Unit 2 Topic 3: The Voice of the Genome MY NOTES Plant and Animal cells Definition of eukaryotes and prokaryotes and differences between them. Identify Eukaryotic Organelles from EM images, including nucleus, nucleolus, ribosomes, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, centrioles, lysosomes, and golgi apparatus. Identify Eukaryotic Organelles functions. Identify Prokaryote structures and functions from EM images Recall that the cells of a multicellular organism can be organised into tissues, tissues into organs and organs into systems. Cell Cycle & Mitosis DNA structure and chromosome structure Cell cycle stages Identify stages in Mitosis from microscope images The role/use of cell cycle Meiosis Stages Crossing over, recombinants and independent assortment Role and importance of meiosis Plant Gametes and fertilisation Plant reproductive organs Gamete structure and relation to function Pollination types Fertilisation, including pollen tube growth, double fertilisation and the formation of endosperm Importance of sexual reproduction Human Gametes and fertilisation Human reproductive organs Gamete structure and relation to function Fertilisation, including acrosome reaction Stem Cells Events post fertilisation in the mammalian zygote Differential gene expression producing active mRNA leading to specialisation Defining terms stem cell, pluripotency and totipotency How society uses scientific knowledge to make decisions about the use of stem cells in medical therapies. Phenotype expression Relationship between phenotype, genotype and the environment Examples of the interactions between the genotype and the environment to confer the phenotype, including animal hair colour, human height, monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) and cancers Identify the relative contributions of genes and environment on the phenotype Define polygenic inheritance and continuous variation