1. Policy Statement - Life Learning Cloud

Hertford Infant & Nursery School
email: admin@hertfordinf.brighton-hove.sch.uk
Tel: 01273 552931
September 2015
Date of next review
September 2016
Ratified by Governors September 2015
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
1. Policy Statement - page 3
2. Context - page 3
3. Designated person - page 4
4. The categories of abuse - page 4
5. Other Concerns – page 5
6. Reporting Concerns and Disclosures - page 5
7. Information sharing regarding safeguarding - page 6
8. Record keeping - page 7
9. Confidentiality - page 7
10. Training - page 8
11. Allegations against staff - page 8
12. Working with outside agencies - page 8
13. Links to other policies - page 9
14. Special Safeguarding Circumstances - page 9
15. Using CPOMS - page 11
Appendix A - Social Service Assessment Framework
Appendix B – Concern reporting sheet
Appendix C – Master of report for Child protection conference or core group meeting
with guidance notes
Appendix D – Induction checklist
Appendix E – Supply Cover/Teaching Student Information sheet
Appendix F – Staff Disclosure Letter
Monitoring and evaluation of the policy
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Designated Person for CP and the
Designated Governor for child protection in consultation with the school’s staff and
Governing Body.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
1. Policy Statement
At Hertford Infant and Nursery we strive to be a place where pupils, staff, helpers, families and other
visitors will be made welcome and comfortable and where we will treat each other with respect.
 We believe that all children and young people have the right to protection from neglect and abuse and
that their welfare is of paramount importance. Hertford Infant and Nursery School is a place where
learning and personal development takes place in a climate of trust and confidence and where we
value everyone's unique contribution to our community.
 Everyone has a responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young
people and for ensuring that they are protected from harm.
 All staff and volunteers working in the school have a duty to ensure that children are safe and
protected and we all have a duty to ensure that if there are any concerns relating to the welfare or
safety of a child the Pan Sussex procedures as agreed by the Brighton and Hove Local Safeguarding
Children Board (LSCB) are followed
 We will always try to work in partnership with families but in any conflict between the needs of the
child or young person and those of parents/carers or professionals, the needs of the young person
must come first.
 We are committed to safe recruitment and selection procedures to ensure that all staff and volunteers
have been appropriately screened prior to appointment, and to the provision of appropriate child
protection training through the staff induction programme and within continuing professional
development opportunities.
 We recognise that neglect and abuse occurs in all cultures, ethnic and social groups.
 The Designated person for CP and the Designated Governor for child protection will meet regularly to
review safeguarding.
 Governing Body will be updated on CP and Safeguarding issues in the termly Head teachers report.
 All staff and governors have a duty to read the statutory guidance outlining their responsibilities to
safeguard and promote the welfare of children in their care as outlined in the following documents
 Working together to Safeguard Children (2015)
 Keeping children safe in education (2015)
Both of these documents are available on the school website – Policies page
2. Context
The Children’s Act 1989 requires all Local Authorities and schools to:
 Take action to safeguard and promote the welfare of any child who is suffering or likely to suffer
‘significant harm’
 Safeguard and promote the welfare of any child who is ‘in need’
There are two parts to safeguarding:
 A duty to protect children from maltreatment
 A duty to prevent impairment
Promoting welfare means creating opportunities to enable children to have optimum life chances
The concept of Significant Harm introduced by the Children Act 1989 is the threshold by which compulsory
intervention by Social Services may take place:
Harm means ill treatment or the impairment of health or development;
Development means physical, intellectual, emotional, social or behavioural development;
Health means physical or mental health; and ill treatment includes sexual abuse and forms of ill treatment
which are not physical.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
3. Designated Person
Note to schools – a serious case review carried out in Brighton & Hove in Nov 08 identified that the DP for
child protection should ideally not be the head teacher
All schools have to have a senior member of staff with responsibility for implementing the child
protection policy. In our school the Designated Person (DP) with child protection responsibility is:
Tracey Bowers (Assistant Head). In her absence the Deputy Designated Persons are Justine
Parsons (Deputy Head) or Zoe McGuigan (Head teacher).
The Designated Governor for Child Protection is Sue Seymour (Chair)
The Head teacher has overall responsibility for the safeguarding of children and the DPwill consult the
Head teacher regarding safeguarding matters.
The DP for child protection will have regular child protection training at least every three years and will
make sure that all staff and volunteers know how to recognise and report any concerns or indications
that a child is or has been neglected or abused.
The DP will provide information to the governing body regarding the number, nature and outcomes of
referrals made.
The DP will make any necessary contact with the appropriate safeguarding team or the police and
s/he will make sure that the school follows the Brighton and Hove LSCB procedures and contributes
fully to the child protection process.
The Head teacher will be responsible for ensuring the central record of child protection training is kept
up to date.
The DP will be responsible for ensuring that relevant information is shared with appropriate staff
(including staff at other settings as appropriate). Staff will sign to confirm that they have received and
understood the information.
The DP is responsible for passing on other relevant information to other schools when children
transfer. This must be passed on to the DP for CP only. The DP must ensure confirmation of receipt
of information.
4. The categories of abuse
Through their day-to-day contact with children and direct work with families, education staff have a crucial
role to play in noticing indicators of possible abuse or neglect and referring those concerns to the appropriate
investigative agencies (social services and police).
