Policy Statement: Regional Historian

Policy Statement: Regional Archivist/Historian
Submitted by Archives & History Committee Chair, Kenneth Cobb - January 2008
Approved by AHS President, Kevin Walek
The Regional Historian shall:
Acquire and maintain a repository of Regional publications, historical and legal records, and
other materials of enduring value.
Preserve materials through appropriate means, including transfer to other media, and
provide storage in a climate-controlled, safe environment to the extent possible.
Inform the Regional membership of historically significant events, gardens, and people
through articles and exhibits for the promotion of the daylily, the Region, and AHS.
Serve as a reference provider to the AHS Archivist/Historian, Regional officers and
Regional members as appropriate.
Perform other duties as a member of the AHS Archives & History Committee.
Procedures: Regional Archivist/Historian
Submitted by Archives & History Committee Chair, Kenneth Cobb - January 2008
Approved by Board of Directors
Acquisition of Materials
Obtain and retain at least one copy of each Regional newsletter.
Seek out documents, images, and artifacts of historical significance and urge others to do so,
also. Make the AHS Archives & History Chair aware of any significant finds which may be of
national interest.
Maintain a central repository for Regional legal documents to include, but not be limited to: a
current copy of Regional bylaws, minutes of meetings, financial statements, rules for awards,
etc. (This information may be duplicated in the files of other officers, or in newsletters, but a
central repository is advised.)
Interact as appropriate with the Regional Publicity Director and/or local daylily club publicity
officers to obtain other Hemerocallis-related materials deemed to have enduring value to either
the Region or AHS. Materials may include, but are not limited to: newspaper/magazine articles
on daylilies or daylily personalities; photographs; tapes of television shows; oral, written, or
video interviews of significant AHS personalities; letters, diaries, studbooks, computer files
including captured web pages and digital presentations; and club newsletters. See that copies
of such materials are offered and/or provided to the AHS Archivist/Historian when applicable.
Facilitate the collection of oral and written histories of Regional AHS personalities. Such
interviewing may be done by the Historian or delegated to Regional members. Documented
results, if not published in the Regional newsletter, should also be made available to the AHS
Develop a selection/retention criteria (a model can be obtained from the AHS
Archivist/Historian) for what to accept and store that is not specifically addressed above, such
as plaques or trophies.
Eliminate existing assets viewed to be without enduring value only with approval of the RVP
and after consulting the AHS Archivist/Historian as to the applicability of it being forwarded to
the AHS Archives.
Preservation and Storage
Focus on the long-term preservation of materials for future generations.
Transfer materials, when feasible, to other media for long-term protection, survivability, and
safeguarding in order to reduce wear and tear on originals. Protect materials with acid-free
boxes or folders.
Store historical materials in climate-controlled areas, preferably in metal file cabinets, and
secure against theft and other forms of loss, e.g., fire or flood, to the greatest extent possible.
Store duplicate materials at an alternate site if possible.
Acknowledge that rare, fragile, one-of-a-kind materials should not leave the Regional
Historian's control. This is a safeguard to the integrity of the collection as a whole and also
limits the liability of other persons for inadvertent damage or accidental loss.
Inform the Membership
Develop exhibits appropriate for display at Regional Meetings, conferences, and other venues
to promote the daylily, the Region, and AHS. If possible, such exhibits shall use duplicate or
copied materials, or other means as necessary to safeguard originals.
Create “digital” exhibits on the Regional website as time permits, e.g., provide some
documents, images, and artifacts online and/or provide “tidbits” on a regular basis which recall
the Region's excellent and interesting history.
Write historical articles for the Regional newsletter (or delegate/encourage others to do so) on
significant historical events, people, and gardens, which helped shape the Region.
Service as a Reference Provider
Respond promptly to questions and perform research, upon request, for the AHS
Answer questions or perform research for Regional members and officers on Regional
historical matters.
Coordinate all requests for information originating external to AHS through the Chair of AHS
Publicity and Media Relations.
Perform all reference services in as timely a manner as possible and to the extent possible
within the time constraints and other workloads.
Contact the AHS Archivist/Historian, as needed ,for assistance.
Identify and track other sources of daylily-related materials in public or private hands to which
individuals might be referred locally for solutions to their questions. This might include
Regional or club archives, public libraries, or individual collections.
Other Duties
Serve as a member of the AHS Archives & History Committee, reporting to the AHS
Archivist/Historian. Note: Committee composition is as follows:
 Steering Committee: six to eight individuals appointed by the AHS Archivist/Historian
because of their specific archival training/knowledge and/or required technological
expertise to address issues associated with the AHS Archives.
 Regional Historians: fifteen individuals, each appointed by their Regional President.
(Should one not be appointed, the RPD shall represent the Region on the AHS Archives
& History Committee.) These individuals address the duties outlined in this procedure.
Report to the AHS Archivist/Historian at least once per year on the status of historical activities
within the Region.
Inform the AHS Archivist/Historian of the next Regional Archivist/Historian at end of term, if
known. Otherwise provide the name, email address, and phone number of the RP, especially if
a new one, who will be making the next appointment.
Serve at the pleasure of the RP.