Resources for Citizenship & PSHE - Hertfordshire Grid for Learning

Resources for Citizenship and PSHE
KS1 and 2
A volcano in my tummy, eds E. Whitehouse and W. Pudney, New Society Publishers, ISBN
0-86571-349-9 is well written to help 6 – 15 year olds handle their anger.
Alfie gives a hand, Shirley Hughes, Red Fox, ISBN 0-09-925607-X tells the story of
Bernard’s birthday party and the different children’s responses. Lovely drawings.
All About Bullying, Lesley Ely, Little Wise Guides, ISBN 0 340 77901 2 particularly the
cartoon drawings and easy script provide heartening information for pupils.
All About Life, Lesley de Meza and Stephen De Silva, Rapport Learning
ISBN 1-899527-22-2 provides excellent teachers’ notes and very sound lesson ideas. Lesley
and Stephen are highly experienced and have often trained CSF teachers very effectively.
All about me for young people with SEN, ChildLine is a KS2 teachers’ resource book with
excellent PSHE activities and a good range of illustrated sheets for pupils to use
All About You, Wayland series covers relationships with families and friends with superb big
photos and excellent clear texts.
Badger series on assembly stories and teacher books with copy masters, Sue Graves,
Badger Publishing provide very practical and achievable lessons linked to relevant and
engaging short stories
Bullies at school, Theresa Breslin, Floris Books, ISBN 0-86315-437-9 is the story of a girl,
who is tormented and bullied at school and then she decides to take revenge and the
situation alters. Nevertheless, satisfactory ending to a well told tale.
Bully, David Hughes, Walker Books, ISBN 0-7445-3624-3 with marvellous drawings animals
decide to bully the Teddy and the children intervene. Provocative and aids discussions.
Bullying at School, Andrew Mellor, The Scottish Council for Research in Education, ISBN 1
860030 35 1, a booklet for parents provides up-to date information and advice and describes
what families should look out for and what they can do to get help.
Buster gets dressed, Rod Campbell, Campbell Books, ISBN 0-333-65370-X contains easy
words and marvellous illustrations showing Buster dressing himself – flaps to turn.
Busy! Busy! Busy! Jonathan Shipton, Andersen Press,
ISBN 0 86264 310 4 tells how a little boy frees his mother from her chains to the sink.
Chicken, Alan Gibbons, Dolphin Paperbacks, ISBN 1-85881-051-5 tells the story of how
Davy is bullied at school and the unhappiness it causes but it ends in the right way.
Engrossing, believable story – as Davy said: “My problem hadn’t been Webbo, but fear of
Citizenship and Personal, Social and Health Education, Folens Publishers. The pupils’
workbooks are full colour illustrated brief scenarios or stories accompanied by questions and
short exercises. They would probably be of most value in the classroom for pupils with
additional talents or needs unless a set were purchased for the whole class. A teacher guide
provides useful extra information and worksheets
Citizenship & PSHE writing frames, Steve Harrison, Belair Publications, ISBN 1-84191260-3 provides some useful structured support to write about these issues.
Citizenship for Primary Schools developed by the Institute of Citizenship provides a multifaceted Years 1- 6 resource containing teachers ’handbooks, photopacks and big books.
Manifold lively ideas for making discussions, debates, rules and voting.
Children don’t divorce, Rosemary Stones, Happy Cat Paperbacks, ISBN 1-899248-02-1 i
sensitively written with attractive coloured drawings it gives a child’s perspective
Come and eat with us! and Come and play with us! ISBN 0-85953 792 7 and 0-85953
793 5 are highly motivating and charming books with little flaps for children to lift to discover
more about children’s lives across the globe. Lovely detailed drawings and just enough
words. Others in the series: Come and ride with us! and Come home with us!
Co-operative Games, Peace Pledge Union, ISBN 0 902680 41 2 combines theory with may
practical examples and easy ready-to-use lesson plans.
Dealing with racism, Jen Green ISBN 0-7496-4094-4 is full of illustrations, photographs,
cartoon strips and easy-to-read text for children to explore problems.
Dinosaurs alive and well! Laurie Krasny Brown, Collins, ISBN 0 00 184738 4
motivates dinosaurs fans and non-fans, funny and informative about keeping healthy.
Divorce, Janine Amos Cherrytree Works ISBN I 84234 164 2 very accessible short story
about a girl whose parents divorce easy to read, colourfully illustrated with helpful advice
Drugs Education, Groups in Learning is a practical guide, a must for all schools. Contains
a descriptions of assessment, drugs data and good lesson plans.