Training is provided to all staff on appointment and annually at the first INSET of the year by our designated
person for child protection. A copy of the Pan – Sussex child protection procedures and other associated
information is available on http://pansussexscb.proceduresonline.com/chapters/contents.html
Evidence of abuse can include:
Physical Abuse: non accidental injuries, bruising, wounding burns, fractures
- Indicators include:
• Obvious signs of injury;
• Injuries which are unusual or unexplained; and
• Injuries, which while explained are frequent.
Neglect: the chronic inattention to basic needs
- indicators include:
• Dirty, unkempt appearance;
• Developmental delay;
• Low self esteem; and
• Hunger.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Sexual abuse: the involvement of children or young people in sexual activity, this includes the abuse of a
position of trust by an adult with professional responsibility to a child
- indicators include:
• Physical difficulties such as wetting or soiling;
• Extreme variations in behaviour;
• sexualised language, sexualized behaviour during play
• Indirect disclosure through play, drawing or written work.
Emotional Abuse or neglect: persistent emotional ill treatment such as the extreme denial of love, affection
or approval
- indicators include:
• Low self esteem, unhappiness, fear, distress or anxiety;
• Attention seeking behaviours; and
• Emotional developmental delay.
Staff at Hertford Infants and Nursery will be trained annually to recognise and respond to the categories and
potential indicators of abuse.
5. Other Concerns
Staff at Hertford Infants and Nursery will always be alert for other concerns that could impact on children’s
welfare that may also involve other members of the child’s family, including:
 Radicalisation - http://pansussexscb.proceduresonline.com/chapters/p_ch_yp_violent.html Also refer to
the Prevent Policy on school website
 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) http://pansussexscb.proceduresonline.com/chapters/p_fem_gen_mutil.html
 Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) http://pansussexscb.proceduresonline.com/pdfs/pan_sussex_cse_strategy.pdf#search="CSE"
 Forced Marriage (FM) - http://pansussexscb.proceduresonline.com/chapters/p_forced_marr.html
 Private Fostering Arrangements –
 Children Missing From Education
For more information on all the above concerns also refer to Keeping Children Safe in Education 2015 Policy
available on school website
6. Reporting Concerns and Disclosures
All concerns should be reported on CPOMS (Child Protection Online Monitoring System) – see section 15 for
information on using the system. If for any reason this is not possible the concern must be recorded on a
fluorescent yellow form - appendix B. Forms will be available in the staffroom and each classroom in the
Yellow Class Provision file.
Concerns may arise at any time through direct disclosure from a child; something a parent has said;
something another child has said; something that you may have heard in the community or even something
that just doesn’t ‘feel right’. Nothing is too insignificant to report as every report of seemingly insignificant
incidences WILL build a bigger picture when they are put together, so never feel that you are wrong to report.
After reporting any incident, you will get feedback via CPOMS informing you of any further actions that need
to be undertaken either by yourself, the Designated Person, Head teacher or partnership agencies (social
care; school nursing; GP etc). On occasion, you will be told that there is no further action, this does not mean
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
that your concern was unwarranted. It has been logged and investigated and a decision has been made to
not do anything further with your concern. However, the concern will be referred to, should anything else
arise in the future.
When reporting concerns, be clear and concise. State the facts as you have been given them and make sure
the necessary details – Names, class, date and time of report are on the form. You can then begin to record
the facts. It is perfectly ok to explain why you are concerned “Max never usually cries” or “It is unlike Amira to
be aggressive” etc.
If a child discloses abuse in school, the person hearing the disclosure should:
 Listen, allowing the child to recall freely without making judgement (verbal or non-verbal) or
 reassure the child that they are believed;
 make notes as soon as possible recording as accurately as possible the word used by the child;
 But be clear with the child that the information will have to be passed on and that there are people
who will be able to help; and refer to the Designated Person immediately who will contact the MASH if
It is important not to lead the child or anyone else who is making a disclosure – “did mummy hit you?” for
instance would be inappropriate, but “can you tell me how the bruise happened” would be fine. Do not be
concerned if the child / parent cannot give you all the details you want, you will also recognise when a child is
too distressed to tell you information, it is also ok just to pass on the basic outline and let the SLT speak
further with the child / adult making the disclosure.
DO NOT QUESTION THE CHILD IN DETAIL; this is the role of specially trained social workers and police
officers. Others posing questions to the child could contaminate potential evidence of a crime.
The most important part to remember is that you must complete an incident log on CPOMS and alert it to the
Designated Person (or Deputy DP in the DPs absence) asap. Do not wait until you are on your way out at the
end of the day to do it. Action may need to be taken urgently before a child goes home for the day so it is
essential that the information is passed on quickly.
7. Information sharing regarding safeguarding
At Hertford Infant and Nursery school the Head teacher and Designated Person will make the decision
regarding the sharing of information when there are child protection concerns with parents and partner
agencies to:
 support early intervention to help children, young people and families who need additional services to
achieve positive outcomes
 ensure we fulfil our duty to safeguard children and promote their welfare
At Hertford Infant and nursery we follow the guidance below to ensure we share information both
professionally and lawfully
Seven golden rules for information sharing on the pan sussex procedures
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
8. Record keeping
The Data Protection Act states that personal information held by agencies must be obtained and processed
fairly and lawfully and stored securely. It must be accurate, proportionate to the purpose, not held longer than
necessary and may only be disclosed in appropriate circumstances.
Record keeping is an important aspect of our school life, staff keep records on all areas of pupil welfare,
development and attainment and this is made clear to parents through the school prospectus, school policies
and parent meetings.
