Georgia`s Contributions During World War II

Name: _________________________________
Georgia’s Contributions During World War II
Lesson Essential Question: How did contributions to the war effort affect
Georgia’s people and economy?
1. Men and women joined the military after ____________ bombed ______________.
2. _______________ Georgians served in the _____________ _______________.
3. People in Georgia contributed to the war efforts by:
4. Georgia’s ________________ ______________ played a crucial role in preparing
the nation’s soldiers for war. Many _______________, ________________, and
_________________ were trained in _________________.
5. Some of the major military bases in Georgia include:
6. Several of the military bases in _______________ also served as _____________
of __________ ____________ which housed ___________________ and
_________________. Many ____________________ stayed in _______________
after the war.
Name: _________________________________
7. World War II was also good for Georgia’s ________________.
8. Between 1946-1955, __________ new _______________ began production
throughout the state.
9. _________________________________________ served as a _____________
facility for the army air corps (later called the ___________________________).
10. Robins Air Service Command employed ___________________ civilians.
11. The town of ______________ _______________ was born during this World
War II era.
12. The federal government established _____________ _____________ in
13. Bell Aircraft produced __________ B-29 _____________ which helped to
create hundreds of _________ for Georgians.
14. __________________________________________ in ___________________
built over 80 ships.
15. ________________________ in _____________________ built over 100 ships.
16. Ships built in Georgia’s shipyards were called ___________________ _________
during World War II.
17. Georgia’s _______________ industry produced __________ to support the war.
18. ________________ grew lots of ___________ to feed the troops and citizens at