Met Office College - Course Notes Radar imagery Contents 1. Basic principles 2. Presentation radar data 2.1 Plan position indicator (PPI) Constant altitude plan position indicator (CAP) 2.3 Range–height indicator (RHI) 3. Problems in radar imagery interpretation 3.1 Spurious echoes 3.2 Anomalous propagation (anaprop) 3.3 Secondary radar echoes. 3.3.1 Second-trip echoes 3.3.2 Sidelobe echoes 3.3.3 Flare echoes 3.4 Screening of precipitation by hills Growth and evaporation of precipitation below the beam. 3.6 Drop-size effects Snow and ice: bright bands. 3.8 Adjustment of radar rainfall estimates using rain gauge data These notes are extracts from ‘Images in Weather Forecasting’ by MJ Bader, GS Forbes, JR Grant, RBE Lilley and AJ Waters Crown Copyright. Permission to quote from this document must be obtained from The Principal, Met Office College Page 1 of 13 Last saved date: 16 February 2016 FILE: MS-TRAIN-COLLEGE-WORK-D:\106737122.DOC Met Office College 1. Basic principles The distribution and intensity of precipitation can be measured using weather radars which operate in the 3 to 10 cm wave-length range. With radiation of this type the detection of cloud particles is virtually impossible and most weather radars respond only to larger, precipitation-sized, particles. A radar measures the power scattered back to it from the multitude of precipitation-sized water droplets or snow flakes in a volume of atmosphere. Such a volume, known as a ‘pulse volume’, and is defined by the pulse length l, the radar beamwidth and the range r. Measurements are made virtually simultaneously in pulse volumes at different ranges during the rotation of the radar beam. Figure 1. Geometery of a pulse volume, Pulse length l, range r and beam-width . Pulse volumes are not small, at a range of 100 km with typical values of l = 1 km and = 1°, the pulse volume is 1 km 3. Provided a pulse volume is completely and uniformly filled with raindrops the average power (Pr) returned from the raindrops at a range r is given by: Pr C1C2 ZK (radar equation) r2 where: r Is the range. Pr Is the average power returned from the raindrops at range r. C1 Depends on the calibration of the radar hardware. C2 Depends on the type of precipitation (rain or snow). Z Is the radar reflectivity factor. K Is an attenuation coefficient accounting for energy loss as the radar beam passes through intervening precipitation. The radar reflectivity factor Z is defined as the sum over unit volume of the sixth power of the raindrop diameters D (Z=D6) The signal strength of successive radar echoes produced by precipitation fluctuates rapidly due to the motion of the particles, and the value of Pr has to be an average of some 25 independent sample measurements. It is important to understand that the radar equation is a very simplified relationship that depends on many assumptions. These include: Page 2 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc r Radar Imagery a) A pulse volume is completely filled with small, spherical, randomly located precipitation particles. b) The particles are either all water or all ice. c) Z is uniform throughout the pulse volume and constant during the sampling interval. Any abnormalities either in the distribution of the meteorological elements or in the performance of the radar hardware will detract from the representivity of Pr or Z. Despite this limitation it is common practice to convert Z into a corresponding rainfall rate, ‘R’. This is done by using an empirical Z–R relationship of the type Z = aRB where Z depends on D6 The value of R depends on several things: The liquid water content The fall speed of the raindrop, which is also a function of the diameter of the drops The presence of updraughts or downdraughts Strong updraughts may even keep precipitation suspended inside the cloud. Accurate conversion of Z into R therefore requires a knowledge of the drop-size spectrum and the vertical wind speed, both of which vary in time and space. No simple relationship between Z and R can therefore give accurate results in every situation. Through experimentation the problem has been solved empirically and typical values used are: for stratiform rain, a = 200 and B = 1.6 for convective rain, a = 350 and B = 1.4. In practice, real-time adjustments to the Z–R conversion are sometimes made using readings from a number of rain gauges. 2. Presentation radar data 2.1 Plan position indicator (PPI) This is the most common display of radar data, and the majority of radar images are of this type. For a given elevation angle of the radar beam, the data are projected on to the ground plane. The data come from close to the ground at short ranges and from higher altitudes at longer ranges. Figure 2 shows how the height of the beam changes with distance. It is worth noting that many radars are sited on hilltops, so away from the immediate vicinity of the radar the height of the beam above ground may be greater than that shown in Figure 2. Page 3 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Met Office College Figure 2. The variation in height and width of a radar beam with distance given an elevation of 1.5o. 2.2 Constant altitude plan position indicator (CAP) An alternative to a single PPI display is a constant altitude PPI, or CAPPI, display. This is constructed in a computer from a series of circular sweeps at different elevation angles, low at long ranges and high at short ranges, so that the beam centres are all at nearly the same altitude above the radar site level and the rate of rainfall at that altitude is displayed. 