Paper CP records are stored in the SLT office in a locked drawer. Electronic CP files are stored on the school
server (SMT drive/CP- password protected with access only given to those that have responsibility for child
From September 2015 CP files and information will be stored on CPOMS (new secure online system) Old
files will gradually be scanned and/or uploaded to this system so there is a complete chronology stored in
one place. – SEE SECTION 15
These records form evidence and may be used in the child protection referral and any subsequent
investigation or legal proceedings, they are exempt from the open file regulations and do not have to
be made available to parents or carers requesting access to the pupil's file.
Good practice and partnership working dictates that if anything is significant enough to be recorded it should
be discussed with parents and carers unless this increases risks for the child or damages the potential for the
collection of evidence.
Any welfare and child protection records will be passed on to the next school if the DP believes they still
constitute a concern. If their professional judgment is that the records do not constitute a concern they should
be shredded when the child leaves.
Any formal records of child protection groups or meetings will be held by the safeguarding team and they will
take responsibility for the appropriate storage of these records.
9. Confidentiality
All members of Hertford Infant and Nursery are entitled to privacy. In general confidential information
about children, families or others within the school should be kept confidential and privacy respected.
Where there are concerns that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, information must be
shared with the Designated Person in the first instance and may, subsequently be shared with the Multi
Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Where staff or other adults in school have concerns, either due to what they have seen or heard or in
relation to a direct disclosure by a child, they cannot keep that information confidential and the child
must not be given false guarantees that this is possible. It must be shared with the Designated Person
in the interests of safeguarding that child.
The Head teacher and Designated Person will decide when other staff may need to be alerted to
concerns about a child or young person, possibly in order to monitor the concern or to gather further
evidence prior to a referral being made, or to assist in providing appropriate support to a child or young
person after a referral has been made.
Information should only be shared on a strict need to know basis.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
10. Training
All members of staff will receive child protection training as part of their induction. This will be updated
every year at the first INSET of the academic year by the head teacher. A register of staff training will be
kept by the head teacher.
All volunteers will be informed of their responsibility to safeguard children and the name of the
designated person during their induction process (See appendix D for induction checklist)
All supply staff are given an information sheet including safeguarding on arrival. Supply staff sign after
reading, this is then photocopied and a copy is kept in the Single Central Record (SCR) file. (see
appendix E for copy of information sheet)
The governors have a lead member for child protection: who will undertake training, and monitor child
protection training and training records with the Designated Person for Child Protection and Head
The Designated Person undertakes roles and responsibilities (single agency) training and Local
Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) interagency training at a minimum every 2 years. The deputy child
protection person will also undertake the training.
The Head teacher will attend roles and responsibility training every 3 years and other safeguarding
training as appropriate. If they are not the designated person, they will also be included in the school
based child protection training.
11. Allegations against staff
We believe that all members of the school community are entitled to receive care and protection from harm.
We will not accept inappropriate behaviour towards pupils or staff, and will ensure that any concerns or
allegations of impropriety are dealt with quickly, fairly and sensitively.
In the event that an allegation of abuse is made against a member of staff or other adult in school, the Head
teacher will seek advice from the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)- Darrell Clews (01273 295643)
and will agree the procedure to be followed. If an allegation is made against the head teacher the Chair of
Governors will seek advice from the LADO and agree the procedure to be followed.
Any staff disclosing information regarding inappropriate behaviour by colleagues will be listened to and
Parents of a child allegedly abused by a member of staff or other adult in the school will be kept informed of
the progress and outcome of any investigation.
Any member of staff facing investigation into an allegation of abuse will be subject to the procedures laid
down by the joint Department for Education and Skills / National Employers Organisation for School
Teachers (DfES/NEOST) guidance and will be offered appropriate access to professional and personal
support networks, and, will be kept informed of the progress and outcome of any investigation.
12. Working with outside agencies
Hertford Infant and Nursery School recognises the authority of the LSCB and are committed to working in
partnership with them and the police.
We will comply with the procedures prescribed by the Pan – Sussex child protection procedures and will be
proactive in working together to safeguard children. We will share through the Designated Person,
appropriate information with investigating teams, and contribute to child protection conferences, core groups
and care plans.
Any incident requiring advice from or referral to, safeguarding teams and arising out of normal hours will be
referred directly to the emergency/out of hour’s team or failing that directly to the police child protection team.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
13. Links to other policies
We will develop and evaluate all school policies with a view to safeguarding and promoting the physical and
emotional welfare of all our pupils and staff;
We will take account of the principles outlined in this policy and ensure that all other policies and procedures
reflect this to support the protection of children from harm or neglect, in particular through:
Staff Recruitment and selection policy
Staff code of conduct
Induction policy (for both staff and volunteers)
Social Behaviour and Wellbeing policy
Single Equality and Community Cohesion Policy
Attendance Policy
Children Induction Policy
Teaching and learning policies (Early Years/KS1)
Curriculum policies
Educational visits policy
Health and safety policy
Special needs and Disabilities (SEND) policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Anti-bullying policy
Looked after children policy
Computing and Internet Safety policies
Administration of First aid and Medicines in school policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE 2015)
Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Gov 2015)
The Prevent duty ( DfE 2015)
14. Special Safeguarding Circumstances
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will ensure in keeping with the recommendations of the Bichard Inquiry,
that our recruitment and selection policy is robust in following up references, Disclosure and Barring Service
(DBS) checks and career gaps and fulfills the requirements of the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).