Ebb’s New Friend, Jane Simmons, Orchard Books ISBN 1-84121-181-8 is a fabulously
illustrated book about a little girl’s friendship with a duck and a dog on a boat.
Excuse me, Brian Moss and Mike Gordon, Wayland, |ISBN 0-7502-2138-0 is a collection of
humorous pictures and quirky lines to illustrate learning about politeness.
Exploring Feelings, Vanessa Rogers, Youth Work Press, ISBN 0 86155 261 X
provides a diverse collection of activities, worksheets and team building games.
Feeling Jealous and Feeling Angry, two titles in Choices series, A & C Black, ISBN 0 7136
4816 3 and 0 7136 6085 6 lets children do the talking about their feelings and providing
answers. Good coloured photos of different children with snappy texts.
First poems for thinking, Robert Fisher, Nash Pollock Publishing, ISBN 1 898 25530 –X
offers some stimulating ideas for teachers to help develop pupils’ independent skills.
Friends, Kim Lewis, Walker Books ISBN 0-7445-6338-0 is a beautifully illustrated story set
in a farmyard about a boy and a girl staying friends and sharing activities.
Focus on swallows, eds Christiane Dorion and Patricia Kendell, Dept for International
Development (DFID) is a pack developed by teachers to enable 7 – 11 year olds to explore
and discuss environmental and developmental issues as they follow the swallow on its
amazing journey. Terrific ideas and stunning coloured photos.
Games Games Games, The Woodcraft Folk ISBN 1 873695 030 provides easy to follow
descriptions for about 250 games with super ideas for Circle Time and play times.
Ginger, Charlotte Voake, Walker Books ISBN 0-7445-6035-7 is the charming story of
the cat that becomes upset when the new kitten arrives. Wonderful drawings.
Grace & family, Mary Hoffman Caroline Binch, Frances Lincoln ISBN 0-7112-0869-7 is the
beautifully illustrated, easily told sequel to Amazing Grace covering Grace’s visit to her father
and his new wife and family in The Gambia.
Grandfather and I, Helen J Buckley, Puffin, ISBN 0 14 055698 2 a gentle, lovely illustrated
story about a boy and his grandfather.
Growing Good, Bernard Ashley and Anne Wilson, Bloomsbury, ISBN 0-7475-4700-9 with
magnificent vivid drawings tells the heart warming story of a local group who grow food.
Harry and the Bucketful of dinosaurs, Ian Whybrow & Adrian Reynolds, Gullane Children’s Books, ISBN 1-86233-205-3 shows Harry losing and finding his beloved dinosaurs.
Health for Life, Ages 4 –7 and 8 – 11, Noreen Wetton and Trefor Williams, Nelson,
ISBN 0-17-423387-6 is a highly regarded, comprehensive practical guide for teachers.
Helping children to Build Self-esteem, Deborah Plummer, Jessica Kingsley Publications,
ISBN 1 85302 927 0 provides a range of approaches for supporting the maintenance of
pupils’ self-esteem. Photocopiable A4 activity sheets that motivate and reward.
Hertfordshire Traveller Education Service catalogue of resources for looking at or
borrowing for use in schools
How do I feel about, Watts Books series covers when people die, dealing with racism, anger
and other important issues, super illustrations and children’s own words.
HOWZAT! In the classroom Channel 4 Learning is a full colour KS 2 resource to teach
cricket across the curriculum with PSHE activities for classroom and assemblies.
I am, I know, I can TACADE deserves a place in every school as it provides reliable and
motivating teaching lessons to cover all the PSHE & C strands in the NC for KS 1 -4.
I don’t care! Brian Moses and Mike Gordon, Wayland, ISBN 0-7502-2136-4 provides more
friendly cartoon pictures and super easy lines to learn about respect.
I’ll do it! Brian Moses and Mike Gordon, Wayland, ISBN 0-7502-2137-2 provides more
friendly cartoon pictures and super easy lines about taking responsibility.
I love you, Blue Kangaroo, Emma C Clark, Collins, ISBN 0-00-664684-0 is a delightfully told
and illustrated story about having to share when others come into the home.
I want to shout and stamp about! Tony Mitton, Wayland ISBN 0 –7502-2792-4 is a sparky
collection of poems about being angry – very accessible for young ones.
