Strategic Plan 2011-2016 Focus: Transition 1. Strategic Plan Goal: - All students who are blind or visually impaired will have transition plans documented on IEPs by age 16 for positive post-secondary outcomes commensurate with the statewide accountability system. 2. Data Collection and Organization: Increase to 100% students who have transition goals place on the IEP by age 16. Action Steps to accomplish goal Annual IEP review students age 16 and older: Assessments and goals related to living, learning, working, and post-secondary expectations, including linkages. Gather baseline data, based on IEP review, by December 2011. o 61 IEP’s reviewed (2010-11 school year, student’s age 16 and older). o 49/61 = 80% compliant with requirements for Indicator 13. (2009 - State Annual Report Data: 66% compliant). o Compliance Monitoring (2011-12) IEP team membership -3- 78.57% IEP team membership-participating agency for transition -2- 71.43% IEP team membership--student -1- 85.71% IEP Breakout by AEA o Keystone 1=3 o AEA 267=9 o Prairie Lakes 8=1 o Northwest=5 o Mississippi Bend 9=9 o Grantwood 10=8 o Heartland 11=13 o Des Moines Public Schools =3 o Green Hills 13=6 o Great Prairie 15=4 o 57 IEP’s to review by December 2012. Vision professionals’ will support Local Education Agency personnel in writing quality transition IEP’s that meet federal standards and contain sufficient information about the youths visual functioning to facilitate post-secondary outcomes. By November 1, 2012, each Vision Professional will select one transition IEP for review of transition components, including vision information. Feedback will be provided to Vision Professional and Regional Director by February 1, 2013. By November 1 2013, one transition IEP will be randomly selected from each Vision Professional’s caseload for review of transition components, including vision information. Feedback will be provided Vision Professional and Regional Director by February 1, 2014. Gather follow-up data each December through 2016 to determine progress toward goal. 3. What is Indicator 13? The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was reauthorized on December 3, 2004 and its provisions became effective on July 1, 2005. In conjunction with the reauthorization, the U. S. Department of Education through the Office of Special Education Programs required states to develop six-year State Performance Plans in December, 2005 around 20 indicators, on which data will be submitted annually (beginning February 2007) in Annual Performance Reports. Current Measurement Language for Indicator 13 "Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including courses of study, that will reasonably enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student's transition services needs. There also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority." (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B)) Note: In Iowa transition assessments begin at age 14. 4. Assessment: Two forms of assessment must be used for each area Living, Working and Learning, on the transition IEP. Best practice: student interview and observation are considered one form of assessment. Dates of assessments are to be noted. Results of each form of assessment are indicated including where it will be included on the IEP. ECC Screening tools Assessments 5. Visual Functioning: Include in PLAAFP. Other information essential for the development of this IEP: assessment information, date and source AND Describe the effect of this individual’s disability on involvement and progress in the general education curriculum and the functional implications of the student’s skills. Vision-Specific Information Data o Does the IEP include:-the student’s visual diagnosis? Yes=25, 41% No=36, 59% o Does the IEP include: statement(s) about the student’s visual functioning that include a reference to the vision assessment source (FVA, Low Vision Clinic Report, Eye Exam) Yes=15, 25% No=46, 75% o Does the IEP include:-statement(s) about impact of student’s visual functioning on living, learning, and working (This may include vision needs, vision equipment needs, print/Braille needs, vision-based transportation needs, vision-based accommodations, etc.) Yes=41, 67% No=20, 33% 6. IEP Goals: Must relate directly to transition assessments, postsecondary outcomes and be observable. 7. Linkages: Referral to Statewide System Referral form and process IEP dates notifications Transition Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors Iowa Department for the Blind o Eastside – Julie Aufdencamp o Westside – Keri Osterhaus 8. Examples and Resources Websites: Iowa Education Services for Blind and Visually Impaired, Iowa Department of Education, Area Education Agencies AEA transition personnel Discipline meeting trainings AEA trainings