At least one member of the selection panel will have undertaken Safer Recruitment training to ensure that
interviews to appoint staff reflect the importance of safeguarding children.
All staff, including supply staff, on site contractors, support services and volunteers working in the school will
be given induction information regarding this policy. These persons will be asked to sign and date that they
understand and agree to follow this information.
Vulnerable Pupils
We recognise that for a number of reasons, children with special needs are more vulnerable to abuse, and
may be less able to tell people about abuse happening to them. For these reasons, it is essential that
rigorous child protection procedures are in place, especially with regard to recruitment, checks on volunteers
and paid workers, whistle blowing policies, and having clear guidelines setting out acceptable behaviour by
those working with children with disabilities.
Support for children for whom English is an additional language and children in care may also require extra
consideration. Please also refer to the Special Educational Needs policy.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Educational Trips
Please see the Educational Visits policy for further advice
Capital programme
The head teacher will ensure that during the progress of any on site works, contractors will be issued with
relevant child protection information. This will include our expectation of their conduct whilst on site.
Use of internet
Please see the separate Computing and Internet Safety policies for further information
Images of children, such as recording school events and school brochures
Hertford Infants and Nursery believe that images of children are an important record of school life and
achievements. We have a procedure for the use of images of children which is reinforced at school events.
This procedure is reviewed annually and cross checked with the guidance on safeguarding children.
Staff will only use school cameras and ipads to take photographs. Camera photos will be downloaded at
school. The ipads are password protected for security if taken home. The use of camera phones is prohibited
for all members of staff and all volunteers.
Electronic Information Sharing and Data handling
All staff need to use the school email address provided by the LA when corresponding with other staff about
any school related matter. School staff are provided with ‘safe’ code encrypted data sticks for transporting
electronic information to use at home. Refer to guidelines in the Internet Policy. CP information is shared
using Egress security system
Working 1:1
Volunteers are to never be left alone with individual children or small groups of children. Class teachers are
responsible for organising the provision for the children in their class. Sometimes for some children it is
appropriate for them to be withdrawn from whole class teaching activities for intervention work, sometimes on
a 1:1 basis. The member of staff leading the intervention is responsible for ensuring the class teacher knows
that a child has been withdrawn for an intervention group.
Behaviour Management
For children with identified behavioural difficulties the school must write a behaviour support plan which every
member of staff must have a copy. This will clearly explain how to manage behaviours safely.
No member of staff should ever be alone when dealing with a behavioural issue.
For children who do not have a Behaviour Support Plan, the policy of a minimum of two staff present when
dealing with a behaviour issue applies in every situation. Please see the behaviour policy for further details.
Information regarding behaviour incidents should be uploaded to CPOMS and tagged ‘behaviour’
Lone working
There is risk assessment for lone working on site – please see the risk assessment folder on staff shared.
There are is a specific risk assessment for staff lone working in the Nest with children.
Changing children
Only school staff are allowed to change children who have had soiling accidents. Staff must change children
in a separate area away from other people ensuring that any doors are open at all times. Staff must minimise
physical contact in assisting children; staff must encourage children to change themselves within their
capabilities. If there is regular changing required an Intimate Care Plan must be completed with the parent
outlining the child’s care regime – see below
Medical conditions
Staff will liaise (in consultation with the head teacher, special needs co-coordinator and designated person)
with parents and medical professionals regarding the best practice of support for children who have medical
conditions. An individualised medical care plan will be developed.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Single Central Record
This is maintained and updated monthly by the school Admin Assistant – Sarah Bunce.
An electronic copy is kept on a password restricted hard drive and can only be accessed by the Head
teacher and the Admin Assistant.
A hard copy is stored in a locked cupboard and can only be accessed by the members of the SLT. This is
replaced monthly and the old copy is destroyed.
After school clubs
Control of the school premises during and out of normal school hours is under the control of the Governing
Body except where a transfer of control agreement has been made. Services provided by school staff fall
under the remit of the school’s usual procedures for safeguarding. Any other organisation or individual
providing activities or services on the school site must have appropriate safeguarding and child protection
polices and procedures in place. All providers using the school site will receive training on emergency
evacuation procedures.
All after school club leaders run clubs on behalf of the school for pupils of the school only.
We employ a member of the school’s support staff to comply with the procedures laid out in this policy.
Appropriate DBS checks are carried out on all after school club leaders prior to them conducting any clubs.
The school’s Breakfast club is run by school staff and comes under the schools usual procedures for
Site security
All visitors must sign in at the office and receive an identification badge. All staff should wear their identity
badges. People not wearing badges can be challenged.
From September 2015 the school has invested in CPOMS, a Child Protection Online Monitoring
System. This will replace the fluorescent yellow forms as our means of reporting any safeguarding concerns.
However these forms will still be used if for any reason the online system is not available.
It is vital that everyone follows the same procedures when using this system. Listed below are reminders for
you so that you know what to do each time.
You may also log behaviour incidents, SEND or Vulnerable Pupils information or conversations with parents
on CPOMS if you feel that they are relevant to the inclusion team – parent lost job, benefits stopped, parents
separated etc etc.
1. Log in to CPOMS (https://hertfordinf.cpoms.net)
2. Add incident
3. Type in the name of the child you wish to report on (a list of options will appear, please click the
right one as we cannot delete incidents)
4. Begin writing up the incident.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
5. Choose a category. You click ‘cause for concern’ and also whether you have this info via a ‘pupil
contact’ or a ‘parent contact’. There is no need to click any other category as that will be done
when it gets to the Designated Person.
