Awarded to a Canadian printing company based on its holistic strategy to address environmental impact with emphasis on initiatives undertaken in past year ( September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015) .
1. Eligible companies must be headquartered/based in Canada. Eligibility is not limited to company size, judging will be based upon the most progressive environmental impacts made relative to the scale of the operation.
2. Entries must include two sections: Company Information form and Environmental
Achievements section. (Environmental Achievements section must not exceed three letter-size pages. Up to three supplemental documents may be included to support environmental claims.)
3. Submission must include payment at time of entry.
(Award finalists will be notified in late September. The Canadian Printing Awards
Gala will be held Thursday, November 12, at The Grand Luxe, Toronto.)
Single entry – $110 ($97.35 + 12.65 HST)
Two entries – $200 ($176.99 + 23.01 HST)
Three entries – $290 ($256.64 + 33.36 HST)
Four or more entries – $90 per entry ($79.65 + 10.35 HST)
Payment Information
Cheques or credit cards (VISA, MasterCard) are accepted.
Cheques should be made out to Annex Publishing & Printing
Terms and Conditions
Materials submitted for the judging process become property of the Canadian
Printing Awards. By entering the Canadian Printing Awards, you agree that your submission may be profiled in a future issue of PrintAction magazine, as well as used to promote the Canadian Printing Awards program.
Any questions should be directed to
The Canadian Printing Awards –
Entry form for Most Environmentally Progressive Printing Company Page
Company Name:
Submitting division / plant / facility (if different from above):
Number of employees:
Plant / facility size in square feet:
Year company founded:
Street address:
Province / Postal Code:
Contact person:
Job title:
Telephone email:
Payment Information
Cheques or credit cards (VISA, MasterCard) are accepted.
Cheques should be made out to:
Contact Irene
with any payment-related questions.
Credit Card Type and Number:
Name (as it appears on card):
Expiry Date:
Card CVV:
The Canadian Printing Awards –
Entry form for Most Environmentally Progressive Printing Company Page
The following list is provided as a guide for your responses to the questions below, designed to assist in defining areas where your company demonstrates leadership.
• Environmental Policy - Highlight any company-wide commitments to instill and environmentally-conscious company culture.
• Facility Engineering – Demonstrate specific building features or functions to lessen your facility’s environmental impact.
• Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
Compliance - For example, Certificate of
Approval for air/noise and municipal seweruse-bylaw compliance.
• Technology Implementation -
Integration of new technologies within your manufacturing process to lessen environmental impact.
• Pollution Prevention Programs -
Highlight involvement in programs designed to address air or effluent pollution through source reduction, source neutrality (recycling) and/or source control (third-party disposal).
• Environmental Marketing - Define initiatives to promote your environmentally progressive strategies, services or products.
• Environmental Community Programs -
Initiatives by your company to promote the environmental responsibility of printing in the public domain or within a defined community.
• Supply Chain Programs - Initiatives instigated by your company to influence suppliers in the adoption of environmentally progressive practices.
• Energy Use Programs - Energy-saving strategies or initiatives applied directly within your facility. (for example, heat reclamation or alternative-energy sources.)
• Environmental Certifications -
Recognized environmental accreditations for facilities or for the use of manufacturing inputs like inks, papers, plastics and plates.
• Carbon Footprint Assessment - Internal and/or third-party assessments to understand the total set of greenhouse gas emissions as the result of a facility’s operation or the manufacture of a product.
• Environmental Committee – Highlight a group of employees with a mandate to enact environmental initiatives.
• Distribution Management - Logistics employed by your company to lessen the environmental impact of delivering products/services to clients.
• Not-for-profit/Association Participation
- The efforts by your company, or one of its employees, to develop an environmental mandate for a not-for-profit or association.
(keep responses to three pages in total. Up to three supplemental documents (i.e. copies of certifications) may be attached as well.
1. What environmentally responsible activity has your company initiated/accomplished within the past year (Sept. 1, 2014 to Aug.
31, 2015)? Please provide stated objectives and achievements where possible.
2. Describe ongoing historical environmental initiatives your company has embraced and continues to enact and improve upon.
Where possible provide specific signs of progress accomplished over the past 12 months based on benchmarking and value tracking.
3. Why does your company deserve to be recognized among Canada’s most environmentally progressive printers?
The Canadian Printing Awards –
Entry form for Most Environmentally Progressive Printing Company Page