2.3 Range–height indicator (RHI) An RHI display is a vertical cut through the atmosphere, made by nodding the radar antenna up and down at a specific azimuth. This form of display shows the vertical extent of precipitation elements within a cloud system and of certain micro-physical processes associated with them. For example, the level of the melting layer can usually be readily detected by the enhanced returns from wet snow, known as the ‘bright band’. The vertical pattern of reflectivity can also be used to classify rainfall events into stratiform, convective or severe storm types. 3. Problems in radar imagery interpretation The interpretation of radar images in terms of rainfall intensity at the ground is complicated by several factors. These require the modification of observed patterns of radar echoes from within a cloud. Although useful corrections for these factors can be made automatically, both for single radars and in an operational network, they cannot be wholly Page 4 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Radar Imagery eliminated and an understanding of their effects constitutes an important step in improving the usefulness of the imagery to forecasters. 3.1 Spurious echoes Not all echoes on a weather radar are due to rain or snow. Nonmeteorological returns may be caused by: The Earth’s surface and stationary objects on it. Transient objects such as ships, aircraft, birds, insects. Technical problems with the radar equipment. Interference from other sources, such as nearby radars. On PPI displays the patterns produced by many of these effects are so different from real meteorological echoes that their occurrences are easily identifiable and do not mislead forecasters. The most common of the non-meteorological echoes are ground echoes, or ‘clutter’. These occur when a radar beam intersects any surface feature, such as high ground, buildings and trees. The echoes mainly occur close to the radar site, where the beam is at a low elevation and they can be identified by their persistence. Ground clutter, shown in Figure 3, can be substantially reduced by the automated use of the following. i. A ground clutter map generated from the echoes received on a cloudless day. Echoes from the clutter regions on subsequent rainy days can then be ignored, and interpolated data from surrounding areas can be used. ii. A higher beam elevation at close range, or a CAPPI presentation at an elevation above the level of the terrain. iii. Doppler radar, picking out and eliminating stationary clutter from moving rain. Figure 3. An example of ground clutter from a single radar site on a cloudless day. Page 5 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Met Office College 3.2 Anomalous propagation (anaprop) Anomalous propagation occurs during conditions of strong static stability in the lower atmosphere. Figure. 4 (a) shows a typical structure, with a strong temperature inversion and marked hydrolapse at a level of a few thousand feet (1–2 km). Within the inversion layer the radar beam is refracted downwards relative to its initial path, and an abnormal increase in ground clutter is then observed. Over land, anaprop produces a chaotic, speckled display of echoes with large changes of intensity. Over the sea the effect is often less pronounced, but with rough seas it may be as strong as over land. Anaprop is most common in anticyclonic conditions or when there is a deep (100–200 m) nocturnal inversion from the surface. In the latter situation its onset and cessation can often be rapid, especially during the formation or breakdown of the inversion. An animated display can be helpful in identifying anaprop, which usually either appears stationary or moves erratically. Occasionally, however, echoes due to anaprop can move systematically like real rain. PPIs at high elevation angles, or CAPPIs at higher altitudes, usually show no returns and are effective in eliminating the problem from a single radar display. With a network, the marked differences observed by the overlapping radars may enable some of the anaprop to be identified. Radar Ground echoes Returned Figure 4. The top diagram (a) shows a typical vertical temperature structure associated with anaprop. The bottom diagram shows the path of the radar beam. Page 6 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Radar Imagery 3.3 Secondary radar echoes. The term ‘secondary echoes’ is used here to summarize some comparatively rare effects deriving from the non-standard performance of a radar system or from multiple reflections of a radar beam in hail storms. These echoes are rarely a problem in northern Europe. 