Divine Providence Guidelines rev 08-12

These guidelines were renewed in accordance with the Archdiocese of Detroit Parish Pastoral
Council Guidelines and were approved by the Administrator of the parish, Father Gintaras
Jonikas , and the Pastoral Council.
Mission Statement
We of the Divine Providence Lithuanian Parish strive to be an open, welcoming and
caring Catholic community of believers who are called to share, renew and grow in our
faith, love of God and one another. Because we are an ethnic parish, we strive to
preserve our Lithuanian heritage by promoting the use of the Lithuanian language in the
church liturgy and supporting Lithuanian cultural, educational and social activities in the
adjacent Cultural Center. We embrace Jesus by following his teachings, values and
examples, and put our faith into action through service and outreach to those in need.
Parish History
This Lithuanian parish, originally named St. George’s Parish, was established in 1908 in Detroit,
at Westminster and Cardoni Streets. In 1948, the parish changed its name to Divine Providence
and, due to the changing demographics of its parishioners, relocated to Schaefer and Grand River
Streets. Highway construction in the area resulted in the subsequent move in 1973 to the current
location in Southfield, Michigan, near Beech and Nine Mile Roads. At that time, in accordance
with the Bishop’s letter written in December, 1968, the Archdiocese of Detroit gave permission to
construct the new facilities and allowed the parish to retain its national status as it had at the time
of its founding.
1. The Divine Providence Lithuanian Parish Pastoral Council complies with the spirit of the
Second Vatican Council and the 1969 Detroit Archdiocesan Synod, in working together
with the parish Pastor, Lithuanian Bishops Conference delegate for Lithuanians abroad,
the South Oakland Vicariate and the Archdiocese of Detroit.
(Canons 67, 515, 518, 519, 536)
2. The Council shall be known as the Divine Providence Lithuanian Parish Pastoral Council
located in Southfield, Michigan.
3. The primary role of the Pastoral Council is to assist the Pastor in striving to grow
together, as one in Christ, in charity, love and justice.
(Canons 519, 523, 526, 539)
4. The Pastoral Council determines the needs of the parish and its parishioners. Every year
it establishes parish goals and implementation plans in compliance with those of the
Archdiocese to ensure that this parish fulfills its spiritual and social mission. The Pastoral
Council coordinates and approves the objectives and activities of the four Council
Commissions which are responsible for the implementation of the parish goals.
5. Commissions constitute the implementing body of the Parish Council. There are four
Commissions: Worship, Education, Christian Service, and Stewardship (Administration).
Each Commission is comprised of at least five members.
a. Worship Commission
Works closely with the Pastor finding organists, cantors, lectors, ushers, and those who
decorate the church. Oversees the preparation of alter servers. Insures the integrity of
the liturgical calendar by planning and implementing appropriate liturgies in concert with
Lithuanian traditions—all to uplift us spiritually and worship God appropriately.
(Canon 528)
b. Education Commission
Works closely with the Pastor preparing new parishioners and candidates for the
sacraments. Promotes programs that strengthen faith and Christian values. Organizes
retreats and other activities that nurture the spiritual growth of the youth of the parish.
c. Christian Service Commission
Works closely with the Pastor visiting the sick of the parish and assisting the homebound
or those with disabilities. Organizes social events for the elderly. Strives to include
newly arrived immigrants. Organizes fundraisers and determines where financial
assistance is most needed.
(Canons 883 iii, 1003)
d. Stewardship Commission
Works with the Pastor to monitor and effectively utilize parish finances and resources,
including parishioners’ time, talent and skills. Encourages volunteering among
parishioners. Maintains the parish facilities; oversees repairs and improvements.
Administers the annual CSA (Catholic Services Appeal) campaign, and assists in
fundraising and planned gift giving efforts.
(Canons 537, 540)
6. The Commissions elect their chairpersons.
7. Commission meetings are held at least four times during the year.
8. Each year Commission chairpersons invite new parishioners to join the Commissions.
New members are confirmed or elected at the annual parish meeting. Their term is three
9. The Worship and Education Commissions strive to recruit at least one young parishioner
each to serve as members.
10. Each Commission chairperson (or their designated representative) is a member of the
Pastoral Council for a three-year term.
11. At the beginning of each term, each Commission determines its goals and objectives, and
outlines an implementation plan which is to be presented to the Pastoral Council for
12. By April 1st, all four Commissions shall prepare their expense projections for the coming
fiscal year and present it to the Parish Finance Council for approval.
13. Each chairperson prepares a summary of their Commission’s accomplishments during the
previous year and presents it at the general parish meeting.
14. Divine Providence Lithuanian Parish Pastoral Council consists of thirteen members: the
Pastor, four representatives from Council Commissions, seven members representing
seven organizations active in the parish, and one member elected by the general parish
meeting. The parish meeting approves the organizations’ nominees. If not, new members
are elected. Each Council member serves a three-year term. All members are limited to
two consecutive terms (six years).
