Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food – Public Consultation

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food – Public Consultation on the 2020 Strategy
Submission by the Department of Tourism, Culture & Sport
Having recently noted advertisements for your public consultation, the Department of Tourism, Culture
and Sport is taking this opportunity to comment generally on the interactions between policies on
tourism and sporting recreation and those for the agri-food, forestry and fisheries sectors.
Tourism, Sport & Agriculture Linkages - Environment & Forestry
Overall strategic objectives for agriculture and forestry are of central importance to Ireland's landscape
and biodiversity which, in turn, are key elements of our tourism offering generally and of particular
relevance to outdoor activity and eco-tourism products.
The public amenity and recreation value of forests, especially where recreational trails are developed
and maintained, is of relevance to policy on both tourism and sports participation. In this regard, the
Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport would ask that such tourism and sporting aspects be taken
into consideration when drafting the 2020 Strategy.
Tourism & Agriculture Linkages: Agri-Food Sector
With specific regard to the food sector, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that Fáilte Ireland is
currently preparing a detailed strategy on food tourism, which should be available in May 2010. We
believe it would be mutually beneficial to arrange a meeting, for an exchange of views to inform both
strategies in advance of their being finalised and look forward to further contact from you in this regard.
To conclude, this Department would welcome the opportunity to comment further, in the course of any
inter-Departmental consultations or bilateral meetings being conducted as part of the review process.
Tourism Impact Assessment Unit
Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport
31 March 2010