P Poltronieri, Italian National Research Council, Italy, N Burbulis, Aleksandr Stulginskis University, Lithuania and C Fogher, Catholic University, Italy Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine No. 53 From plant genomics to plant biotechnology ISBN 1 907568 29 8 ISBN-13: 978 1 907568 29 9 November 2013 280 pages 234 x 156mm hardback Approx. £99.00 / US$165.00 / €125.00 About the authors Dr Palmiro Poltronieri is researcher at the Agrofood Department of the Italian National Research Council. He is cofounder of Biotecgen SME - a service company involved in European projects (FP VI STREP Novel roles for non-coding RNAs -RIBOREG- and the FP VII ABSTRESS, starting in 2012), developing molecular tools such as Ribochip DNA arrays, and protein chip tools. He is Associate Editor to BMC Research Notes. He holds a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Verona University, 1995, and from 1996 to 1997 was 'Japanese Society for Promotion of Science' post-doctoral fellow at Tsukuba University. Since 1999 as a researcher for the NRC he has been studying plant protease inhibitors, and their applications. Current interest is on the water stress response in roots of tolerant and sensitive chickpea varieties, activating the jasmonic acid synthesis pathway at different timing. Dr Natalija Burbulis is currently head of the agrobiotechnology laboratory and professor at the Crop Science and Animal Husbandry Department of the Aleksandr Stulginskis University (Lithuania). She holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural science obtained from the Lithuanian University of Agriculture, and for 10 years performed research in plant biotechnology, physiology and biochemistry. Current studies are in vitro selection of oilseed crops (rapeseed and linseed) genotypes with important agronomic traits, including disease resistance, cold tolerance and oil quality improvements. Professor Corrado Fogher, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Genetics and Responsible for the transgenic plants sector of the Observatory on Transgenic Organisms in Agriculture at the Faculty of Agricultural Science of the Catholic University, Piacenza, Italy. He was NATO Fellow (1982-83) at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Missouri, Columbia, Researcher (1984-85) at the Department of Cellular Physiology and Molecular Genetics of the Pasteur Institute, Paris, and Visiting scientist (summer of 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995) at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California. He is Author or co-author of more than 70 peer-reviewed papers. He is Research Director of thee SMEs, Plantechno, Incura and SunChem. From Plant Genomics to Plant Biotechnology Introduction <TXT>This book aims to provide an overview of research advancements in plant genomics, functional genomics and plant phenotyping, exploring the next generation technologies (Chapter 1), small RNAs and RNA silencing (Chapters2and7), epigenetics (Chapter 3), metabolomics (Chapters4 and 5), transcriptomics and functional genomics in conifers (Chapter 5), in tomato (Chapter 6), with a special focus on the interactions between hormones and light response genes, in grape (Chapters 7 and8) and in peach (Chapter 9), doubled haploid technology in breeding of Brassica napus (Chapter 10), biotechnological approaches in cereal crops (Chapter 11) and biotechnological approaches for production of bioactives such as resveratrol in biofermentors and in modified tomato plants (Chapter 12). Plant functional genomics is presented under different approaches, in crop plants (Chapter 1) and in conifers (Chapter 5), with summaries of studies in genomics and transcriptomics in berries and fruit trees (Chapters 7 and 8). These achieved scientific advancements have the potential to improve specialty crops (fruits, vegetables) and other plants for food and non-food applications. In the coming years, these technologies will influence scientific advancements with applicable uses, especially in such fields as agronomy, stress-resistant varieties, improvement of plant fitness, improving crop yields, and other non-food applications. Skilled human resources are an essential building block for competitiveness. Supporting training and the acquisition of expertise, for young scientists in particular, will help to widen their skill base and to develop links within and between the academic and industrial research environments. This book is aimed not only at plant scientists but also at academy staff and students, thanks to the involvement of severalauthors with international genome sequencing projects and functional genomics (the Solanaceae (tomato and potato), Rosaceae (strawberry, peach),grape, and conifers genomics groups). In the topics covered, differences in genome structure, organization, small RNAs, and types of fruit are presented and discussed from the point of view of different species and groups, benefiting both plant students and specialists focused on individual plants. In several chapters, ongoing and former international projects are presented, together with new approaches and technologies, often led by private companies, to produce plant trees and tree transgenics. Furthermore, the book aims to focus the attention of public authorities and the scientific community on the problematics and the monitoring of trials with new transgenic plants, providing some links and websites on monitoring activities of specific COST actions and international research projects. <CN>1 <CT>From plant genomics to -omics technologies <AU>Palmiro Poltronieri, Institute of Sciences of Food Productions, ISPA-CNR, Via Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy At the beginning of the last decade a revolution in high-throughput DNA sequencing, based on a high number of capillaries, high automation, robotic handling and microplate preparation of cDNAs, allowed collections of complete transcribed sequences (full-length cDNA libraries) (Carninci et al. 2003) to be produced for the human and mouse complete genomes. This approach was immediately applied to model plants such as Arabidopsis. The general opinion was that DNA coding sequences were present in genomes at a relatively small number (approx. 25 000–30 000 genes), surrounded by junk non-coding sequences. Since 2003, large-scale studies have aimed at the identification of RNA transcripts non-coding for proteins (ncRNAs), as a massive output of transcription (Frith et al. 2006). RNomics took the stage from the hypothesis that DNA is thestatic element of genetic information, thehardware, while RNA is the active information, the software. The ability of RNAs to orchestrate chromatin states, DNA transcription, differential splicing, RNA translation, post-transcriptional modification and protein stability determines a hidden layer of complexity of genetic information. In thisway, not only did protein product numbers increase through the use of different transcription starts and different splicing sites, but also genes producing regulatory RNAs (long and small RNAs) were taken into account. <TXTIND>ENOD40 (Campalans et al. 2004), one of the first plant riboregulators, is produced in legume roots during nodulation, inducing the reprogramming of legume root cells. It functions as a structured RNA, through its binding to an RNA binding protein, but is also transcribed into a small peptide, thus belonging to a novel category of plant dual RNAs (Bardou et al. 2011). <TXTIND>In the years from 2004 to 2007, the project ‘Riboreg’, in the frame of the European Commission VIth Framework Programme (FP6), brought together scientists such as Martin Crespi, Hervé Vaucheret, Joszef Burgyan, Javier Paz-Ares, Sakari Kauppinen and Jean-Marc Deragon, focused on RNAs in plants (Poltronieri and Santino 2012). A cooperative activity supported the production of the first Arabidopsis DNA microarray targeting ncRNAs and RNA binding proteins, to study transcripts in different tissues and in legume plants subjected to environmental stresses (Laporte et al. 2007). DNA microarray platforms are today available for many plants, from Affymetrix GeneChip technology to in-situ synthesised microarrays (CombiMatrix, NimbleGen, Oxford Gene Technology, Agilent). Nowadays, transcriptomic studies are possible even for plants without sequenced genomes, through the development of EST libraries, cDNA collections, and highthroughput transcript profiling and next-generation sequencing (NGS). The new sequencing technologies (454/Roche GS FLX, SOLiD, Illumina GAIIX, new NGS platforms) have set up the basis for genome-wide comprehensive transcriptomics and analysis of RNAs (Metzker 2008; Oshlack et al. 2012). One recent effort focused on the transcriptome of Catharanthus roseus (SmartCell EU project, http://www-smart-cell.org). 