
LGBT Bristol
Management Committee Meeting
2nd July 2014 4:00pm – 6:00pm @ Create Centre
Berkeley Wilde (chair), Sue Willingham, Niall Addicott, David
Sully, Peter Main, Helen Riddell, Isobel Clark
Sarah-Louise Minter
Sarah-Louise Minter
Ross Harrison, Kate Wildman, Babs McPhail, Esther Clarke, Mike
Burgess (Holiday),
Agreement of Minutes of 6th May 2014
Minutes from the previous MC meeting 6th May 2014 – were
unanimously approved.
Matters Arising from previous minutes
Hate Crime
Ruth Arnold has been appointed the new LGBT specialism Hate Crime
Case Worker at LGBT Bristol following interviews on 20th June. The
applicants were all of an excellent standard and all have been notified
and given personal feedback. Many thanx to Esther Moore and Gigi Law
who joined Berkeley and Sarah on the interview panel, for their time,
support and commitment.
Ruth joins the team on 11th August and will have a handover session from
Esther on 12th August. She will spend the first week at LGBT Bristol and
then have a month's induction at SARI. Sarah will support the LGBT
casework until Ruth joins.
The hate crime survey that we undertook had a poor uptake but did
provide us with information to take to the meeting with the Police Crime
Commissioner - Sue Mountstevens, who Sarah, Berkeley and Peter met
up with to talk about both LGBT work and Hate Crime work.
Sue is supporting the Hate Crime work by talking at Pride about the
police commitment to supporting our work and to improving the work of
the police in supporting LGBT victims. We talked at length about the
most vulnerable LGBT people needing further support – those who are
homeless, in street sex work, suffering substance misuse, being abused
in relationships and society, and who make up a disproportional
percentage of the vulnerable population, on account of the discrimination,
rejection and lack of support they receive. Sue had no funding available
to help work to help these people, but she encouraged us to go for the
funding pots that she has available for new initiatives in the community to
support victims (up to £5,000).
There have been no calls or responses so far for the BS13 Focus Group
but Sue and Sarah undertook a comprehensive flyering of the area
yesterday, explaining the purpose of the group to the managers and
receptionists at each venue. The Focus Group is on 23rd July and Sarah,
Sue and Berkeley will be present. Sarah is putting together an outline for
discussion on the evening.
Walk Out
Mike was away but Sarah reported that walks were continuing, she is
working on the funding application to Walk for Health for additional funds
to enlarge and specialise the project. Following a meeting earlier in the
week with Gill Brockman, she reported that we were able to apply for the
whole amount (following the withdrawal of Linkage from the funding
process) of £17,000 and that she and Mike are splitting the hours
currently paid on the project so that he is doing the mixed regular walk,
the brochure and database entry while Sarah will be doing the fulfilling all
the funding criteria (monitoring/evaluation/feedback/reports) and seeking
further funding while developing the project. We plan to offer both
women and men only walks in the future with the new funding and will be
working with Linkage to increase their awareness and capacity for LGBT
Diversity Project and Diversity
Sarah reported that she has now become a parent governor at Luckwell
School with her first meeting on 16th July. She has a draft of the Diversity
Governor position which she will circulate when finished for approval and
will proceed with the Diversity Governor work with Luckwell.
She is also working on the funding application in her own time. Isobel
offered to look at the funding application when reasonable drafts were
Pride Planning
Sarah, Mike and Esther will be attending, as will Berkeley and his partner
Gary, and Sue, all to support the stalls. Kate, Helen, David, Peter, Babs
and Ross will all be working at Pride on other stalls. Isobel will be away.
Alex Raikes and Agnes will attend Pride for the March, set up and a short
while after (till around 2pm).
Esther has asked a couple of clients to help out on the stall but it is noted
that they will need to be supported.
Sarah will arrive at 10am to unload and will attend the March with Mike.
She will also bring refreshments, sandwiches and items for the stall to
attract passers by (fruit/sweeties).
Website and Social Media Report
Sarah reported that Mike has set up the website to allow users to join
online. Work to update the website for content and pages is ongoing and
Mike and Sarah will draw up a plan for this by next meeting.
Budgets and Planning
Events planned are, a Pride Walk, Tea Dance and a Talk (both at Trinity)
and all on Wed 9th July in Pride Week.
Sarah will attend the Film Night on 7th July to promote Hate Crime
We have been successful in our application for £200 for an event during
the Celebrating Age Festival. In fact they have recommended that we get
£300 towards this. The event is an inclusive, accessible Tea Dance for all
older people and will be arranged along the previous lines.
Development day for BHCS, Sarah is organising this and following the
meeting, while writing up minutes has found that Alex wants the date
moved so it is back to square 1 – with a doodle.
Zap on 21st June was cancelled due to illness and those present
organised to hold another and Sarah will do a doodle – this is now on
Saturday 27th Sept at Watershed @ 9pm.
10 Any Other business
Berkeley had two announcements from the Diversity Trust :
New focus on improving access to domestic abuse service
for LGB and Trans communities
Funding from Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner Sue
Mountstevens’ Community Safety Grant, issued to Safer Bristol
Partnership has been awarded to Next Link, working with the Diversity
Trust, to improve access to domestic abuse services in the region for
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans communities.
The project will focus on the barriers to domestic abuse services
experienced by LGB and Trans communities across Bristol and Avon and
Somerset (including Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset,
Somerset and South Gloucestershire). The two organisations will work
together to improve access to services and the programme includes; a
review of existing services, staff training, and research and the design of
a campaign to increase reporting and referrals.
Health inequalities to be tackled
Healthwatch has grant funded the Diversity Trust with the aim of
improving access to health services in the area for Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Trans communities.
The project will focus on the specific health inequalities experienced by
LGB and Trans communities across Bristol and the West of England
(including Bath and North East Somerset, Somerset and South
Gloucestershire). The Diversity Trust will carry out a health needs
assessment in Bristol and deliver a series of briefings and training
workshops across the West of England region.
Date of next meeting
Sarah to organise by Doodle.
Now confirmed as : 4th September 4-6pm @ Create