lesson plan: modern languages

DATE 04/04/2011
TOPIC Food/Menus
Communicative learning objectives (L,S,R,W?)
Main objective: Students should be able to create a menu
in the style of ‘Un diner parfait’
All students should be able to recognise a variety of foods
(starter, main course and dessert) and use some of these
to create a menu
Most students should be able to say some foods they
Some students should be able to extend their sentences by
saying why they like/dislike foods using “parce que...”
Assessment: what provides
evidence that learning objectives
are met?
Questioning – about vocab and types
of dishes (Entrée, plat principal,
Menus created by students
Eavesdropping during speaking
activity (survey)
Plenary – questions and feedback on
students menus and/or conversations
Language learning objectives
Depending on time
Food – range of starters, main courses and desserts
Language to give opinions on foods
Performances of dinner party
Depending on time
Objective 2: students should give opinions on foods served
at a dinner party
Assessment by outcome;
Natural French conversations
Creativity and imagination
Quality of French
Starter Activity
Time: 5 mins
Aim: to introduce food vocab and introduce a cultural element (‘Un diner presque parfait’ - French
television programme)
 Questions on range of vocab – questions on whether dishes are a starter or a main course
‘Entrée ou plat principal’?
 Introduction of ‘Un diner presque parfait’ using image
Presenation of vocab
Time: 5- 10 mins
Aim: to review food vocab in a ‘real’ context and in style of menus from ‘Un diner presque parfait’
 Choral repetition of food from starter activity and then some desserts. A few new typically
French dishes are also introduced to challenge stronger students (les escargots, les cuisses
de grenouille, la ratatouille).
 Show students pictures (Powerpoint) from programme ‘Un diner presque parfait’ and ask
questions on what show is about
 Show students three contestants’ menus and drill vocabulary from them (choral repetition,
hide menu and students have to remember what each contestant is making)
 Class vote for best of the three menus
Controlled practice
 Students complete table of food vocabulary on worksheet (fill in English)
Time: 5 mins
Communicative practice
Time: 10 mins
 Students then create their own menu in the same style. Students can be creative and use
dictionary to look up different food items or entertainment to put on their menu.
 In groups – groups decide on top menu by giving marks out of ten.
Differentiation: food vocabulary sheet to be used for reference while students create their menus.
Students encouraged to be creative and try out their own ideas.
Depending on time
Speaking activity - Dinner party conversations
Aim: to allow students to express opinions about restaurant food
Time: 10 mins
Introduce dinner party conversation task - expectations/criteria;
Natural French conversations
- Creativity and imagination
- Quality of French
Students should remain in groups. Person with top scoring menu is host, other students are
their guests at dinner party.
Give students a paper plate each where they can write five key words on and use as a
prompt during conversations
Students should aim to speaking naturally giving opinions about the food they are eating.
The host is encouraged to ask questions e.g. ‘Tu aimes le poulet?’
Performances/evaluations of performances of dinner party conversations
Time: 5 mins
- With fingers show mark out of 5 for each performance, relating to criteria
Questions and feedback on students menus and/or conversations