3.3.1 Second-trip echoes A radar has a maximum effective range for determining rainfall rates and this depends on its pulse repetition frequency, or the time interval between successive pulses. Only those echoes that return during the interval between the transmission of one pulse and the next can have their locations unambiguously interpreted. Echoes from targets beyond this maximum range return to the radar after the next pulse has been transmitted. Their distances are then determined from the short time interval elapsing since the most recent transmission, rather than from the longer time interval since the transmission of the original pulse. A false, elongated echo emanating from the radar site may then be displayed, see Figure 5. Such effects are known as second-trip echoes, and may be very unexpected and unnerving for an inexperienced user. Figure 5 Second trip echoes from beyond the normal maximum range of the radar shown by X. The top diagram (a) show a range height indication diagram where the rain clouds are within and partly beyond the maximum range. The bottom diagram(b) shows is a schematic Plan Position Indicator with real echoes A and B1, there is also a false echo shown by B2. Page 7 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Met Office College 3.3.2 Sidelobe echoes Radars transmit energy along a mainbeam having a typical beam-width of about 1°. There are also secondary power transmissions along side lobes located a few degrees from the main beam centre. Normally the side lobe returns are too weak to be significant. An exception may occur with very highly reflective targets, such as columns of heavy rain or hail within a cumulonimbus cloud. Figure 6. shows a schematic range height indicator presentation through a distant cumulonimbus, with the main radar beam drawn at a high elevation that passes above the physical echo top. The side lobe transmission, however, is still striking the hail column within the cloud, and the resulting echo is associated by the radar with the main beam. Thus an apparent ‘spike’ is produced, up to the main beam level, giving an exaggerated estimate of where the true echo top lies. Figure 6 The main radar beam overshoots the cloud top but the sidelobe transmission is reflected. The true top of the cloud is given by T and T’ is the observed top. 3.3.3 Flare echoes Another effect which can cause a ‘hailspike’ to appear on a PPI display, as in Figure 7 (a), is the result of lengthening the path of the returning echo through multiple reflections from the hail and the ground. This is shown schematically in Figure 7 (b). The extra time taken for the signal to return is interpreted by the radar as a more distant echo and is represented as a radial spike extending away from the storm, as at H in Figure 7. Page 8 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Radar Imagery H Figure 7 The top diagram (a) shows a flare echo indicated by H. The bottom diagram (b) indicates the process of multi-reflection of radar signal from hail and ground. 3.4 Screening of precipitation by hills Screening, or occultation, of precipitation by hills results in a reduction of the rainfall that is estimated by a radar at places beyond the high ground, as illustrated in Figure 8. Provided that the screening is only partial, corrections to the estimated rainfall can be applied routinely from a knowledge of the topography, according to the percentage of the total beam that is blocked by the hills. Page 9 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Met Office College Figure 8 The effect of hills blocking a radar beam 3.5 Growth and evaporation of precipitation below the beam. The best estimate of the surface rainfall intensity is obtained when the radar beam elevation is as low as possible, compatible with the screening and ground clutter problems discussed above. But, as shown in Figure 9 (a), even at the lowest angle of elevation some rainfall detected within a cloud (at L) may evaporate in dry air below the level of the beam. This will lead to an overestimate of the rainfall rate at the surface (O). A practical consequence of this evaporation may be a forecast error of one to two hours for the start of rain at the surface, especially at the leading edge of warm fronts. The effect is most noticeable at long ranges, where the beam may be several kilometres above the ground. A process leading to the opposite effect is illustrated in Figure 9 (b). The low-level enhancement of rainfall beneath the radar beam is common over wind-facing slopes. Light rain (L), formed in higher level clouds and falling through very moist, cloudy air near the surface can lead to a large increase in the rainfall rate (H) at very low levels. This is the ‘seeder-feeder’ mechanism of rainfall intensification. The enhancement is frequently not detected by radar over hilly terrain where the beam must be high to avoid the effects of ground clutter. 