I’m falling to bits! Tedd Arnold, Macdonald Young Books ISBN 0 7500 2481 X is a highly
amusing, superbly illustrated book for young readers about body changes.
I’m Me and You are You, another title in Choices series, A & C Black, ISBN 0 7136 5052 4
provides a good mix of photos of children with their own comments and solutions.
Internet PSHE and Citizenship, KCP Publication are two photocopiable resources covering
a variety of topics each time with one page of information and activities.
Introducing Mind Mapping to children Eva Hoffman ISBN 0-9535387-4- 5
is a very teacher friendly easy resource for helping children develop mind mapping.
It wasn’t me! Brian Moss and Mike Gordon, Wayland, ISBN 0-7502-2135-6 provides more
lively drawings and easy lines about learning about honesty.
Jump Starters, Linda McElherne, Free Spirit Publishing Inc, ISBN 1-57542-050-3
offers a plethora of quick activities to develop self-esteem, creativity and co-operation.
Health for Life, Ages 4-7, Noreen Wetton and Trefor Williams, Nelson,
ISBN 0-17-423387-6 is a highly regarded, comprehensive practical guide for teachers.
Kind, Janine Amos, Cherrytree books, ISBN 1 84234 149 9 two good short stories about
children being kind or unkind to one another, illustrated for independent/whole class work
Kosovan Journeys, eds Howard Davies and Jill Rutter, Refugee Council, ISBN 0 946787
433 in big book format provides moving stories, information and very clear photographs about
two refugee families that left Kosova.
Leon and Bob, Simon James Walker Books, ISBN 0 7445 5491 8 is an easy to read,
superbly illustrated story about a little boy and his imaginary friend.
Let’s explore series, Franklin Watts introduces important PSHE concepts for young children
with superb big coloured photos and snappy texts.
Living and Growing Unit 1 & 2, Channel 4 Learning
ISBN 1 86215 468-6 This is a popular video and teacher pack for Ks 1 and Ks 2, which
Hertfordshire schools do use, but do not necessarily show all of them to pupils. Teachers
need to check that the material is in line with their school’s SRE policy.
Live caringly and Live thoughtfully, Christian Aid are 2 superb medium sized packs linking
RE and C. Coloured posters convey positive messages with easy activities.
Making a difference , Wayland series of books with excellent coloured photos and clearly
printed information on caring for others, the environment, pets and yourself.
Manners, Please! Great Barclay Lipson, Teaching and Learning Company, ISBN 1 –57310
014 –5 provides a wide range of stimulating ideas for teaching personal and social skills.
Moving up to Big School, Chris Traxson and Jacqueline Sahota, Questions Publishing,
ISBN 1-89814-994-1 is a small booklet with excellent activities for preparing children.
My brother Sammy, Becky Edwards and David Armitage, Blooomsbury Children’s Books,
ISBN 0 7475 3996 0 powerfully explores the relationships between a boy and his brother who
is autistic. Beautifully painted pictures and a short moving story gently told.
My Family and Friends, Paul Johnson, A & C Black London, ISBN 0 7136 5924 6 is a
marvellous collection of book, card, model and gift ideas for children over 6 to make..
My Mum’s going to explode! Jeremy Strong, Puffin ISBN 0 14 131053 7 is the very funning
story about Nicholas’s mum who is going to have a baby.
Nice or Nasty, Claire Llewellyn, Wayland, ISBN 0 7502 2328 6 provides good explanations
about safe use of substances in the home with amusing drawings and very short texts for
young children.
One Child One Seed, Kathryn Cave, OXFAM ISBN 0-7112-1910-9 is a South African
Counting Book with fabulous photos and short texts helps children learn to count.
Poems about me, Wayland, ISBN 0 7502 1127 X is a collection of up to the minute poems
with bold and beautiful coloured illustrations.
Poems about Feelings, Wayland, ISBN 0 7502 1936 X, more eye catching illustrations and
poems covering a range of feelings.
Poems about Love, chosen by Roger McGough, Kingfisher Book, ISBN 0-7534-0337-4
is an entertaining, warm, humorous collection for teachers to use at their discretion.
PSHE in Practice, Lesley de Meza and Stephen De Silva, DfES written to support
development of PSHE in schools with background and examples of lessons. Lesley and
Stephen are long established, highly regarded trainers, who have run many successful
sessions for teachers in Hertfordshire.
