The GP’s of Whitchurch Health Centre The Armada Family Practice The Green Practice Dr G Badger Dr I da Costa Dr J Blackburn Dr S Blackburn Dr N Crichton Dr K Jones Dr G Worsley Dr JW Reid Whitchurch Health Centre Armada Road Whitchurch Bristol BS14 0SU Tel. 01275 839421 Fax. 01275 540035 Our Ref. To: All members of the Patient Participation Group Date 7th Sept 2015 Summary of the Patient Participation Group Meeting held at Whitchurch Health Centre on Monday 7th September 2015. Attendees: Carol Millard Alan Lindsay Dr Kate Jones Julie Welch (Practice Manager and PPG Secretary) Tracy Moon , Reception Supervisor Ann Kerrigan Robert Nevett Dr John Reid Teena Harris, Nurse Sister June Long Jo Cox, Senior Administrator Georgina Bryant, Administrator 1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies Alan Lindsay welcomed everyone to the meeting which started at 6pm. Apologies were received from Helen Endicott and Sue Cornish. Teena, Jo, Tracy & Georgina introduced themselves to the group. 2. Actions Arising from Previous Meeting The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record. 3. Appointment of new Chair and Secretary JW confirmed that she would be happy to remain as Secretary and Carol Millard confirmed that she will take over as the Chair as voted and seconded at the meeting on the 11th May 2015. 4. CQC – Statement of Purpose The PPG approved and signed off our draft CQC Statement of Purpose. It will be displayed on our website and in the waiting area. 5. Invitation to join the PPG The invite letter was approved and will be given out at the Health Centre Flu clinics by Ann, Carol and June. 6. Flu Clinics Ann, Carol and June also very kindly agreed to hand out our “self-help” leaflet packs at the same time. 7. One Care Consortium Invite Ann has volunteered to be the practice rep at the One Care meetings and if we are able to add a second name Carol has offered to share the role with her. 8. PMS Review JW explained to the group about the forthcoming PMS Contract reviews and that both practices are going to have their contract payments cut by a significant amount of money, starting April 2016, by NHS England. The Practices have to undergo a demanding time consuming exercise with NHSE and the CCG to justify reimbursement of the cuts via a different funding stream, but the very real likelihood is that we will have to cut services! JW asked for the help of the PPG to petition the NHSE and the CCG, if necessary in the future and the PPG wholeheartedly agreed to support us. 9. DNA’s, Numbers & Cost During August 15 the Armada Practice had 197 DNA’s and the Green Practice 62 at a cost of £3126 and £984 respectively. It was agreed by the group that if a patient DNA’s more than 3 times we will send them a letter informing them that one more DNA and they will be removed from the practice list. 10. Pharmacy 2U JW explained that we had contacted pharmacy 2U and asked them to remove the Armada Name from their leaflet as we had not agreed to support their service in any way what so ever. 11. Emis online access and Emergency call back phone number RN asked why our patients cannot book more than one online appointment at a time and if it is possible for us to have an emergency patient call back number; both these services are being offered at other practices. JW explained that the online booking restriction is down to EMIS and that she would need to speak to the partners about the emergency number. RN to confirm which Practice/s is currently providing this service and JW will investigate further. 12. AOB NAPP Certificate – is being displayed in the waiting area and JW gave the PPG members a copy of the July – Aug e-bulletin. Armada are reviewing their appointment system again as the advice line is growing out of control and being abused by some patients. The PPG agreed with the Armada Practices suggestion that the advice line should only be open from 12-6pm daily and that we have 24 hours to respond to calls, 6-6:30pm will be restricted to emergency calls only. It was decided that the PPG minutes should be loaded to the Practices websites. Finally, JW and JR explained that Dr Joseph Blackburn will be retiring from the Green Practice on the 31st March 2016 and as they have been unable to successfully recruit another partner to work with Dr Reid, they have no option but to discuss the possibility that the Green Practice will merge with the Armada Practice from 1 st April 2016. As soon as we have an approved plan for the future we will contact the Green Practice Patients. 13. Next meeting: JW will send out dates for December 2015/January 2016 The meeting closed at 6:50pm. JA Welch Julie Welch Practice Manager Distribution: External: PPG Members: Internal: Armada Practice – All Partners and Salaried GP’s The Green Practice – All Partners and Salaried GP’s