and mitigating actions at a strategic level. REPUTATION IMPACT: The Strategic Risk Register is presented at all Public Board meetings and is in the public domain via the publication of Board papers on CQC’s external website. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: HEALTHWATCH IMPACT: There are no legal implications of this paper. Although there are no specific mitigating actions for Healthwatch at this level, some underpinning actions may have an impact; these will be developed in partnership with the Healthwatch who will develop their risks and issues as part of their governance. EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT: N/A. Page 2 of 4 Agenda Item: Paper Number 8 CM/01/13/07 1. Background At the last Board workshop on 17 October there was a discussion on defining the strategic risks for the organisation. Since then there has been work on developing the mitigating actions supporting each strategic risk, and the evidence required to provide assurance to the Board. This work has been subsequently discussed and agreed with the Executive Team, feedback has been positive. 2. Executive Summary The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee recommended a thorough review of the strategic risk register to align the register with the revised strategic priorities. The development of the strategic risk register is an integrated component of the ongoing Corporate Governance Framework Project, which is currently updating and bringing greater clarity to an integrated governance framework including purpose, structures, roles and responsibilities, performance and risk management, and the underpinning accountability framework and information and assurance flows. Three strategic risk workshops were held in June and July and more latterly in October 2012 to complete the process. These were attended by members of the Board and Executive team, Independent ARAC members, relevant staff and invited guests. Significant progress is being made to refresh the strategic risk register and as an outcome of the workshops the seven risk areas were agreed for inclusion. Further work has now been undertaken to identify the supporting mitigating actions, evidence, and risk ratings. A refreshed strategic risk register is now attached for Board consideration and approval of the risk ratings. 3. The Strategic Risks Given the timing of this work the risks identified and particularly their mitigation span both this year and future years, but are aligned with the emerging 2013-16 strategic objectives. The register attached shows mitigating activity and evidence underway this year, and those planned for future years. The strategic risk data will be updated immediately following the Board’s agreement of CQC’s strategy and accompanying business plan planned for March 2013. 4. Next Steps The Board are invited to consider and approve the following as detailed in Annex A: any additional strategic risks to be captured the tolerance or risk appetite for each risk. This is the target level for the risk once mitigation is implemented (scales as below) the rating of the current net risk level given the mitigation currently implemented any changes required to the planned mitigation Scale for Risk Tolerance or Target Level, and Net Risk Level MEDIUM HIGH HIGH Major IMPACT LOW MEDIUM HIGH Medium LOW LOW MEDIUM Minor Unlikely Likely Very likely LIKELIHOOD Page 3 of 4 Agenda Item: Paper Number ANNEXES: Annex A – Draft strategic risk register Name: Title: Date Louise Guss Director of Governance and Legal Services 29 January 2013 Page 4 of 4 8 CM/01/13/07