1.1 SuperSAGE Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) was a method exploited during the pre-genomic era to individuate each transcript based on sequencing short tags of 16 to 18 bases in length. Nowadays SuperSAGE, based on longer reads, such as tags of 26 bases in length, allows powerful serial analysis of gene expression (Matsumura et al., 2012) (Figure 1.1). Several protocols exploit restriction enzymes releasing 26-mer nucleotides and the application of tags to recognise the 5’ and 3’ ends of sequenced nucleic acids, allowing whole transcriptome studies to be performed. High-throughput SuperSAGE or DeepSuperSAGE is based on massive sequence analysis on the new, high-throughput NGS platforms. HT-SuperSAGE is suitable for use with the Illumina Genome Analyzer and the SOLiD sequencer (Matsumura et al., 2010). This approach allows deep transcriptome analysis and multiplexing, while reducing time, cost and effort of the analysis. SuperSAGE-Arrays were used for high-throughput transcription profiling studies, in legume genomes without completed DNA sequencing, to find differentially expressed genes in stresstolerant and stress-susceptible genotypes. The DeepSuperSAGE protocol applied to chickpea (Molina et al., 2008,2011) allowed early global transcriptome changes in drought and salt-stressed chickpea roots and nodules to be detected and metabolic pathways relevant to these stress responses to be individuated. Different varieties responded differently to abiotic stresses, showing significant intra-specific genetic variability. These studies identified new up-regulated and down-regulated genes and isoforms with tissue-specific expression, and assigned gene function through homology with genes already present in databases. The SuperSAGE data were used to design Taqman primers splice variant-specific and isoformspecific for chickpea genes in Real-Time PCR studies in root tissues of two not yet studied varieties in drought stress conditions, validating these data with high performance liquid chromatography (HLPC) and Mass analysis of the intermediates produced and active hormone forms (De Domenico et al., 2012). Recent sequencing technologies have revitalised sequencing approaches in genomics and have produced opportunities for various emerging analytical applications. A new European FP7 project, AB-Stress, based on DeepSuperSAGE, epigenetics and DNA methylation changes, aims to elucidate the stress-induced small RNome in legumes (pea and Medicago) plants during biotic and abiotic stresses (Poltronieri and Santino 2012). <A>1.2 CAGE –cap analysis of gene expression <TXT>DNA Next-Generation Sequencing technologies have also been applied to the identification of the 5′ end of cDNAs and to the differentiation of transcription start sites of expressed genes. CAGE is a 5′ sequence tag technology applied to globally determine transcription start sites in the transcribed genome and to measure the expression levels: the production of tags is combined with Next-Gen sequencing for high-throughput processivity (Takahashi et al. 2012). In principle, a CAGE protocol resembles a SuperSAGE protocol, except for the selective capturing of 5′ capped mRNAs, a method previously exploited by Carninci in the preparation of full-length cDNA libraries. Recently, CAGE has been adapted to the HeliScope single molecule sequencer. Despite significant simplifications in the CAGE protocol, it is still a labour intensive protocol (Itoh et al. 2012). <A>1.3 -Omics and new advancement in plant functional genomics <TXT>Systems biology enables determination of how the interconnected networks of genes and gene products work together in steering biological processes, for instance, to produce fruit and grain, or to determine the performance of the plant under different specific environmental conditions (Mochida and Shinozaki 2011). Systems biology will allow scientists to reveal how natural genetic variation creates biodiversity and, together with innovative genomic technologies, will support researchers in the discovery of methods for breeding plants. There is a need for resources and analytical tools for functional genomics, through different approaches, application of ‘omics’ (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics) technologies, plant phenotyping, Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis and identification of genes by expression QTL (eQTL) (Figure 1.2), in order to understand the molecular systems that regulate various plant functions. Great numbers of plant genomes have been released in recent years, exploited for understanding of vascular plants (Bancks et al. 2011) or highly important tree species (Grattapaglia et al. 2012, Slavov et al. 2012), phylogenetic studies or advancements in phenotype analysis (Chia et al. 2012; The Tomato Genome Consortium 2012). A recent overview ofplant genomes and their exploitation discusses this wealth of data on plant genomes (Ranjan et al. 2012). Traditional studies developing plant resources, such as conventional breeding and marker-assisted selection, need to be supported by the genomics and -omics information, thanks to the new high-throughput platforms. These efforts can produce improvements in food crops and non-food plants, obtaining an increase in the production of plants with desired