Bev McGee - Stewarts Creek Middle School

Bev McGee
Stewarts Creek Middle School
9-Week Language Arts Planning Template (and Creative Writing)
Week # _____5______ Date ___11-7-2011_________________
7th Grade Lang Arts
Lang Arts- and 3-point essay-expository
TW-Explain the syllabus and field any questions.
TTW model an outline for a 3-point expository
essay and hand out outlines.
SW-Partcipate in class discussion about
syllabus and refer to outline on handout for
research. TLW continue researching and
notetaking on the computers.
HW-Complete outline for 3-point expository
essay on your topic, only using general
statements. We’ll change generalities to
specifics tomorrow
Lang Arts –
TW – Provide copies of graphic organizer for
citing sources and 3-point essay. Teach mini
lesson on MLA style and and conclusion.
SW –Take notes and fill in graphic organizer
(provided), cite sources and begin essay-intro.
Paragraph, body paragraphs with research, so
far. Continue researching on computers.
HW – Complete Online research, notetaking and
work cited.
Lang Arts
TW – Help students with library research.
SW –Utilize library time to read, take notes, cite
sources and/or begin writing essay.
HW – Continue researching, taking notes, citing
sources, writing the essay, or whatever applies.
8th Grade Lang Arts
Lang ArtsTw-Explain the syllabus and field any questions.
TTW model a 3-point expository outline for an
essay. Hand out outlines, MLA standards and
graphic organizers for the essay.
SW-Participate in class discussion about syllabus,
outline, sources cited and essay. Continue to
research, take notes, outline, cite sources, etc.
HW-Complete outline and continue research
Lang Arts TW – Help student with library research,
notetaking and bibliography.
SW –Research written library sources, take notes
and cite sources, outline, draft, revise, peer-edit,
type final copy. Complete whatever applies.
HW –Complete 3-point essay including cover
page, transitions, sources page-MLA
Lang Arts - 0801.1.1 - Using Precise NounsAbstract
TW – Discuss abstract nouns, list on pg of
SW – Complete activities in writing and
describing abstract nouns, pgs 2 and 3 of
Lang Arts –
TW – Conference with students, individually to
assist them where they stand.
SW – Continue working on Research project
HW – Prepare for “Reader’s Theater”-dramatic
presentation, formal speech, debate or song/rap.
Lang Arts TW –Facilitate presentations-skits, debates,
songs/raps, games, etc. Take up essays at the
end of class.
SW – Present skits, debates, song/raps, games,
etc. Turn in essays at the end of class.
HW – Bring your Wordly Wise books
Lang Arts - 0801.1.2 – Verbs – Word Choice
TW – Introduce the list of vivid verbs, and the
What Am I? game.
SW – Write out a riddle for a precise noun and
using vivid verbs. Consider categories, such as
animals, famous people, careers, government,
environment, science, social studies, etc.
Lesson Plan for Bev McGee
8th Grade Creative Writing
Lang Arts - 0801.1.1 - Using Precise NounsConcrete
TW – Show lists of nouns of various types; ask
what they have in common. Discuss general v.
specific nouns (think of diamante poems).
SW – use list on pg 4 of TGTW; also, make list
of general nouns; they from there, create lists of
specific nouns related to each general noun…..
Lang Arts TW – Hand out transitional phrases ditto and do
mini lesson on 3-point essay-transitions, use of
word wall and concluding paragraph.
SW –Continue Online research, notetaking, citing
sources on their topics.
HW – Complete Online research.
2nd – Nine Weeks 2011
Lang. ArtsTW-Facilitate presentations
SW-Present their research in an original way.
They will debate, speak, do a skit, do a
rap/song, etc.
HW-We’ll finish presentations Monday.
Language Arts-0801 Vocabulary-roots
TW-Introduce Wordly Wise-Unit 6
SW-In pairs will take 3-4 words a piece. They
may have 15 minutes to try to teach the words to
their classmates. They may make a puzzle, game,
lesson plan or write a story using the words.
HW- Be prepared to take a quiz on Wordly Wise
Unit 6, Monday.
6th Grade Reading
Reading - 0601.1.10 Informational text
TW – Finish going over Friday’s packet
completed from the SS book.
SW –Make connections, correct their packets
and show understanding of parts of a textbook
and discover strategies. Go over pg. 331 in the
HW – Please read pgs. 332-333 in textbook and
make a list of others who risked their lives to
oppose racism.
7th Grade Reading
Reading –
TW – Have index cards at each desk. Teach a
minilesson on reliability of sources and notetaking
on notecards from nonfiction/informational text
(PPT). TTW model taking notes from a passage
on the Interwrite board, onscreen. TTW model
reliable sources using Encyclopedias,
biographies, newspapers, etc. TTW illustrate all
the meanings of .com, .edu, .org., net, .gov and
hand out dittos to fill in. Explain filters and assign
computers. TTW hand out syllabuses while
students research. ..\..\..\Syllabus for
SW –Take notes on notecards from the passage
provided, while tt models. TLW put Titanic cards
in order of reliability-activity. TLW take notes on
.com, .edu, .net, .org, .gov Once they receive a
computer, they’ll begin working on their research.
..\..\..\Step 3 - Looking for and Forming a Focus ipl2 A+ Research & Writing.mht
HW – Read through syllabus and bring in
questions and notecards/index cards.
