Homework Sheet 2nd Class 13ú-24ú Bealtaine Tá na bláthanna ag fás. The flowers are growing. Cuir uisce ar na síolta. Put water on the seeds. Monday 13th Monday 20th Reading PM reader and Oxford PM reader and Oxford Writing Water: Write a list of 8 ways you use water. Dictation sentence 1 Map work: Look at a map of Ireland and find: 3 rivers 3 lakes 3 towns that are built near rivers and the sea Dictation sentence 3 Mental Maths Mental Maths Maths Tuesday 14th Tuesday 21st Reading PM reader and Oxford PM reader and Oxford Writing Interview an artist: Write 5 questions you would like to ask a famous artist. Dictation sentence 1 Acrostic poem: Write a WATER acrostic poem. Mental Maths Mental Maths Maths Wednesday 15th Dictation sentence 3 Wednesday 22nd Reading PM reader and Oxford PM reader and Oxford Writing Ice-cream: Invent a new icecream flavour and write about it. What is in this new icecream flavour and how would it taste? Dictation sentence 2 Water safety: Design a 'Keeping safe at the beach' poster. Mental Maths Mental Maths Maths Thursday 16th Dictation sentence 4 Thursday 23rd Reading PM reader and Oxford PM reader and Oxford Writing Dictionary work: Use your dictionary to find the meaning of these words: river, stream, lake and sea. Dictation sentence 2 Beach list: Write a list of 10 things you would need to bring with you to the beach. Mental Maths Mental Maths Maths Dictation sentence 4 Homework Sheet 2nd Class 13ú-24ú Bealtaine Dictation sentences Group 1 sentences Week 1. 2. Week 3. 4. 1 I hope all of the horses don’t come into my garden again. Who told you that my sister was sick? 2 After a while some of the children got louder and louder. How did you know she was feeling much better? Please practise the core word sentences every night. Read the sentence to your child and they will write it down. Allow your child to correct the sentences themselves by looking at the correct written sentence. Use homework copy. Group 2 sentences Week 1 1. The building near the church needs some paint. 2. Tie your coat and don’t catch a cold. Week 2 3. Later on in the afternoon he came to my front door. 4. Does the teacher think we can do all this writing? My Spellings for week one My Spellings for week two Children who have been continuously getting the spellings from dictation correct will be given spellings from another list of high frequency words to practice during the week. This means that all children will have spellings to practice and learn each week which are suited to their ability. Children who are having difficulty learning spellings should use the look, say, cover, write and check method. School Tour- June 7th- Energy Fun Centre- cost €10. First Holy Communion - Sunday, May 26th