6. If you are reporting an incident that concerns other children in school please add them in the
linked students bar. (This may be siblings, friends or other children involved in an incident in
7. Choose which staff to alert – ALWAYS the Designated Person but also Deputy DP and Head
when DP is not in school.
8. Add incident
9. If you have an action to add (you may have spoken to parent at home time about the disclosure,
you may have discussed with colleague etc) you can then add this by clicking add action. Again,
alert the DP.
10. Be aware that once you have added an incident, it is quite likely that you will receive an action
11. You may get an action related to someone else’s incident alert. Please don’t assume that there is
nothing to check if you haven’t reported anything.
12. Follow up any actions as requested and log outcome as another action for the same incident. Do
not create another incident for the logging of actions. You will notice that when it comes back to
you, categories and agencies may well have been clicked. You will also be able to see other
people’s incident reports on occasion.
Please remember that information on CPOMS is both sensitive and confidential, please do not
discuss anything with other staff members or leave the site open in view at school or public places.
Any queries, please ask the Designated Person. CPOMS is completely secure – you may use full
names when making reports. You can also access CPOMS from any internet connection (still secure)
including school ipads.
Social Service Assessment Framework - this is an amended (shortened) version of the areas and points for consideration that a
social worker would look at and evaluate when making an assessment of a family. Please use this document as a reference point
only. You may wish to use it as a guide if you have concerns about a child or are writing a report for a case conference.
Child’s Developmental Needs
 Health
Does child receive an appropriate health
care when ill?
An adequate & nutritious diet? Exercise?
Developmental checks?
Appropriate dental and optical care?
 Education
Main carer’s engagement with child’s
educational activities, progress and
achievements and needs.
 Emotional and Behavioural
How does the child demonstrate their
feelings and actions towards others?
What is their temperament like? How do they
adapt to change? Respond to stress? Self
 Identity
Child’s self image and self-esteem?
Positive sense of individuality?
 Family & Social relationships
Developing empathy. Stable and affectionate
relationship with parents, siblings, developing
age appropriate relationships
 Social Presentation
Appropriateness of clothing for age, gender,
culture and religion. Cleanliness and
personal hygiene
 Self-care skills
Dressing, feeding, gain practical skills to
develop into an independent person
Family & Environmental Factors
 Community Resources
Family’s engagement with
 Family’s social integration
Impact this has on the family – integration
with peer groups, friends and community
 Income
Financial difficulties
 Employment
Who is working in the household?
Impact of this on children.
 Housing
Accommodation has basic amenities and
facilities appropriate to the age and
development of the children – such as water,
heating, sanitation, cooking facilities,
sleeping arrangements, cleanliness, hygiene
and safety
 Wider Family
Who? And their role of and importance to the
 Family History & Functioning
Who is living in the household? Significant
changes in the family / household?
Childhood experiences of parents?
Nature of family functioning?
Parental strengths and difficulties?
Parenting Capacity
 Basic Care
Ability to provide for child’s physical &
medical needs. Provision of food, drink,
warmth, shelter, clean & appropriate clothing
& adequate personal hygiene.
 Ensuring safety
Ability to ensure child is safe & protected
from harm including from unsafe adults &
children & from self harm. Includes both in
the home and elsewhere.
 Emotional warmth
Ensuring child’s emotional needs are met.
Ensuring child’s needs for secure, stable and
affectionate relationships are met. Ensuring
appropriate physical contact.
 Stimulation
Promoting & facilitating child’s learning &
intellectual development – includes effective
communication (talking with & responding to
child’s language) joining in child’s play.
Ensuring school attendance. Facilitating child
to meet the challenges of life.
 Guidance & Boundaries
Enabling child to regulate their own emotions
and behaviour. Parents ability to model &
demonstrate appropriate behaviour. Setting
boundaries. Help child develop a moral
values & conscience. Not over protecting.
 Stability
Providing a stable family environment to
enable child to develop & maintain a secure
attachment. Providing consistency & contact
with key family members &significant others.
Safeguarding Concern Report
Name of Child:
Incident reported by:
Date reported:
Give factual information rather than opinion, also dates/times/names of people involved. Where there is physical
harm a diagram may be helpful to clearly identify any areas of pain or injury.
Sexual Abuse
Physical Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Causes for concern must be recorded no matter how small or great they seem. Causes for concern may range
from poor personal hygiene to a disclosure of abuse. ALL cause of concern should be noted and passed to the
Designated Person for child protection:Tracey Bowers and/or Deputy Designated Person: Justine Parsons or
Head teacher: Zoe McGuigan.
All personnel must not discuss cause for concern forms or any disclosures.
Name(s) and position of person completing the form:
Please write in your own words a summary of your concern:
Designated Person: Tracey Bowers
Record of action taken over leaf
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Record of action taken
Name and position:
Entered in CPOMS
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Appendix C
Education Report for Initial/Review/Transfer Child Protection
Report of: ………………………………….…… Designation: ………………………
Date of Conference: …………………………………………….
School/Agency: ………………………
Name of Child: …………………………. DOB: …………………
Address: …………………………………. ………………………………..
Parents/Guardians: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date Entered School: ………………………………….