traits. TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes) and collections of plant mutants, reverse and forward genetics (tissue-specific expression and gene silencing) have been extended from model plants (Arabidopsis, Medicago) to important food crops. In tomato, the development of genetic and genomic resources has led to the development of functional genomic resources of tomato as a model cultivar with great importance for human nutrition (Ranjan et al. 2012; Matsukura et al. 2008). Tomato populations treated with 1.0% ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) showed a frequency (one mutation per 737 kb) suitable for producing an allelic series of mutations in the target genes (Okabe et al. 2011; Minoia et al. 2010). Micro-Tom TILLING platforms were used for efficient mutant isolation, as a tool to study fruit biology and for obtaining novel genetic material to be used to improve agronomic traits. A tomato in silico database, TOMATOMA, is a relational system interfacing modules between mutant line names and phenotypic categories (Saito et al. 2011). Small RNAs include microRNAs, siRNAs and tasi-RNAs (Eamens et al. 2011; Poltronieri and Santino 2012).MicroRNAs target mRNAs by forming duplexes on the complementary seed sequences (7 bases in length) in mRNA transcripts. miRNAs negatively affect their targets through a variety of transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms, such as mRNA degradation or blocking transcription. RNA silencing and RNA interference allow specific knockdown of individual gene targets. At low concentration, microRNAs are able to affect the expression of several genes and of hundreds of mRNAs of one gene target. Because miRNAs target several different mRNA species, often in a tissue-specific manner, the delivery of RNAs complementary to miRNAs, as miRNA blockers, may affect and control cell growth more strongly than antisense RNA and RNA analogs. Hence, the ability of individual miRNAs to target multiple genes and pathways is potentially a major advantage. Several methods have been developed to inhibit a specific microRNA, such as target mimicry (Rubio-Somoza and Manavella 2011) or the siRNA sponges, in which long RNA strands containing hundreds of thousands to millions of nucleotides are designed to be cleaved by cells’RNA processing machinery into siRNAs inside the cells, to produce a high copy number of expressed antagomiRs (Lee et al. 2012). Diverse and complementary technologies to study plant adaptation in response to biotic and abiotic stress will benefit from top-down and bottom-up genomics approaches to identify potential gene candidates for innovative molecular breeding strategies. Gene overexpression and gene knock-out in plant tissue cultures (Ariel et al. 2010) and RNA interference will take the stage in coming years (Rubio-Somoza and Manavella 2011). The exploitation of RNA silencing and antisense technologies for controlling gene expression hasbeen translated into new plant phenotypes and tree populations with novel traits. Several international collaborations are at an advanced stage, forexample, European COST activities FA0804: http://molfarm.ueb.cas.cz/‘Molecular farming: plants as a production platform for high value proteins’,FA1006 http://www.plantengine.eu/‘Plant Metabolic Engineering for High Value Products’, and the EU collaborative project ‘Green factories for the next generation of pharmaceuticals’,SmartCell. Other projects aim to develop novel tree genetic strategies, such as the NovelTree project http://cordis.europa.eu/projects/rcn/88733_en.html,and to improve major forest genetics and forestry research infrastructures (Trees4Future,http://www.trees4future.eu/). There are two coordinated approaches to the topic of plant biotechnology:the first, COST FP0905, for monitoring transgenic trees in vitro and in field trials, ‘Biosafety of forest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives’,http://www.cost-action-fp0905.eu/(Walter et al. 2010);and the second FA0806,‘Plant virus control employing RNA-based vaccines’,http://costfa0806.aua.gr/. COST The exploitation of RNA silencing and antisense technologies for controlling gene expression has already translated into new plant phenotypes and tree varieties adapted to cold climates (such as the SENESCO Inc. proprietary technology to produce transgenic plants and trees). Recently Carol Auer summarised the state-of-the-art of plant biotechnologies with a special focus on new approaches based on small RNAs, RNA interference and production of RNA-mediated traits in plants (Auer 2011). The potential of RNA-regulated traits in non-food plants and biofuelproducing plants is enormous. Accordingly, new methods for risk