Student Presentations (75 pts) As mentioned in the syllabus, each of you will be responsible for preparing and giving a presentation on a topic relevant to conservation biology. The expectations for this are as follows: Prepare a well organized, 6-7 minute presentation with Microsoft Power Point. A good rule of thumb to use is 1 slide per minute so each of your presentations will likely contain 5-10 slides. We will use a laptop and computer projector for these presentations. I will give a Power Point Tutorial on Tues April 15 at 6pm in Weaver Auditorium. Topics will be of your choosing, but they must be relevant to conservation biology. You may expand on a specific topic presented by one of the speakers, find a topic that was not discussed in class but is important in conservation, discuss the conservation efforts for a specific imperiled species or community, or explore different methods/tools used by conservation biologists. I will give you considerable leeway in choosing your topics; however, I will need to approve them before hand. You may use any references (i.e., web, texts, journal articles, library books) available to you to research your topic, but you will need at least three separate references and at least one of these must be from the library. Include a References slide at the end of your talk. The order in which you speak will be determined randomly. I'll post the schedule of presentations on the web no later than Tuesday, April 8. Your presentation will be graded as follows: 1.) Send me an email with the topic of your talk and your library reference (you may use whatever format you'd like for the references) by 5pm on Monday April 7. I will reply to your email to let you know if the topic is acceptable. (5 pts) 2.) Email me a copy of your Power Point presentation by 5pm the day before you are scheduled to give your presentation so I can load them on the laptop and post them on the web. (5 pts) 3.) Presentation Grade (65 pts): a.) Content (i.e. organization of talk, definition of key terms, explanation of methods, etc.) - 40 pts b.) Delivery (i.e. speaking pace, diction, enthusiasm, evidence of preparation, length of presentation etc.) - 15 pts c.) Aesthetics/Visual Aids (i.e., amount of info per slide, number of slides, color combo, clarity, etc.) - 10 pts