THEME 4 - The Family - jeffrey scott longstaff

Page 1 of 1 Communication Strategies 1 Theme 4 “The Family” Vocabulary list
a / the Family
a Normal
(study of DNA)
Genes (your DNA)
to be Descended
the / your / my / their Ancestors
Descend from
to Take after
Teacher: Jeffrey Scott Longstaff
Family life
to be / get pregnant a pregnancy
to be having
a baby (to be pregnant)
to have a baby (general)
to have the baby (specific one)
Fraternal (brotherly)
Paternal (fatherly) to patronize (act like you are my father)
Maternal (motherly) maternal instincts
(had a baby / had the baby)
the / our / your / their Relatives
the Black
Close relatives:
mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister
grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, cousins (first cousin)
to give
Traditional family stories:
sheep of the family (doesn’t fit in)
an Ugly duckling (becomes beautiful later)
the Prodigal son (wastes the family fortune)
a prodigy (genius / sensation / wonder)
Distant Relatives
second cousin (only same great-grandparent),
third cousin (only same great-great-grandparent)
first cousin once removed (child of my first cousin)
great aunt / great uncle,
the / a Traditional
Blood relatives
a Single-parent
(share DNA)
Twins (two children from one pregnancy)
Identical twins (exact same DNA, from 1 egg that split)
Fraternal twins (from one pregnancy with 2 separate eggs)
Triplets (3 children from one pregnancy)
Nuclear family / Immediate family
Extended family
Same-sex marriage
the Family
the Household
a Non-traditional family
Quadruplets, Quintuplets, Sextuplets, Septuplets, Octuplets
In law / In-laws
Family responsibilities
Responsibility to my / your family
your / my Spouse / other-half (wife or husband)
to support
Common law marriage
legally married after living together for a long time
to look
(family by marriage law)
brother-in-law / sister-in-law / father-in-law / mother in-law
a family
Incest (to marry your brother or sister)
an incestuous relationship
to live
(many debates about how close of a relative you can get married to:
moral, religious, genetic, social , legal arguments both ways)
a broken
How many people are in your family?
Do they all live at home?
Who is the most distant member of your close family?
Do you have any in-laws? Who are they?
Who in your family do you take after the most?
Would you describe your family as ‘normal’?
Who is the most unusual person in your family?
Who is the head of your family?
Do you have any interesting stories about your family?
Do you know your family history?
Who are your ancestors?
to depend
to take
at home
care of
to leave
the product of a broken home
a dysfunctional family
a divorce
to pay child
to divorce
to get divorced
support (for your children)
“ Alimony (to your former spouse)
to have visitation rights