Lessonplanrevised - Ed101

ED 101 Educational Technology Lab
Fall 05
Boston University – School of Education
Ashley Ferrara
Grade 4
Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Late December
Mr. Spencer and Mrs. Sanroma
Harrington Elementary School
The Ancient Egyptians
mid-November to late December
1. Topic:
a. Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
i. Ra
ii. Geb and Nut
iii. Osiris and Isis
iv. Set
v. Horus
vi. Anubis
vii. Thoth
viii. Hathor
ix. Maat
2. Content: Gods and Goddesses
a. What each God/Goddess was associated with
i. Ra: Sun God
ii. Geb: God of the earth; Nut: God of the sky
iii. Osiris: Ruler of the underworld; Isis: Mother goddess
iv. Set: God of the desert
v. Horus: God of life
vi. Anubis: God of the dead
vii. Thoth: God of knowledge and wisdom
viii. Hathor: God of love and joy and protector of women
ix. Maat: God of truth and justice
b. Function
i. Ra: Makes the sun rise and set
ii. Geb and Nut: Keep earth and sky in balance
iii. Osiris and Isis: Ruled over the dead; Kept Egypt fertile
iv. Set: Threatened harmony in Egypt
v. Horus: Had Set banished
vi. Anubis: Prepared bodies of the dead and sent them to the underworld
vii. Thoth: Created hieroglyphics
viii. Hathor: Provided food and water for the souls of the dead
ix. Maat: Kept balance of things on earth.
3. Goals:
a. Students will be able to understand why each God and or Goddess was important
and how each one fit into the lives of the Ancient Egyptians and what purpose
each God and Goddess served.
a. My students will be able to name the most important Gods and Goddesses that
were talked about and be able to give brief info on each of them.
b. My students will have enough info on Gods and Goddesses to be able to write a
book report about one of them.
c. My students will know the benefits of each God and Goddess
d. My students will be able to create a mask or drawing of one of the Gods or
Goddess in an accurate representation
e. My students will know how to play the part of different Gods and Goddesses and
act out the parts in groups and learn how the Gods and Goddesses worked
f. My students will create their own God or Goddess and give them a specific
function for their life
Technology, materials, and aids:
a. 1.7: Collaborate with classmates to use teacher selected websites.
b. 1.10: Explore the use of drawing and painting applications for class projects.
c. 2.1: Follow classroom rules for responsible computer use.
d. 2.4: Develop understanding of how the computer is a tool for learning.
a. Introduction:
i. What purpose did each God or Goddess serve? Which ones were good and
which ones were evil? How many were related to each other?
ii. How were each one of the Gods and Goddesses depicted?
b. Development: Students will…
i. Navigate through the web site
ii. Write a book report on a God or Goddess
iii. Build a mask of a God or Goddess
c. Activities:
i. Picking parts from a hat and then acting them out as a class, e.g. Ra, Geb, Nut,
Osiris, Isis, etc
ii. Practicing writing their names in the hieroglyphics that the God Thoth created
d. Homework:
i. Their homework will be to work on their book reports and finish everything
that they do not have time to work on in school. In school they will only be
given a short amount of time to work on it. A portion of each day will be
assigned to working on it and asking any questions that may have developed
about it while working at home
a. The supervising teacher and I will asses how well the students have learned the
material through a book report, building a mask, acting out the parts of different
Gods and Goddesses, and giving an assessment. The assessment will consist of 5
to 10 questions
a. The website will provide them with pictures of Gods and Goddesses and a
description of what their purpose was and what forms they took on. With this
content, the students will get a better understanding of why the Ancient Egyptians
worshipped certain Gods and Goddesses and which ones were the most important
to them. In addition, through the Gods and Goddesses they will be able to see the
process of what happened when an Ancient Egyptian died.
9. Technology frameworks:
a. optional standards for one early civilization: Ancient Egypt