Lesson Plan 1 Gods/goddesses Teacher(s): Swanson Grade band:HS Number of Students: Subject: ELA Setting: Grade(s): HS Unit: Greek Mythology Standard: (RRLTC) HS.10 By the end of grade 9-10, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 9-10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. (W) HS.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.) (W)HS.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content Essence: (RRLTC) HS.10 Reading comprehension (W) HS.4 Produce writing pieces (W) HS.2 Write informative pieces Extensions: (RRLTC) HS.10- Reading comprehension No extensions available (W) HS.4 Produce writing pieces No extensions available (see standards 1-3) (W) HS.2 Write informative pieces E1: Develop a topic using facts, definitions, or examples, and include a concluding statement that supports the information presented. E2: Introduce and develop a topic providing facts, definitions, or examples. E3: Introduce a topic and supply some facts Lesson Objective: Students will attend to story and answer comprehension questions. Students will produce a research report. Least support RRLTC) HS.10 Students will listen to the story read aloud and follow along with a copy of their own. And verbally answer comprehension questions Moderate support (RRLTC) HS.10 – students will listen to the story and point to the correct corresponding picture when asked a comprehension question or answer orally Most support RRLTC) HS.10 students will listen to the story and when asked a literal comprehension question will point to the correct answer from an array of 2. (W) HS.4 students will use computer to produce a short report on a chosen god/goddess (W) HS.4- students will use pictures and words to produce a fact sheet on a chosen god/ goddess (W) HS.4- students will glue pictures about a chosen god/goddess to create a fact sheet. ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education W) HS.2 see HS.4 . W) HS.2 see HS 4 W) HS.2 see HS.4 Activities : 1) The class will look up the word myth and create their own definition. 3) The teacher will then pass out a laminated pictures of the god/goddesses and a picture that describes them (i.e for Aphrodite- goddess of love, students will match a picture of a large heart). Once the class has gone over this and the pictures are all match students will then be devided into two teams to play a quiz game with the gods/goddesses 5) Students will present their fact sheet and the other students will have to guess which god/ goddess is being reported on. 2) Teacher will read an overview story of the Greek gods and goddesses. Students will use picture supports to help keep track of the different gods and goddesses. 4) Students will pick their favorite god/ goddess and create a fact sheet about the god/goddess to present to the class. (adapt as necessary, some will use all pictures, some will conduct research on the computer and type out a fact sheet complete with pictures and words, it depends on their level of functioning) 6. pre/ post quiz Warm-up: The teacher will put up a map of Greece, students will then look at a map of the world and locate Greece on a map. Teacher will display pictures of Greece in ancient times and have students describe what they see and what they think it was like to live then. The teacher will introduce vocab myth, ancient, fiction, reality, god and goddess . Key Vocabulary: Myth Ancient Fiction Reality gods goddesses Greek Materials: Map of Greece Laminated pictures of gods and goddesses word bank of adjectives Picture/word bank of adjectives Copies of quiz for pre and post Barriers: ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education Level of reading materials Fine motor: Writing and typing Verbal presentation Universal Design for Learning (UDL) brainstorm: Representation How will instructional content and materials be presented to the students (the “what” of learning)? Visual representation manipulatives Actions/ Expression How are the students able to interact with the materials and demonstrate knowledge (the “how” of learning)? Group work Engagement What interests and engages students in the learning process (the “why” of learning)? Reinforcements Manipulating visuals to match and display knowledge Oral comprehension questions Group work Presentation in front of class Use of competitive games Use of multiple resources such as computer Teaching Strategies: One on One Instruction Hand over Hand Direct instruction Modeling Assessments: Response mode: Report on god/goddess Switches Oral comprehension questions Verbally Group match game of gods and goddesses Receptively Pre/post quiz Communication device Possible accommodations to use with this lesson: Enlarged print Enlarged texts Objects Pictures Picture symbols Tactile representation AAC device ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education Closing Activity: Students will share one thing they learned about someone elses god/ goddess that they reported on. ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education