Recent Changes of School (& Dates) ……………………………………………………………………
School Attendance: Patterns/Punctuality
see guidance notes below for filling in
see guidance notes below for filling in
Behaviour/Attitudes/Relationships in School (including significant changes):
see guidance notes below for filling in
Performance/Academic Achievement (including significant changes):
see guidance notes below for filling in
Home/School Links:
see guidance notes below for filling in
Known Involvement of other Agencies:
see guidance notes below for filling in
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Author of the Report
School: This should normally be the school’s Designated Teacher (Child Protection) in consultation with
the teacher who knows the child best (class teacher/ form tutor).
General Comments
 Facts and opinions based on these facts are welcome. However, it should be noted that this report
will be shared with all who attend the conference, including the parents/guardians and in some
cases the child him/herself.
 Comments may be given in bullet point note form.
 A copy of the report should be retained in the school with the other Child Protection documents
relating to this child.
 The following checklist is comprehensive. Comment need only be made where appropriate, not
slavishly in response to every suggested point below.
School Attendance
 Brief details only are required, with specific figures for the last 6 months if the child has a significant
non-attendance problem.
 Are there unusual patterns evident? Is the child absent regularly on the same day each week?
Does this absence coincide with games/PE/swimming?
 Do the parents/guardians notify the school promptly the reasons for absence? Has there been a
pattern of trivial medical excuses?
 What is the child’s record of unauthorised absence?
 Has there been a significant recent change in the child’s attendance pattern?
 How often is the child late? How late? What sort of excuses are offered? By whom?
 Does the child have a record of truancy? Is there any post registration truancy?
 How is the child dressed? In uniform? In seasonally appropriate clothing?
 Is the child clean/tidy?
 Have there been significant recent changes in the child’s presentation?
Behaviour/Attitudes/Relationships in School
 Does child have behaviour related special educational needs? How are these being provided for in
school? Does the child have a Statement of Special Educational Needs?
 Is the child a bully? Is he/she a significant victim of bullying? Any specific type (racist, homophobic
 Does the child have many friends? Is the child isolated?
 How does the child relate to his/her siblings?
 Is the child disruptive/noisy/attention seeking/withdrawn? Are there any suspected eating disorders?
 How does the child relate to school staff members?
 Has the child been excluded (fixed term or permanently)? Is the child currently at risk of exclusion?
 Has the child a behaviour problem linked to substance abuse?
 Is the young person a young offender?
 Has the school counsellor been involved?
 Have there been any significant recent changes in the child’s behaviour/demeanour?
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Performance/Academic Achievement
 Does the child have performance related special educational needs? How are these being provided
for in the school? Does the child have a Statement? An Individual Education Plan (IEP)?
 Is the child’s performance significantly below his/her known potential?
 Which lessons does the child enjoy/dislike?
 Have there been any significant recent changes in the child’s performance?
Home/School Links
 Does a parent/guardian always bring the (young) child to school in the morning and collect him/her
in the evening?
 Is the parent/guardian often/occasionally/ever late collecting the child at the end of the school day?
 Do the parents/guardians visit the school on special occasions (sports days/parents’ evenings/end of
term concerts etc.)? Are they generally supportive?
 Are there any formal links – is the parent a parent governor?
 In cases where the parents are separated, is there any dispute over access to be child within the
school setting? Are there any disputes about who collects the child at the end of the school day?
Are there any Court Orders made under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 (orders which specify
residence/access and make stipulations about a child’s upbringing)?
 Have the parents/guardians ever been threatening/abusive/menacing towards school staff
members? Have the police been called? Have letters excluding them from school premises been
 Have there been any recent changes in the relationship between the parents/guardians and the
Known Involvement of Other Agencies
 Public Sector: The EWO/Educational Psychologist/ CAMHS/School Health/Hospitals/GP/Youth
Offending Team /Alternative Centre for Education (ACE)/Teaching Support Services etc.
 Voluntary Sector: Counselling, voluntary youth clubs, drug rehabilitation etc.
 Is the child being treated long-term for illness,disability or injury. Is he/she a young carer?
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Appendix D
New Staff Induction Checklist
Teaching Staff
Employee’s Name:
Induction Manager:
Welcome to school and layout of site:
 Introduction to members of the team
 Explanation of the school ethos/values/vision/mission etc
 Tour of buildings
 Security arrangements (key fob/visitors sticker/sign in etc)
Staff Handbook
The school:
The structure of the school day – times
Key staff and their roles (SLT / KS leaders Office / Inclusion
team etc.)
The school Intranet system
Communication systems – email/ staff drawers/ phone tree)
Staff absence expectations and protocols
Health and Safety:
Health and Safety
Read Health and safety policy
First aid facilities
Medication Procedures
Fire procedures – alarms/exits/PEEPs
Emergency Evacuation
Emergency School Closure procedure
Accident procedure – children and adults
Classroom H&S checklist
Reporting – H&S incidents
Risk Assessments
Around the school/playground
Climbing Wall training
Nut Free School
Medicine Policy
Safeguarding: Children
Relevant Policy
for reference
Safeguarding Policy
E-safety Policy
Keeping Children Safe
in Education (Sect 1)
Together to Safeguard
Designated Person/Deputy
Essential Policies to read
CPOMS – login/reporting
E-safety/social media
Routines – going home time
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Safeguarding Adults
 Lone Working
 Ladders
 Lifting/Handling Equipment
 Manual Handling
 School Filtering system – sign form
 IT AUP – sign form
 Whistle blowing Policy
 Data Protection
 Copyright
Educational Visits /Visitors in school
 Read Policy
 Checklist
 DBS/List 99
Lone Working Policy
Manual Handling
Whistle blowing Policy
Internet Policy
Educational Visits
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Appendix E
Welcome to Hertford Infant and Nursery School
We are a 2 form entry Infant School with a Nursery. Each class is named after a bird.