3.6 Drop-size effects The Z–R relationships quoted in Section 1 contain an implicit assumption concerning the drop sizes at different rain-fall rates. They tend to overestimate the actual rainfall rate from clouds such as cumulonimbus, which have a greater proportion of larger raindrops than assumed. Equally, those layer clouds which contain smaller raindrops than assumed will have their rainfall underestimated. A correction for this non-uniformity may be made by comparing the radar estimates of rainfall with those observed in a local rain gauge network Page 10 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Radar Imagery Figure 9 Variation in rainfall rates below cloud. Top diagram (a) shows the evaporation of rain below the radar beam. The bottom diagram (b) shows the increased rainfall by orographic enhancement below the radar beam. 3.7 Snow and ice: bright bands. Snow flakes and ice particles have a refractive index and fallspeed which are significantly different from those of raindrops. Z–R relationships which have been established for snow are different from those for rain (see Section 1). A typical relationship is Z = 2000 R2. This relationship implies that radars operating at a wavelength of about 10 cm are insensitive to light snowfalls. Coupled with the shallow depth of cloud associated with many snowfalls this means that 3 cm radars, which have a high sensitivity and narrow beam-width, are preferable for obtaining the best results under these conditions. In temperate climates, much of the precipitation that reaches the ground as rain is originally formed as ice and snow at high levels inside a cloud. As they fall to Earth the frozen crystals become coated with liquid water at the melting level and for a short distance below. In this form their radar Page 11 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Met Office College reflectivity is much higher than that of either the snow at higher levels or the rain below. A band of high reflectivity known as a bright band is formed. On PPI displays a bright band takes the form of a ring of spuriously high rain-fall. It is often identifiable in an extensive stratiform rain area by its roughly circular arc shape, as in Figure 10. Figure 10 Bright band (circular echo in centre of the picture) due to melting snow indicating heavier rain than actually occurred Hailstones in Cumulonimbus clouds can become very large. Just a few of these, particularly if covered with a layer of water, can give every large reflectivities. For operational forecasters this response may provide a very useful signal on a radar display of the occurrence of severe weather. However, it will not be a good guide to the equivalent rate of rainfall, as the scattering of the radar beam by large hailstones does not obey the same law as scattering by smaller sized rain or snow particles. Without special calibration a radar tends to overstate the rainfall rate, for, although hail may be very damaging in its effects, it may nevertheless produce only modest amounts of precipitation. Page 12 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc Radar Imagery 3.8 Adjustment of radar rainfall estimates using rain gauge data Radar estimates of rainfall are liable to all the sources of error mentioned above in Section 3. Even though corrective measures are taken, there will always be some level of error remaining in the radar estimates, and a comparison between them and some relevant rain gauge values is both wise and necessary. It is quite impractical to compare every detail of the rainfall distribution over a radar’s target area, of some 30,000 km2 , as this would require a huge number of gauges. In practice, therefore, some three or four gauges are connected to a radar’s on-site computer, and calibration is carried out automatically on the basis of the telemetered readings from this very restricted network. Research has shown that the ratio averaged over periods of an hour varies significantly with the meteorological character of the rain (stratiform or convective)and with the presence or absence of bright band effects on the radar display. An important step in an automated operational system is therefore the identification of the precipitation type(showers, frontal precipitation, orographic precipitation in warm sectors) and bright band from the variations in B observed at each of the telemetering rain gauges during the course of each hour. It has been possible to derive a method that gives acceptable, but obviously not perfect, results. It is possible to define areas of particular rainfall types, and thus to adjust the radar measurements within them accordingly. There is a strong empirical element in the details of the procedure, but its justification lies in the practical value of the results, which have been shown to be useful in certain synoptic situations (e.g. with orographic enhancement). Much further work can be done, especially in more northerly regions where bright band effects are frequent because of the low altitude of the melting level. Page 13 of 13 Last Saved Date: 16 February 2016 File: ms-train-college-work-d:\106737122.doc