PSY 341K Reasoning and Decision Making: Final Exam

PSY 341K Reasoning and Decision Making: Final Exam
Please answer the following questions. Be specific and make reference to
readings and concepts from class where possible.
1) Theorists studying both reasoning and decision making have proposed dual
systems models. That is, these theories propose that there are two different systems that
are at work in reasoning and choice. What are these two systems and give two examples
of how they might operate in reasoning and decision making.
2) What do psychologists mean when they ask whether people are reasoning or
making decisions rationally? Do you think people reason and decide rationally? Give
three different pieces of evidence to support your conclusion.
3) We examined the distinction between approach and avoidance goals and the
related difference between promotion and prevention focus in motivation. What is the
difference between approach and avoidance goals? Give two examples of how
promotion and prevention focus can influence decision making or reasoning.
4) What are two ways that cultural differences can affect reasoning and decision
making? Do cultural differences change the way people think fundamentally, or do they
just provide different specific strategies that people can use when reasoning and
deciding? Support your conclusion with specific examples.