This class is called: ………………………….Year ………….
Teachers Name: ………………..
TAs name: …………………….
All staff are known by their first names but it is your choice how you are addressed.
We are a school that works on values and learning behaviours to ensure lifelong learners.
We therefore praise children for modelling these behaviours to others. Please refer to the animal
posters in each classroom. We also encourage a Growth Mindset by praising effort rather than
achievement. We have high expectations of the children.
Safeguarding – We place the safeguarding and wellbeing of children as the highest of our
priorities. If you have any concerns regarding the children in your care please act swiftly and
immediately report it in writing to the schools designated teacher for child protection – Tracey
Bowers (AHT) or in her absence to Zoe McGuigan (HT) or Justine Parsons (DHT) Please ask for
the relevant report form. We strictly prohibit the use of non-school registered cameras and
camera phones on school premises.
Health and Safety – H&S is everyone’s responsibility. If you notice any H&S issues please
report them immediately to the Head or Deputy or a member of the office staff.
Confidentiality – We expect complete confidentiality –any information regarding our children or
families is not to be shared outside the school.
Fire Alarm – Please check the fire procedures in your classroom. If the alarm sounds
proceed with your class in a quiet orderly fashion to the nearest exit and assemble in a line in the
front playground -end nearer the shed. If in the hall exit either from the main door into the
playground or via the rear fire exit, turn left around the back of the school to the front playground
Reception Classes evacuate to the back garden. As you leave the classroom take the laminated
class fire list by the door. The Walkie Talkie (and exit gate key) kept in Blackbirds class must also
be taken out to ensure contact with the front playground. A senior member of staff will tell you
when it is safe to return to class.
First Aid/Medical Conditions/Medicine – Please see the supply information sheet in the
classroom for specific information regarding any medical conditions affecting your pupils. A list of
known medical conditions is found inside this cabinet. All classes have a first aid cabinet sited in
or just outside the room where a basic first aid kit and inhalers etc are stored. First aid can be
administered by trained staff.
Staffroom and staff toilets are up the stairs in the office. There is a single toilet past Kingfishers
Marking -Please ensure you mark all work you have done with the children using our school
marking symbols – available in the classroom or please ask for a copy.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
 School begins at promptly at 8.50am. Open the corridor door at 8.45 and greet the children as
they come in. PLEASE record any changes of who is picking up at the end of the day using the
class list (on the window). Shut the door at 8.50. Anyone who arrives after this time must go in
the office door and sign in late.
Register must be completed by 9.00. Sarah in the office will provide a paper copy for supply
teachers. Mark any absences on the laminated class fire list just by the door. Dinner Choices children self register and the information must be registered on the paper class list. Each child
wears a colour band Blue for packed lunches, Green for Vegetarian school dinner, Red for Meat
School dinner.
Assembly is at 10.10. Children must be in hall for that time. Please check if you are expected to
support in assembly that day.
Playtime is straight after assembly. Please check if you are on duty. Playtime should finish
around 10.50 - if on a break you will hear the warning bell to collect the children. If you are on
duty at the end of playtime ring the bell in the office to let staff know it is end of playtime. Return
to the playground and wait for the other staff to open their classroom doors. The children will walk
in when they see their class door open. Fruit (and milk) is collected as the children walk into the
classroom and drinking and eating is encouraged at this time. Wet plays are in own classrooms –
TAs will watch children
Lunch time is 12.15 - 1.15
Meals are eaten in the hall. When not eating children play in front playground
First sitting - Reception and Penguins (Y1)
Second sitting – Year 2 and Puffins (Y1)
Wet lunch times - see timetable on notice board in staffroom
The school day finishes at 3.05pm. The children sit in the classrooms and wait until the
teacher/TA has seen their parent/carer and called them to go home. Your TA will support in
identifying the parents. If a different person comes to collect them please check the laminated
going home list or ask your TA/office staff for advice or clarification before letting them go. Err on
the side of caution. If a child is not collected please take them to the office and fill in the late
collection book and also tell Sarah in the office that you are doing so.
Additional Information relating to the class you are with will be found in the classroom
Enjoy your day and if you require any help or support please do not hesitate to ask.
Head Teacher– Zoe McGuigan
Deputy Head – Justine Parsons
Assistant Head/Child Protection - Tracey Bowers
Early Years Team Leader – Robb Johnson
Acting KS1 Team Leader – Rachel Ramaker
Office Staff – Sarah Bunce and Alison Macey
I confirm that I have read the above information
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Specific Class Information for ……………………………..
(to be filled in at beginning of year and updated when necessary)
Major Medical Concerns (other medical issues and asthma list in first aid cabinet)
Medical Condition Need
Who medicates/ when etc
SEND children
Children with a behaviour support plan
Other Vulnerable Children
For stopping the children we use …………………………………
Reward and Sanctions (eg).In KS1 each child has a golden peg which can be moved up or
down as a reward or sanction. Children are given a warning for poor behaviour and if it continues
the peg is moved down.
We use lolly sticks to choose children and also question children when learning, these can be
found on the desk.