analysis are required to perform analyses of off-target effects and persistence of RNAs in the environment. Complexity Science, Informing Science, -Omics Engineering could effectively support and integrate methodologies of different academic fields. To this end, cloud computing and the sharing of data networks are possible today using new tools and software, designed to work in Linux based environments, while new systems will become open for use on Microsoft, such as the Windows2Galaxy project. The continued adoption of Galaxy by the life sciences community depends on the enhancement of features and development of new functionality. A number of new features were recently highlighted by members of the Galaxy development team (Li et al. 2012). Some recent scientific developments have shown an impact on food and non-food crops: breakthroughs in understanding how plant cells recognise different hormones and which signalling pathways are activated by hormones (Razem and Baron 2006; Fuji et al. 2009; Yin et al. 2009) and the links between epigenetics and abiotic stress memory (Urano et al. 2008); the role of plant sRNAs and epigenetics in the regulation of development and stress response (Chuck and O’Connor 2010; Matsui et al. 2008; Mercian et al. 2007); and understanding how interactions between genome elements (DNA, RNA) and the environment make a plant body. Understanding how non-coding RNAs work will reveal novel mechanisms involved in growth control and differentiation. <TXTIND>Skilled human resources are an essential building block for competitiveness. 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Index Chapter 2 Plant microRNAs Moreno Colaiacovo and Primetta Faccioli,Genomics Research Centre, Agricultural Research Council, Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Italy Chapter 3 Epigenetic control by plant Polycomb proteins: new perspectives and emerging roles in stress response Filomena De Lucia,Institut Pasteur, France, and Valérie Gaudin, Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, France Chapter 4 Metabolite profiling for plant research Nalini Desai and Danny Alexander,Metabolon, Inc.,USA Chapter 5 The uniqueness of conifers Carmen Diaz-Sala, Department of Plant Biology, University of Alcalá, Spain,José Antonio Cabezas, National Research Institute for Agricultural and Food Technology (INIA), Spain, Brígida Fernández de Simón, National Research Institute for Agricultural and Food Technology (INIA), Spain, Dolores Abarca, Department of Plant Biology, University of Alcalá, Spain, M. Ángeles Guevara, National Research Institute for Agricultural and Food Technology (INIA), Spain, Mixed Unit of Forest Genomics and Ecophysiology, INIA/UPM, Spain, Marina de Miguel, National Research Institute for Agricultural and Food Technology (INIA), Spain, Estrella Cadahía, National Research Institute for Agricultural and Food Technology (INIA), Spain, Ismael Aranda, National Research Institute for Agricultural and Food Technology (INIA), Spain, and María-Teresa Cervera, National Research Institute for Agricultural and Food Technology (INIA), Spain,Mixed Unit of Forest Genomics and Ecophysiology, INIA/UPM, Spain Chapter 6 Cr yptochrome genes modulate global transcriptome of tomato Loredana Lopez andGaetano Perrotta,ENEA, Trisaia Research Centre, Italy Chapter 7 Genomics of grapevine: from genomics research on model plants to crops and from science to grapevine breeding Fatemeh Maghuly, BOKU VIBT, Austria,Giorgio Gambino, Plant Virology Institute, National Research Council (IVV-CNR), Italy,Tamas Deak, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, and Margit Laimer,BOKU VIBT, Austria Chapter 8 Grapevine genomics and phenotypic diversity of bud sports, varieties and wild relatives Gabriele Di Gasperoand Raffaele Testolin, Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali, University of Udine, Italy and Institute of Applied Genomics / Istituto di Genomica Applicata, Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Luigi Danieli, Italy Chapter 9 Peach ripening transcriptomics unveils new and unexpected targets for the improvement of drupe quality Nicola Busatto, Abdur Md Rahim andLivio Trainotti,University of Padova, Italy Chapter 10 Application of doubled haploid technology in breeding of Brassica napus Natalija Burbulis,Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Lithuania and Laima S. Kott, University of Guelph, Canada Chapter 11 Plant biodiversity and biotechnology: A focus on cereals Naglaa A. Ashry,Field Crops Research Institute, ARC, Egypt Chapter 12 Natural resveratrol bioproduction Angelo Santino, Marco Taurino, Ilaria Ingrosso and Giovanna Giovinazzo,Institute of Sciences of Food Productions, CNR-ISPA, Italy