ReadingTW-Field any questions from the syllabus, issue
the computers and allow TL to research topic and
take notes on notecards.
SW-Use the classroom and laptop computers to
research and take notes on topic.
HW- Complete any/all of the Online research
necessary to complete note cards.
Reading-0601.1.10 Informational text,
TW-Allow time for students to share/compare
lists of those who opposed racism. TTW
provide quiz on features of a textbook. Lead
discussion on “Separate but Never Equal”-pg.
SW-take a quiz on features of a textbook.
Participate in class discussion of “Separate but
Never Equal”
Lesson Plan for Bev McGee
8th Grade Reading
Reading –
TW – Have index cards at each desk. Teach a
minilesson on notetaking on notecards from
nonfiction/informational text. TTW model taking
notes from a passage on the Interwrite board,
onscreen. TTW model reliable sources using
Encyclopedias, biographies, newspapers, etc.
Then show Wikipedia and how you can change
the text. TTW illustrate all the meanings of
.com, .edu, .org., net, .gov and hand out index
cards for the wall for reliable websites. Explain
filters and assign computers. TTW hand out
syllabuses while students research.
SW –Take notes on notecards from the
passage provided, while tt models. TLW put
Titanic cards in order of reliability-activity. TLW
take notes on .com, .edu, .net, .org, .gov Once
they receive a computer, they’ll begin working
on their research.
HW – Read through syllabus and bring in
ReadingTW-Field any questions from the syllabus.
Teach mini lesson on MLA citing sources, issue
the computers and allow TL to research topics
and take notes on notecards, cite sources..
SW-Use the classroom and laptop computers to
research, take notes and cite sources on topic.
HW- Complete any/all of the Online research
necessary to complete note cards and
bibliography cards.
2nd – Nine Weeks 2011
Reading-0601. Truth vs. mythology
TW-Have a KWL place for “sticky notes”.
Provide “sticky notes”. Lead TL through KW
process. Show PPT about difference between
truth (informational text/nonfiction) vs. mythology
SW-participate in class discussion/activity and
take appropriate notes.
HWReading - 0601.8.8.1 – Genre - mythology
TW – Introduce the genre of mythology.
Introduce the story of Perseus-pg. 360. Use
materials in the Advanced Students portion of
the Holt curriculum.
SW – Read the story in class-lit. circles. Write a
HW – Finish classwork
Reading - 0601.8.8.1 – Genre - mythology
TW – Continue the genre of mythology.
Continue the story of Perseus. Use materials in
the Advanced Students portion of the Holt
curriculum-pg 359. Facilitate use of the Internet
to research the author’s other notable books
SW – Finish reading the story in class. Write a
retelling. Research all other notable books
written by the author.
HW – Finish retelling.
Reading –
TW – TTW teach a mini lesson on citing sources
for books and encyclopedias. Assist students with
library research.
SW – Participate in class discussion of
bibliographical hand out. Go to the library and
research written sources. Take notes and cite
HW – Finish written resources.
TW –Allow time to complete research.
SW –Finish researching, begin outline, 1st draft,
revise, edit and final draft of paper.
HW – Prepare to give speech or have debate.
TW-Facilitate costumes, props, sets, etc. for
dramatic presentations, formal speeches, debates
or songs/raps.
SW-Perform skits, speeches, debates and
Reading –
TW – Assist students with library research.
SW – Go to the library to complete written
sources, take notes and cite sources.
HW – Complete outline, rough draft and revise
essay. Be prepared to present-skit, speech,
debate, song/rap.
Reading –
TW –Allow a few minutes-15 for TL to peer-edit
and type their essays. Facilitate costumes,
props, sets, etc. for dramatic presentations,
formal speeches, debates or songs/raps.
SW –Peer-edit each other’s essays, in pairs.
TLW type final drafts, print and turn in. Present
their reports-skit, speech, debate, song/rap
HW – Bring Wordly Wise book to class
TW-Facilitate completion of skits, speeches,
debates, songs/raps. Introduce Wordly WiseUnit 6
SW-In pairs, take 3-4 words from the WW unit
and find a way to teach them to the rest of the
class-lesson plan, song/rap, acronym, cheer,
Objective covered in research lesson/essay:
 0701.4.2/0801.4.2 Gather relevant information from a variety of sources
 0701.4.3/0801.4.3 Reliability of sources used
 0701.4.4/0801.4.4 Write a research paper
 0701.4.5/0801.4.5 Choose among sources
 0701.4.6/0801.4.6 Reasons for choices
 0701.4.7/0801.4.7 Characteristics and limitations of sources
 0701.4.9/0801.4.9 Interpret data in multiple forms
 0701.4.10/0801.4.10 Collect evidence in various ways
 0701.4.11/0801.4.11 Introductory paragraph
Lesson Plan for Bev McGee
2nd – Nine Weeks 2011
0701.4.12/0801.4.12 Body paragraphs and supporting details
0701.4.13/0801.4.13 Transitions
0701.4.14/0801.4.14 Organizational structure of essay
0701.4.15/0801.4.15 Concluding paragraph
0801.4.16 MLA bibliographical information/sources cited
Lesson Plan for Bev McGee
2nd – Nine Weeks 2011