15. After an interval of at least three years, a former Parish Council member may again be
considered for reelection to the Council.
16. Parish Council members select for a three-year term:
a. Council Chairperson, who calls and chairs Council meetings and sees that Council
decisions are implemented. When necessary, the Chairperson represents the Council.
b. Council Vice-chairperson, who, on occasion, represents the Chairperson and carries out
specific duties as delegated by the Council.
c. Council Secretary, who records the Council meeting minutes and informs parishioners
about Council activities through the parish bulletin. The minutes of each Council meeting
and general parish meeting are distributed to Council members no later than two weeks
after the meeting. (All minutes are available to the parishioners.)
d. Representative to the Vicariate Pastoral Council who attends the Vicariate meetings
and provides feedback to the Parish Council.
17. Each Council member joins and actively participates in one of the four Commissions
(Worship, Education, Christian Service or Stewardship) according to his/her abilities and
18. If a Council member is absent from three meetings during a year, without good reason
and without informing the Pastor or Chairperson beforehand, he/she will receive a notice.
If the member is not responsive, he/she will be excused from his/her position on the
Council, effective immediately.
19. If a Council member terminates his/her term of service, the vacancy in the Council is
filled by a nominee approved by the Pastor and the Council. This nominee is confirmed at
the next general parish meeting. Completion of another’s term does not count toward the
maximum of two full terms (six years) that members are allowed to serve on the Council.
20. Council meetings are held nine to twelve times per year. The Chairperson designates the
time and place and notifies the Council members at least one week in advance. A
designated member of the Parish Finance Council is also invited to all Pastoral Council
21. If the Pastor or four Council members present a written request, the Chairperson calls a
special Council meeting within one week. The Chairperson gives notice of the special
meeting at least three days in advance by email or telephone.
22. Council meetings should not exceed two hours.
23. In all Council meetings the majority of the members (seven members) constitutes a
quorum. In making important decisions, the Council strives to reach consensus. Routine
decisions are carried by the majority of those present.
24. Council decisions are valid only if ratified by the Pastor. The Pastor may not ratify if the
decisions depart from a) Church law (Catholic Church Canon Law), b) Church teachings,
c) policies of the Archdiocese of Detroit. If ratification is withheld, the Pastor explains
his reasons and asks the Council to reconsider its decision.
25. The Parish Council must approve any expenditure in excess of $500. This decision is
then submitted to the Finance Council for its approval or rejection depending on the
availability of parish funds.
26. Should a disagreement arise between the Pastor and the Council, the Council, supported
by two thirds of its members, can appeal to the Lithuanian Bishops Conference delegate
for Lithuanians abroad, the South Oakland Vicariate or the Archdiocese of Detroit. If
disagreement involves nationality issues, the Council may appeal to the Lithuanian
Bishops Conference delegate for Lithuanians abroad.
27. General parish meetings are called in the fall, at least once a year. They are called by the
Pastor and the Parish Council Chairperson. If two thirds of the Council members, or
thirty-five parishioners, petition in writing, a general parish meeting is to be called within
a month.
28. All general parish meetings, along with their agendas, are to be announced in the parish
bulletin at least two weeks in advance.
29. The general parish meeting is considered valid if, at least, sixty parishioners attend.
30. The Parish Council Chairperson presides at all general parish meetings. The Parish
Council Secretary records the minutes.
31. Changes in the agenda of the parish meeting can be made if approved by the majority of
those present.
32. Decisions at the parish meeting are made by the majority of those present except in
instances designated in these guidelines.
33. All parishioners, sixteen years of age or older, have the right to vote and provide input.
They are also eligible candidates for Parish Commissions and the Council.
34. Organizations active in the parish may nominate members to serve on the Parish Pastoral
Council subject to approval by the general parish meeting. The general parish meeting
may choose not to approve a nominee (by majority vote) and, instead, nominate a
candidate of its own.
35. Each year the general parish meeting elects or approves no less than two new members
to each Commission for a three-year term.
36. All newly elected Parish Council and Commission members begin their term at the first
meeting following the general parish meeting.
37. During the general parish meeting, the Pastor and the Council Chairperson present their
annual reports. All four Commissions report on their accomplishments. In addition, the
Parish Finance Council chairperson presents a report on the financial status of the parish.
38. Council guidelines may be changed during the parish general meeting by a two thirds
majority of those present, given a quorum.
39. The changes of Council guidelines may not be contrary to the Archdiocesan guidelines
for the operation of parish pastoral councils. All changes should be submitted to the
Office of Leadership Formation.
40. A Council member may be removed due to a serious reason during the general parish
meeting by a two-thirds majority vote of those present, given a quorum. An earnest
attempt to resolve the conflict through friendly dialogue should be considered first.
NOTE: Original Parish Guidelines (then called the Constitution) were adopted at the general
parish meeting on June 3, 1970. Guidelines were revised on May 24, 1992, April 18, 1993,
June 14, 1994, May 19, 2010, August 28, 2012, and November 11, 2012.