PSHE in the School Grounds, Alan Dyer and Jeff Lewis, Learning through landscapes,
ISBN 1-85741-054-8 provides a range of exciting and practical outdoors activities.
Purr-fect Skills, Tina Rae, Lucky Duck, ISBN 1 873942 18 4 provides a PSHE pro-gramme
for improving communication skills with two D-I-Y furry feline puppets.
Secret Friends, Elizabeth Laird, Hodder Children’s books, ISBN 0-340-66473-8 is a humane
and honest story about a black girl who is bullied. There is a moving twist to the tale involving
grief and guilt but also warmth and mystery. Simply and well told.
Siddhartha and the Swan, Adiccabandhu and Padmasri, Windhorse, ISBN 1 899579 10 9 is
an engaging Buddhist story with striking illustrations.
So much, Trish Cooke, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury, Walker Books, ISBN 0 7445 4396 7 is
a beautifully written, beautifully illustrated tender story about a birthday party in an urban AfroCaribbean home and the wonderful love they show the baby.
Socially speaking, Alison Schroeder, LDA ISBN 1 85503 252 X is a superb teacher’s
handbook overflowing with great ideas for pragmatic social skills programmes for pupils with
learning difficulties.
Social Skills Activities eds Dianne Schilling and Susanna Palomares, Innerchoice
Publishing bursts with ideas for improving relationships in the classroom.
Something else, Kathryn Cave and Chris Riddell, Puffin books, ISBN 0-14-054907-2 is a
very popular, illustrated story showing how two strange beings become friends – wonderful
turn at the end.
Splitting Up, Karen Bryant-Mole, Wayland ISBN 0 7502 1380 9 answers many of the
questions children ask when their parents are splitting up. Good colour photos.
The Lion and the Jackal, Adiccabandhu and Padmasri, Windhorse ISBN 1 899579 13 3 is a
lovely Buddhist story strong on spiritual, moral and social aspects, which children will identify
with and wonderfully illustrated.
The Monkey King, Adiccabandhu and Padmasri, Windhorse,
ISBN 1 899579 09 5 is a superb delightful Buddhist tale about selflessness and change.
The Tunnel, Anthony Browne, Walker Books, ISBN 0 7445 5239 7 is a haunting strange tale
about a brother and sister, who argue until they have an adventure in a tunnel.
Visions and Values, Traveller Education Service CSF, a highly useful information pack for
professionals who teach Traveller children and young people
Where did I come from? Wayland, ISBMN 0-7502-2329-4 is good for KS 1 with marvellous
cartoon style drawings and age appropriate information.
Who are your friends? Jillian Powell, Wayland, ISBN 0-7502-1892-4 offers stunning photos
of children and short texts to illustrate variety of bonding.
Why are all families different? Dorling Kindersley,
ISBN 0 7513 5601 8 with excellent coloured photos and short texts it responds in a lively,
straightforward way to those difficult questions such as: Why did Granddad die? Why do
some parents split up?
Your feelings, I’m worried Wayland, ISBN 0-7502-2131-3 is just one title in this excellent
series for young children with engaging pictures and short messages.
You will always be my Dad, Ann de Bode and Rien Broere, Evans Brothers, ISBN 0 237
52045 aimed to help children deal with difficult situations. Delightful illustrations.
Miscellaneous resources
Bear cards, St Luke’s Innovative Resources is a pack of 48 150 x 100mm colourful,
laminated cards each featuring a drawing of a bear showing a different feeling – no words,
just great illustrations for very young children, primary aged children, pupils with learning
difficulties but they do motivate any group of individuals. The Bears is an aid to conversation
about family life, feelings, relationships with others, personality types, future goals, how
people change, how people see us differently and problem solving. Available from Incentive
Plus, tel 01908 526120.
Beyond the rough rock, Winston’s Wish is a teacher resource to support a child who has
been bereaved through suicide. It provides very sensitive material and advice
Card game on drug information, TTS is a straightforward, useful card game matching
information, names and pictures of drugs. Helpful for pupils, who have some knowledge
about illegal drugs.
Family Album, is a multi-cultural photopack to explore family issues containing 32 diverse
colour photos with suggestions for activities on exploring labelling and bias issues. Parentline
Plus, tel: 020 7284 5500
The I can Monsters cards, and Strength for kids cards St Luke’s Innovative Resources
are superb PSHE resources. Each pack contains 150 x220mm colourful, laminated card with
lovable monsters illustrating a simple I can … message. Similarly the others have birds or
animals illustrating I work hard or I will try new things or I care about others people’s feelings
etc messages. Each pack contains great ideas for activities. Available from Incentive Plus.
CD Roms
DrugSense, Hertfordshire County Council Education, is a highly acclaimed resource for use
in upper primary and lower secondary schools containing numerous activities to engage and
motivate pupils with a highly informative teachers’ booklet.
Behind the behaviour, Mental Health Media. Filmed in schools children’s mental health
issues are sensitively handled and insights into their behaviour provided. It’s aimed at
teachers and other educational professionals working with children aged 4 to 11.
Accompanied by a 44 page booklet with advice and training activities.
Kick it smoking, London Bus. A 6 minute video that sharply shows the perils of smoking.
Based around there of soccer techniques it delivers a powerful anti-smoking message.
Accompanied by some lesson notes.
Learning together about drug education, Alpha Films. A short video showing how primary
schools can involve parents/carers in drug education lessons in school. Filmed in Suffolk it is
useful for a staff meeting or PTA/Governors meeting to consider different ways of
communicating more widely with the community.
Living and Growing Unit 1, Channel 4 Schools Three programmes cover Differences, How
did I get here? and Growing up.
A sound and popular video. Schools will want to edit to suit their own SRE policies.
Teacher’s notes and Resource Book as well.
Living and Growing Unit 2, Channel 4 Schools. Three programmes cover Changes, How
Babies are made and How Babies are born cover life cycles, puberty, friendship and sexual
relationships, pregnancy and birth. A sound and popular video. Schools will want to edit to
suit their own SRE policies. Teacher’s notes and Resource Book as well.
The Good Health Guide to Drugs, Channel 4 Schools. Three highly acclaimed
programmes talking about drugs, peer pressure and taking responsibility. Short dramas
involving young people followed by discussions.
Resources for Citizenship and PSHE
Upper KS2 and Lower KS3
All about me for young people with SEN, ChildLine is a KS3 teachers’ resource book with
excellent PSHE activities and a good range of illustrated sheets for pupils to use
A World in Our Hands, written, illustrated and edited by young people internationally to
present their observations and hopes about international peace and the role of UN, Peace
Child International
GLUG, Dudley Health Authority, Dudley Advisory Service et al. An imaginative and flexible
approach to alcohol education with stories with multi-choice endings, a great anthology of
poems, raps and music, lively audio cassette, photocopiable games, puzzles, quizes and
action worksheets and a detailed teachers’ manual.
Handling Relationships, Steve Bunnell, J. Weston Walch, ISBN 0-8251-3794-2 contains 60
healthy relationship building activities reflecting today’s issues.
Health for Life, Ages 8 – 11, Noreen Wetton and Trefor Williams, Nelson,
ISBN 0-17-423387-6 is a highly regarded, comprehensive practical guide for teachers.
Heart of West Africa, Nicci Wilson, Global Education Derby, ISBN 0-9535605-1-1 is a
beautifully presented book to inspire understanding of African cultures through imaginative art
activities explicitly linked to developing PSHE and Citizenship skills.
Introducing mind mapping to children, Eva Hoffman, Learn to Learn,
ISBN 0-953587 –4-5 is a marvellous resource for taking young children easily and effectively
through the formative rules for associating words and ideas.
Local citizen; global citizen, Christian Aid ISBN 0 904379 46 9
Thoroughly research and up to date facts, case studies and an excellent range of activities
including motivating games and a sound teacher’s black and white handbook.
Knowing me, Knowing you, Pete Sanders and Liz Swinden, LDA, ISBN 1-85503-071-3
is a long established favourite handbook covering SRE teaching strategies.
Let’s talk about sex, Robie Harris, Walker Books ISBN 0 7445 3252 3 is a handbook for
teachers and is meant to amuse and inform. It has some terrific cartoon stories and sound
Our Island Your Island, Children of Cyprus, Peace Child International is an inspiring
collection of reactions , observations and solutions to the problems of pollution.
Partners in Rights, Save the children ISBN 1 84187 027 7 offers creative cross-curricular
photopackto explore children’s rights and citizenship
Primary Schools Resource Pack, Help the Aged is a teachers’ resource pack covering
activities in managing money, health, older people in the media, looking after others
Project Charlie ISBN 0 9535244 0 X published by Nancy Hobbs provides a wealth of
stimulating opportunities for pupils to develop their life skills and resist negative pressure
particularly regarding drug misuse.
PSHE and Citizenship ages 9 -11, Duncan Smith, Scholastic,
ISBN 0-439-01859-5 gives comprehensive superb lesson plans and photocopiable
worksheets to undertake activities on relationships, health, environments, communities and
building a healthy future.
Safe for Life, eds Henry Shaftoe and Sue O’Brien, Nelson
ISBN 0 17 423367 A teacher’s guide to investigate the causes and consequences of crime
and to examine positive ways of promoting a secure environment with photocopiable
worksheets including temptations, crime and law, children’s rights, decisions about drugs
Some crafty things to do, Karen Hale, OXFAM offers well described easy ideas for creating
objects or copying traditions from other countries: making musical instruments, doing batik,
mehdni patterns etc are all covered.
Stand up for your rights, Peace Child International is a written, illustrated and edited
commentary on the UN Convention of the Rights of The Child that has been produced by
young people internationally. Includes tips on human rights actions from Amnesty
Young Gypsies, Our lives, culture and traditions, Sherrie and Charlene Price, Essex
County Council, packed with colourful photos and very informative commentaries written by
two Gypsies describes their culture and engagement in society
We’re talking about smoking and We’re talking about alcohol Karen Bryant-Mole,
Wayland, ISBN 0 7502 2118 6 part of a series encouraging children to think about PSHE
issues. Good photos and information.
What do we think about Drugs? Karen Bryant-Mole, Wayland ISBN 0-7502-2211-5 part of
the above series – again with clear script and appropriate photos.
Who made me? Malcom and Meryl Doney, Marshall Pickering Holdings, ISBN 0-55101476-8 lively script and drawings about the involvement of God, father and mother in the
birth of the baby.
Your World, My World, OXFAM
With 24 full colour A4 photo-cards, interviews with children in Russia, Brazil, Ethiopia and
India and diverse activities for PSHE and Citizenship this pack will help pupils make
connections between themselves and children elsewhere in the world.
Miscellaneous resources
Bear cards, St Luke’s Innovative Resources is a pack of 48 150 x 100mm colourful,
laminated cards each featuring a drawing of a bear showing a different feeling – no words,
just great illustrations for very young children, primary aged children, pupils with learning
difficulties but they do motivate any group of individuals. The Bears is an aid to conversation
about family life, feelings, relationships with others, personality types, future goals, how
people change, how people see us differently and problem solving. Available from Incentive
Card game on drug information, TTS is a straightforward, useful card game matching
information, names and pictures of drugs. Helpful for pupils, who have some knowledge
about illegal drugs.
The I can Monsters cards, and Strength for kids cards St Luke’s Innovative Resources
are superb PSHE resources. Each pack contains 150 x220mm colourful, laminated card with
lovable monsters illustrating a simple I can … message. Similarly the others have birds or
animals illustrating I work hard or I will try new things or I care about others people’s feelings
etc messages. Each pack contains great ideas for activities. Available from Incentive Plus.
Views from the Verandah, same publisher and distributor as above is a pack of 76 small,
colourful, gently humorous cards to help build conversations around values, dreams,
solutions, goals, strategies and more. It is a versatile, marvellous tool for PSHE work with
pupils. For many of the cards, Level 4 reading and above ability is needed.
CD Roms
DrugSense, Hertfordshire County Council Education, is a highly acclaimed resource for use
in upper primary and lower secondary schools containing numerous activities to engage and
motivate pupils with a highly informative teachers’ booklet.
Introducing Citizenship A & C Black London ISBN 0 7136 5857 6
developed by the Citizenship Foundation is a handbook for teachers with accompanying
video offers a selection of best practice in citizenship education. There is a great deal of
extremely useful material here.
Learning together about drug education, Alpha Films. A short video showing
how primary schools can involve parents/carers in drug education lessons in school. Filmed
in Suffolk it is useful for a staff meeting or PTA/Governors meeting to consider different ways
of communicating more widely with the community.
Grief in the family, Leeds Animation Workshop looks at the ways children and young people
respond to grief and what adults can do. Gentle, effective and straightforward.
The video and booklet are for adults working with bereaved families and children.
For parent/carers
Sexuality, eds Karin Melberg Schwier and Dave Hingsburger, Jessica Kingsley, ISBN 1
85302 896 7 for parents who have children who have learning difficulties to help them
become proud and confident about their self confidence, sexuality and relationships.