Fishers of Men - St. Marys Catholic Church


St. Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

May 3, 2007

PRESENT: Fr. Thomas Kirk, Thomas Aud, Cecilia Arreaza, David Burngasser, Corey Carpenter, Barbara Day, Marlon

DeLaTorre, Vicki Lott, Kevin McMahon, Lynn Menendez, Brother Dan O’Brien, Cleopatra Peal, Dan Robbins, Anne Sain, Alan

Sallee, Mary Ann Till, Patsy Turner, Karen Wyatt

NOT PRESENT/EXECUSED: Fr. Anthony Onyekwe, Sr. Mary Evelyn, Deacon Bill LaFont, Deacon James Cooley, Judy

LaFont, Cindy Saia, Tommy Sellari

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 by Tom Aud. Fr. Kirk led the opening prayer.


The minutes were read and one correction was noted. Karen Wyatt made a motion to approve the minutes as written with the one correction. Dan Robbins seconded the motion. Motion carried.


St. Mary’s School

Sr. Mary Evelyn submitted a report to be read in her absence. She requested that if anyone is aware of new families moving into Jackson with school aged children or families already living in Jackson with school aged children who do not attend St.

Mary’s, please refer them to St. Mary’s. The plans for the convent are moving forward and they hope to be able to meet with the

Building Committee soon.


Parish Council Elections

There are five nominees for four positions on the parish council and four nominees for two openings on the school board. Parish council and school board elections will be conducted at the weekend Masses the weekend of May 5 th and 6 th . Election results will be announced the weekend of May 12 and 13.

Confirmation Reception

Barbara Day indicated that help is needed for the Confirmation Retreat to be held in the cafeteria on May 6 th following the

Confirmation Mass at about 5:30 p.m. She is looking for help in setting up and cleaning up. Parishioners have volunteered to bake cookies. It was mentioned by several members on the council that in the future, big events such as Confirmation and

Senior Sunday not be planned on the same day in consideration of those families who would be involved in both events.

Fishers of Men

Twenty-five to thirty men were present for the first Fishers of Men meeting on April 19 th . The group got off to a very good start with Danny Abramowicz as guest speaker. The participants agreed to meet every Thursday. Meeting location and details to be worked out. Comments from participants were that it was a worthwhile activity and they planned to keep attending.

Living in the Divine Will

Fr. Kirk provided the council members with a short biography of Tom Fahy, authority on Living in the Divine Will and Luisa

Piccarreta. Fr. Kirk is working on bringing Tom Fahy to St. Mary’s to speak to the parish sometime from June 10 – 12. Fr. Dante

Daniel from Haiti is expected to arrive in Jackson for a visit around that same date. It was suggested that a supper be held on

Sunday evening, June 10 th , for Fr. Dante Daniel from Haiti, followed by an introductory session by Tom Fahy on Living in the

Divine Will. Other sessions would be held on Monday and Tuesday, during the day and also in the evening. Fr. Kirk asked that anyone with other suggestions concerning this program contact him directly.

Hospitality and Fellowship

Fr. Kirk asked for suggestions from the council on how to promote fellowship in the parish. He would like to continue with the coffee and donuts on those Sundays where someone has volunteered. Even though it is not every week, people do seem to enjoy it when it is offered.

Pictorial Directory

Sign-up sheets have been placed in the church for parishioners to schedule appointments to be photographed. Sign-up is also available online. To date, sign-ups seem to be going well. Parishioners who do not sign-up will be contacted by Olan Mills directly to schedule appointments.

Charity Request


Second reading. A request was received from RIFA for a donation in any amount to help defray the cost of replacing the roof at

RIFA. According to the written request received, the total cost of the roof is $55,000 as bid. Local churches and religious organizations are being asked to assist. Anne Sain made a motion to give RIFA $1,000 for roof repairs. Fr. Kirk indicated a desire to contribute more if the funds were available and if RIFA still need the assistance. A motion was made to make a donation of $2,500 provided the assistance was still needed. Motion was seconded by Kevin McMahon. Motion carried.

Charity Request – Tennessee Right to Life

Second reading. A request was received from Tennessee Right to Life for a donation in any amount. This organization promotes the right to life message through legislative means. A motion to donate $500 to Tennessee Right to Life was made by

Marlon DeLaTorre. The motion was seconded by Alan Sallee. Motion carried.


Adult Religious Education / Small Faith Groups

Fr. Kirk asked the council members what they thought we needed to be doing as a parish to promote adult religious education.

Fr. Kirk would like to see small faith communities again in the parish. Marlon DeLaTorre suggested we look into Catholic

Scripture Studies which are available through Marlon stated that this program is very popular in the

Diocese and approved by United States bishops. The company will train facilitators if requested to do that. It was suggested that more people might get involved in groups where they would not have to commit to long-term attendance to participate in a program. We might want to consider studies of shorter duration. It was suggested that a survey might reveal the needs of the adult parishioners with respect to continuing religious education. Several parish council members volunteered to research the

Catholic Scripture Study program and report back to the council. CSS will provide free samples and a link to their website for free downloadable resources.

Parish Communication

Fr. Kirk would like to establish a policy concerning pulpit announcements and communication of information various groups are trying to get out to the parish. Fr. Kirk suggested that the council work on guidelines for pulpit announcements and other parish communications. Fr. Kirk would like to promote the website more as a source of information for parishioners.


Lynn Menendez reported that of our goal of $67,900, to date we have received pledges and/or payments totaling $56,574, putting us at 83% of our goal. This response is very good given that this was only the first week of the actual drive. 205 families have returned commitment cards, rep resenting about 20% of the total number of registered parish families. St. John’s goal of

$800 has been exceeded in the first week. St. John’s has pledges totaling $1,008 to date. 17 out of 40 families pledged at St.

John’s Church.



Alan Sallee reported that he will be attending Cursillo 108 the weekend of September 20 th . Seven men from Memphis and one from Jackson will be attending this session. Anyone interested in attending should contact Alan Sallee for information.

Ministerial Alliance

Fr. Kirk mentioned that Charlie Stroebel in the Diocese of Nashville has begun a program called A Room at the Inn, through which shelter and meals are provided for the homeless by various churches and organizations from November through March or

April. This is something that might be of interest. Vicki Lott asked Fr. Kirk if there might be other opportunities for fellowship with people of other churches which might give us the opportunity to evangelize and for people to get to know about our Catholic faith.

Offertory Processions

Various council members note that recently the ushers are carrying the gifts to the altar for the offertory. It was requested that we go back to having parish families do that at each Mass. This will be brought to the attention of Kevin Brown who is in charge of the ushers.


The next meeting of the Parish Council will be Thursday, June 7 th , at 6:30 p.m. at the rectory. This will be a social gathering with the newly elected council members invited. Spouses are also invited. The parish will provide the main dish, paper goods and drinks. Council members are asked to sign up to bring salads, sides, and desserts.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ann Till

