Review paper: Can biocontrol agents stop weed dispersal? List of papers Buckley, Y.M., E.Brockerhoff, L Langer, N. Legard, H. North and M. Rees. 2005. Slowing down a pine invasion despite uncertainty in demography and dispersal. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 1020–1030. Bullock, J.M., R.F. Pywell and S.J. Coulson-Phillips. 2008. Managing plant population spread: prediction and analysis using a simple model. Ecological Applications 18(4): 945–953. Bullock, J.M., K. Shea, and O. Skarpass. 2006. Measuring plant dispersal: an introduction to field methods and experimental design. Plant Ecology 186(2): 217-234. Fagan W.F., M.A. Lewis, M.G. Neubert and P. van den Driessche. 2002. Invasion theory and biological control. Ecology Letters 5: 148-157 Fagan W.F., M.A. Lewis, M.G. Neubert, C. Aumann, J. L. Apple and J.G. Bishop. 2005. When Can Herbivores Slow or Reverse the Spread of an Invading Plant? A test case from Mount St. Helens. American Naturalist 166: 669–685. Jongejans,_E., O. Skarpaas, and K. Shea. 2008. Dispersal, demography and spatial population models for conservation and control management. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 9: 153–170. Jongejans, E., O. Skarpaas, P.W. Tipping, K. Shea. 2007. Establishment and spread of founding populations of an invasive thistle: the role of competition and seed limitation. Biological Invasions 9(3): 317-325. Kot, M., Lewis, M.A. and van den Driessche, P. 1996. Dispersal data and the spread of invading organisms. Ecology, 77, 2027–2042. Le Maitre, D.C., R.M. Krug, J.H. Hoffmann, A.J. Gordon, T.N. Mgidi. 2008. Hakea sericea: Development of a model of the impacts of biological control on population dynamics and rates of spread of an invasive species. Ecological Modelling 212: 342-358. Lewis, M. A., M. G. Neubert, H. Caswell, J. S. Clark, and K.Shea, Jongejans, E. 2006. A guide to calculating discrete-time invasion rates from data. Pages 169–192 in M. Cadotte, S. McMahon, and T. Fukami, editors. Conceptual ecology and invasions biology: reciprocal approaches to nature. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Moody, M.E. and Mack, R.N. 1988. Controlling the spread of plant invasions: the importance of nascent foci. Journal of Applied Ecology, 25, 1009–1021. Neubert, M.G. & Parker, I.M. 2004. Projecting rates of spread for invasive species. Risk Analysis, 24, 817–831. Rees, M. and Q. Paynter. 1997. Biological control of Scotch broom: modelling the determinants of abundance and the potential impact of introduced insect herbivores. Journal of Applied Ecology, 34, 1203–1221. Rose, Karen E., S.M. Louda, and M. Rees. 2005. Demographic and evolutionary impacts of native and invasive insect herbivores on Cirsium canescens. Ecology, 86(2): 453–465. Shea, K. 2004. Models for improving the targeting and implementation of biological control of weeds. Weed Technology 18: 1578-1581. Skarpaas, O. and K. Shea. 2007. Dispersal patterns, dispersal mechanisms and invasion wave speeds for invasive thistles. American Naturalist 140: 421–430. Skarpaas, O., K. Shea, and J.M. 2005. Bullock. Optimizing dispersal study design by Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Applied Ecology 42(4): 731-739. Taylor, C.M. and Hastings, A. 2004. Finding optimal control strategies for invasive species: a density-structured model for Spartina alterniflora. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41, 1049–1057.