Toilet lanyards – Children must wear a lanyard when going to the toilet. (No of) child/ren allowed
to go to the toilet at any one time
(Other strategies used regularly in class)
Handwriting style to use ……………………………………….
Class Routines
Class teacher’s playground duty is …………….…
Class teacher’s assembly duty is …………………g
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Appendix F
Dear colleague
New DfE Statutory Guidance – ‘Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006’ issued Feb 2015
The DfE published the above revised guidance on 26 February 2015 and have required our school to
comply with these latest safeguarding arrangements. The full DfE statutory guidance document can be
found in the school office, staff room, on the school intranet or at:
Under this guidance, staff members working with children in nursery or reception classes must disclose if they,
or anyone living in the same household as them, would be disqualified from working with children under the
Childcare Act 2006 and the Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations 2009. This also applies to staff working in
breakfast and afterschool clubs with under 8s and anyone directly concerned with the management of such
childcare in either setting.
We are obliged to inform all relevant staff of the Disqualification arrangements and to obtain
assurances that staff are not disqualified from working with children under these arrangements. In
accordance with LA advice on implementation, we have asked you to sign the declaration at the
bottom of this letter to confirm that you are not disqualified under these rules. Details on the
disqualification criteria can be found in the full guidance referred to above but a summary sheet has
also been included with this letter. .
If you are concerned that either you, or anyone living in your household, may be affected by these
rules please come and talk to me as soon as possible, and certainly within 5 working days of this letter.
You may want to read further clarification in the attached guidance or consult your trade union if you
are unsure as to whether the disqualification rules may be applied to you directly or ‘by association’.
Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Yours sincerely
Zoe McGuigan
Attachment included: Summary of DFE Disqualification Criteria, Offences and Orders
(please delete as appropriate)
I confirm that I have read and understood the DfE statutory guidance referred to above and that I am not
disqualified under the regulations (including the disqualification by association guidance). I also agreed
to update the Headteacher if my circumstances change in relation to the above.
I am unsure on whether the DfE rules on Disqualification apply and have arranged to meet the head to
discuss further.
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
Short Summary List of Disqualification Criteria and Relevant Offences/Orders taken from the full DfE
Statutory Guidance – Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006 issued on 26 February 2015
Disqualification criteria (extract from Para 2/3 - page 5/6 of DfE guidance)
The criteria for disqualification under the 2006 Childcare Act and 2009 Regulations include those set out
in the list below:
a) inclusion on the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Children’s Barred List;
b) being found to have committed certain violent and sexual criminal offences against children
and adults which are referred to in regulation 4 and Schedules 2 and 3 of the 2009 Regulations
(note that regulation 4 also refers to offences that are listed in other pieces of legislation);
c) certain orders made in relation to the care of children which are referred to in regulation 4 and
listed at Schedule 1 of the 2009 Regulations;
d) refusal or cancellation of registration relating to childcare,3 or children’s homes, or being
prohibited from private fostering4, as specified in Schedule 1 of the 2009 Regulations;
e) living in the same household where another person who is disqualified lives or is employed
(disqualification ‘by association’) as specified in regulation 9 of the 2009 Regulations; *
f) being found to have committed an offence overseas which would constitute an offence
regarding disqualification under the 2009 Regulations if it had been done in any part of the
United Kingdom.
Relevant Offences (from Para 4/5 – page 6)
Under the legislation a person is disqualified if they are ‘found to have committed’ an offence which is
included in the 2009 Regulations (a ‘relevant offence’) this includes (a) being convicted of a relevant
offence or (b) on or after 6 April 2007, being given a caution, reprimand or warning for a relevant
A list of the relevant offences and orders referred to above, that lead to the disqualification of an
individual (including ‘by association’) under the 2009 Regulations is set out in the tables (A & B) included
within the DFE statutory guidance (pages 13 – 45).
Summary of Offences from Table A
 Any offence involving death or bodily injury to a child.
 False Imprisonment
 Manslaughter
 Murder
 Trafficking people for exploitation
 Offences under the Care Standards Act 2000
 Offence of abduction of child by parent, etc.
 Offences relating to private fostering
Hertford Infant and Nursery School
 Offences relating to voluntary homes and children's homes
 Indecent conduct towards young child
 Kidnapping
 Shooting or attempting to shoot, or wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm.
 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm
 Indecent photographs of children
 Abuse of position of trust
 Offences under the Sexual Offences Act 1956/67 & 2003.
Summary of Orders from Table B
 An order under section 31(1)(a) of the Children Act 1989 (care order).
 Any order that would have been deemed to be a care order by virtue of paragraph 15 of
Schedule 14 to the Children Act 1989 (transitional provisions for children in compulsory care).
 A supervision order which imposes a residence requirement under paragraph 5 of Schedule
6 to the Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000
 A fit person order, a parental rights order
 Cancellation of registration in respect of management of a children’s home.
 Prohibition under fostering, child-minding or nursery service provision.
In general, school staff to whom the DfE statutory guidance on Disqualification applies will have been
checked via their DBS check on most of the criteria above, however the DBS check does not check the
position relating to childcare orders.
Members of the ‘household’ can only be asked about ‘unspent’ convictions that fall under the serious
list of convictions relevant to this childcare disqualification. This is because they are not exempt from
the Rehabilitation of Offenders act in the same way as those working in school are.
The full list of legislation is given under Tables A and B of the DfE statutory guidance which should be
checked if you are in any doubt. See: