Virtual Mapping and Petrologic Interpretation Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat1, Donald P. Schwert1, and Brian M. Slator2 1 Dept. of Geosciences, 2Dept. of Computer Science North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5517 Email: We are developing a virtual mapping and petrologic interpretation environment. This takes the form of a synthetic, virtual world, Planet Oit, where students are given the means and the equipment to carry out petrologic investigation as a petrologist would. The environment is designed to give students an authentic experience that includes elements of: 1. exploration of a spatially oriented, virtual, world; 2. practical, field oriented, expedition planning and decision making; 3. scientific problem solving (i.e. a "hands on" approach to mapping and petrologic investigation). The game-like environment , which will teach principles of petrology, is a networked, multi-player, simulation-based, educational environment that illustrates our role-based pedagogical approach. Planet Oit can be visited at Background To play the game, students are transported to the planet's surface and acquire a standard set of field instruments. They are issued an "electronic log book" to record their findings and, most importantly, are assigned a sequence of exploratory goals. The students make their field observations, conduct small experiments, take note of the environment, and generally act like geologists as they work towards their goal. A scoring system has been developed, so that students can compete with each other and with themselves. Planet Oit is being developed using the freely available Xerox PARC LambdaMOO (Curtis, 1992, 1997), which is an environment for creating text-based virtual worlds. Students are given an authentic petrologic goal, e.g., to map a metamorphic terrane. Accomplishing this goal entails mastering several geologic concepts and procedures, and demonstrates student mastery of the material. The first module, which has been tested on large (>400) classes of physical geology students , involves mineral exploration, where students are expected to plan an expedition, locate mineral deposits, and survive the somewhat hostile virtual environment in order to report on it. More advanced modules, including virtual mapping and petrologic interpretation, are under development. The first version is text-based; a graphical interface is also being constructed. The Context Science isn’t just facts. More than anything else, a science is an internally consistent and coherent set of beliefs, practices, and tools. We have been instructing students to remember “facts” (i.e., beliefs) outside of the context in which those facts are understood. While this might not have been a problem, history has shown that teaching some subset of a science’s beliefs devoid of their belief context has been unsuccessful in helping students to learn science. Authentic instruction (Brown, Collins, and Duguid, 1989) would allow the student to participate in the practices of the working scientist. Students would be a part of laboratory research or field work. Students would have access to the tools of the working scientist and would, in every case, be shepherded through the scientific process. New concepts — the beliefs of the scientist — would be introduced in this naturalistic context (McGee, Howard & Hong, 1998). The experiences provided to the student within a virtual world can be both meaningful and authentic, although some trade-off is required to make it fun, challenging, and occasionally unpredictable. The goal is to have the student assume the role of a geologist in applying the scientific method to observations and measurements they makes in this virtual world. By keeping these experiences structured, albeit loosely, students are self-directed into a “learn by doing” process (Dewey, 1900), patterned on that applied in field-training. The virtual world can be designed to operate simultaneously at all levels of sophistication, thus allowing students to encounter simulated situations relevant to their level of training and expertise. Petrologic Investigation Petrologists are engaged in the study of the "origin, occurrence, structure, and history of rocks, esp. igneous and metamorphic rocks" (Bates and Jackson, 1984). Students can learn petrology by learning the process of petrologic investigation, including taking samples, petrographic analysis of thin sections, whole rock chemical analysis for major and trace elements, microprobe analysis of mineral grains, etc. and by evaluating the data obtained in a theoretical context. However, in the real world, students may not have access to all the equipment necessary for such a complete investigation. We are building an environment in which expensive analytical tools can be built virtually. A student will be able to take a sample of a garnet-biotite schist, view a thin section of it, make microprobe analyses of coexisting garnet and biotite, collect radiogenic isotope analyses, all while perhaps collaborating with a peer from a different university. Tutoring A key feature of educational media is the ability to tutor students. On Planet Oit, tutoring is done through unintrusive but proactive software agents. Agents monitor student actions and “visit” students as the need arises. Tutors give advice, but they neither mandate or insist on student actions nor block or prevent student actions. They provide assistance to players in the course of their diagnostic reasoning within the scientific problem solving required to accomplish their goals. The tutors work from knowledge of the geology, knowledge of the "experiments" needed to confirm or deny the identity of an object (e.g. contact metamorphism of limestone to marble), and the student's history. Discussion This work is part of a larger project by the NDSU World Wide Web Instructional Committee (WWWIC; McClean et al., 1999; Slator et al., 1999; see WWWIC believes that virtual role-playing environments can be powerful mechanisms for teaching, provided they are constructed such that learning how to play and win the game contributes to a player's understanding of real-world concepts and procedures. Virtual classrooms and virtual laboratories may help solve many of the problems faced in education: distance learning becomes a reality, learner diversity is accommodated (both in terms of learning styles and life styles), and in many cases the curriculum becomes more active, more role-based, more self-paced, and more “learn by doing” than “learn by listening.” Acknowledgments Development of Planet Oit is funded by the National Science Foundation under grants DUE-9752548 and EAR-9809761. We also acknowledge the large team of dedicated undergraduate and graduate students in the computer and earth sciences who have made this project so successful. Special thanks are due to John Bauer for Java graphical client development, to Rebecca Potter for graphical development, to Otto Borchert for simulation development, to Dean Vestal, Ned Krueger, Bryan Bandli, and Jane Willenbring, for geology content development and assessment, to Mark Tinguely, who saved our world when its universe imploded, and to Dave Schmidt for the name: Planet Oit. References Cited Bates, R.L. and Jackson, J.A. (1984). Dictionary of Geological Terms. 3rd ed. N.Y.: Anchor Books. Brown, John Seely, A. Collins, and P. Duguid. (1989). Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning, Educational Researcher, 18(1), pp. 32-42. Curtis, Pavel (1992). Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities. Proceedings of the Conference on Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing (sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility). Berkeley, April. Curtis, Pavel, (1997). Not Just a Game: How LambdaMOO Came to Exist and What It Did to Get Back at Me. in Cynthia Haynes and Jan Rune Holmevik, Editors: High Wired: On the Design, Use, and Theory of Educational MOOs. University of Michigan Press. Dewey, J. (1900). The School and Society. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. McClean, P.E. , D.P. Schwert, P. Juell, B. Saini-Eidukat, B.M. Slator, A. White. (1999). Cooperative Development of Visually-Oriented, Problem-Solving Science Courseware. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics/Science Education & Technology (M/SET-99), March 1-4, 1999, San Antonio, TX. McGee, S., Howard, B., & Hong, N. (1998, April). Cognitive Apprenticeship, Activity Structures, and Scientific Inquiry. In S. McGee (Chair), Changing the game: Activity structures for reforming education. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego,CA. Slator, Brian M., Paul Juell, Phil McClean, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Donald Schwert, Alan White, Curt Hill (1999). Virtual Worlds for Education. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 22(4).