Select plants for mitigating a selected urban or community problem

Hort 330: Homework 5
Select plants for mitigating a selected urban or community problem
WRITTEN DUE: Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 9 AM
VISUAL AID DUE: Monday, November 9, 2015 at 10:30 AM (emailed to:
- or - Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 7:30 AM (emailed to: (You select date)
ORAL DUE: At the beginning of class on visual aid due date.
50 points
Introduction: You will recommend plants to learn on Plant List 10.
Goal: Explore various references for selecting plants and check the viability of their selections. Become
aware of the broad range of plant choices that we do not cover in this class.
Process: Develop a list of 12 plants that could be used to solve or mitigate the urban problem that has
been assigned to you. Include information on how the plant contributes to solving or mitigating the
problem. Consider using a process similar to the process from the Homework on Selecting Plants for
Parking Strips. Complete the attached table with your information, in order based on which plants you
most want to study, beginning with your top choice.
Written product: Submit the completed table and a complete list of citations used.
Oral product: On the due date, be prepared to teach the class about your top three choices in terms of
how they solve or mitigate the urban problem and why it is one of your top choices to learn. If you
worked with a partner, present your top 4 choices, with each partner being responsible for presenting two
of the choices. Expected length of your presentation is approximately 1 minute per plant.
Create PowerPoint-compatible slides as a visual aid to accompany your presentation. One slide per plant
is recommended. The focus of your visual aid should be to convince the class that the plant is a good
choice, both in terms of the urban problem and your reason for wanting the class to study it.
Optional team work: You may work with a partner who has been assigned the same problem, if you
wish. If you decide to work in pairs, you are expected to work jointly, spending time generating and
discussing all aspects of the assignment. You may not simply divide the work into smaller units or have
one person do the work. If you do this, your grade will be divided by two. Those who work in pairs will
be expected an email to that lists both members and briefly summarizes: how you worked
together and what each individual did.
Optional extra credit: Submit an additional table with six more possible plants for your assigned
problem. Six points possible.
Table of recommended plant choices for the site, in order based on which you most want to study
* Scientific name
Common name
USDA Height Width Bloom Flower
Winter Other How plant contributes to solving or mitigating the
zones (ft)
(ft) season color Texture look features problem
*Place an asterisks (*) before the four plants that you think would be most effective for solving or mitigating the problem.
Explain why you selected each of the 4 plants. For each one, briefly explain how it contributes to solving the problem and why it is better than those not selected: