Name _____________________________ Lecture Time ________________ CSE1111 – Homework #6 (10 points) – Simple Queries Patient PatientID LName FName Address City State Zipcode A2532 A6342 A3645 A4444 Smith Cantor Cavalieri Korthik Jeff Heather Albert Mina 18 Simon Street 54 Elm Street 23 Maple Lane 17 Satts Place Bexley Dublin Detroit Bexley OH OH MI OH 43209 43218 48201 43209 Appointment AppId PatientID 1 A2352 2 A6342 3 A2352 4 A4444 DrId M21 D12 M21 M21 Date 6/12/2003 7/13/2003 6/25/2003 7/21/2003 Doctor DrId LName FName StateCert M21 D12 M54 M66 Barge Torricelli Mohr Nando James George John Igor Yes No Yes Yes Length 40 30 60 10 The tables provided above represent the database system for Barge and Mohr Health Associates. The Doctor table lists the names of the doctors that are at the BMHA and if they are state certified. The Patient table lists information for each of patient currently enrolled at BMHA. The Appointment table lists each appointment and the appointment duration in minutes (length). Assume the information above is only a partial listing of each table’s records. 1. (1 points) Database Relationships: set up the relationships of this database. Using the boxes below, fill in the primary key (if any) of each table and draw relationship lines between tables. Label each relationship with the name of the foreign key(s) just above the line you have drawn. Table name: Doctor Table name: Appointment Primary Key Primary Key Table name: Patient Primary Key 2. (1/2 point) Is LName field on the Doctor’s table a valid foreign key to the LName field on the Patient table? Explain all of the reasons for your answer. Cse1111-Hw6C.doc 1 3. (1 points) What field type (Text, Number, Currency, Date/Time, Yes/No, AutoNumber) is best suited for each of the following fields: PatientID (Patient Table): Date (Appointment Table): Length (Appointment Table): StateCert (Doctor Table): Zip (Patient Table): Please note when writing query grids, to receive full credit you must use correct Access syntax. The query should look identical to how it looks when the computer runs it. Be sure to include Like, “”, and # symbols as needed. Do not use unnecessary tables, fields or criteria in your query. 4. (1 points) Using the query design view below, construct a query to list the doctors that are not state certified. Your list should include the doctor’s last and first name. Tables Used: ____________________________________ Field Table Total Sort Show Criteria OR OR 5. (1/2 point) What dataset will result from this query – base this question on only the data shown. Cse1111-Hw6C.doc 2 6. (1 points) Using the query design view below, construct a query to list all patients that live in either Bexley or Dublin. The list should be organized alphabetically by city and include the patient’s full name and city of residence. Tables Used: ____________________________________ Field Table Total Sort Show Criteria OR OR 7. (1 points) Using the query design view below, write a query to list the PatientID, the DrID, and the date of all appointments. Sort the result by date (most recent first), then by DrID (alphabetically). Tables Used: ____________________________________ Field Table Total Sort Show Criteria OR Cse1111-Hw6C.doc 3 8. (1 points) List the last name and the first name of all doctors whose last name begins with the letter B. Tables Used: ____________________________________ Field Table Total Show Sort Criteria OR 9. (1 points) List all appointments after June 23, 2003 with Dr. Mohr (DrID M54) or after June 20, 2003 with Dr. Barge (DrID M21). Your list should include the AppID, the DrID and the appointment date. Tables Used: ____________________________________ Field Table Total Sort Show Criteria Cse1111-Hw6C.doc 4 10. (1 points) Write a query that summarizes the appointments by patient. The query should list the patientID, the number of appointments and the average appointment length. Tables Used: ____________________________________ Field Table Total Sort Show Criteria OR 11. (1 points) Each doctor charges a different rate for each patient. To make matters worse, the price can also vary based on the type of visit the patient is having. To help out the receptionists, the doctors of BMHA got together and decided that overall the average price per minute is $1.45 plus a $20.00 setup fee. Write a query that lists the AppID, the PatientID, the appointment date and the estimated appointment cost (name it estimate) for each scheduled appointment. Tables Used: ____________________________________ Field Table Total Sort Show Criteria OR OR Cse1111-Hw6C.doc 5