SHAHABEDIN SHAHDOOSTFARD PERSONAL INFORMATION Age : 23 Cell Phone : +98-912-5496551 Home Phone : +98-21-22840199 Email : EDUCATION B.Sc. Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty, Electrical Engineering Department, 2003 – 2007 Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Microelectronics). M.Sc. (In Progress) Electrical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Master of science in Microelectronics. LANGUAGES TOEFL (IBT): Listening: 29 ; Writing: 29 ; Reading: 28 ; Speaking: 19 Overall Score: 105 GRE GENERAL EXAM: Verbal Section: 340 ; Quantitative: 790 ; Analytical Writing: 3 THESIS TOPIC & SCORE B.Sc. : The usage of SET ( Single Electron Transistor) in MVL (Multiple-Valued Logic), under supervision of Dr. Navi . My B.Sc Thesis score is 18 out of 20. A BRIEF B.Sc. THESIS EXPLANATION To speed up a transistor, the main solution is to decrease it’s size.But, how much a transistor can be shrinked? Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology will face significant technological limitations in the near future, and intensive studies are being conducted in computational architecture, circuit design and device fabrication to find ways to overcome this impending crisis.The main problem in CMOS technology is that the technology has arrived on quantum boundaries.When speaking about quantum boudaries, we must have attention to specific quantum effects and quantum phenomena.In other words, in quantum world the ordinary rules would change, and common laws are not valid anymore.To overcome this problem many new ideas have been suggested.One of the most remarkable substitution devices which are suggested, are Single Electron Devices. Among these devices , single electron transistor is the most important one. It has two features that makes it really interesting to research and investigate on: --Low power consumption --Ultra Small Size These two specific features, makes the single electron transistor suitable for ULSI (Ultra large scale integration) technology, because the main obstacles in front of ULSI technology are size and power consumption of NMOS and PMOS transistors. The main focus of my thesis was on SET gates and majority gates made by single electron transistors and the usage of these gates in Multiple Valued Logic. After I described the physics governing the SET and the quantum phenomena in SET in first parts of my thesis, I introduced the gate family made by SET. Then, I compared the common logic gate family (made by NMOS and PMOS transistors) with this new suggested family in size and power consumptions. Finally some adders made by SET gates were reviewed.In addition to size and power consumption, in these new adders, the number of transistors used, have been reduced significantly. The thesis was warmly welcomed by my thesis supervisor, Dr. Keivan Navi , and other faculty professors. FIELDS OF STUDY AND EXPIRIENCE RF Microelectronics, SET (Single Electron Transistor), Quantum Computing, QCA, VLSI, CMOS(Analog Circuit Design), Communication Circuits, PLCs ( programing languages such as ladder standard PLC language and…) , RESEARCH INTERESTS Analog Circuit Design (CMOS), Radio Frequency & Microwave Commuinication Circuits, Design of ADC and DAC, System On Chip Design (SOC) , VLSI, SET (Single Electron Transistor), QCA( Quantum-dot Cellular Automata) and Quantom Computing. SOFTWARE FAMILIRITIE S Computer Programming Language: C++,C#. Engineering Softwares: Matlab, Pspice, Hspice,ADS, Electric, Proteus, Pinnacle and AutoCAD. General Software: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, … INTERNSHIP My 3-month period of internship was spent in IR-TCI (also known as MCI) , which is Iran’s first and the largest cellular phoneoperator ( This company is under supervision of IRAN’s ministry of telecommunication.) Activities : Afetr learning about GSM generations (by attending theory and preparation courses and workshops), I took part in installing BTS sites, designing radio links, setting up radio links between BTS sites and BSC centers, and replacing old HDSL cable links with new radio links . JOB EXPERIENCES Summer 2005: Two years after beginning of the bachelor program ,I took an informal internship in PARS-ARC Co. which is the official representative of the SIEMENS Co. in IRAN and I began to learn about PLC’s bascis and it’s programming. I also became familiar with BMS(Building Management System) concepts. Summer 2008: working in SARIAK ENG. CO.(This company is official representative of the INDUSTRONIC Co. in Iran). PROJECTS & SEMINARS Seminar: Electronics & modern ceramic engineering, presented in Sharif University of Technology as the seminar course in M.S. grade.(Under supervision of Dr. Rashidian) Seminar: “A Fast settling 100dB OPAMP in 180nm CMOS process with compensation based optimisation” , presenting an state-of-the-art op-amp, which was presented in JSSC 2008.(Under supervision of Dr. Atarodi) Seminar: MEMS sensors, focusing on “Liquid Flow Sensors”, under supervision of Mazloom Nezhad (In the “Electronics Measureme" course) . Dr. Seminar: CMOS analogue circuits, focusing on “Active Loads”, under supervision of Dr.Jalali (in the “CMOS Circuit Design” course) . Project: simulation of a credit card (with proteus software) as 80x51 u-controller course and implementing of the circuit on breadboard(as the u-controller lab project),it includes running of a LCD and keyboard, with full operations of a real credit card. SOME RELATED SCORES Electrical Circuits II (16.5) (Rank the 1st student) Electronics LAB I (20) (Rank the 1st student) Electronics II (17) (Rank the 1st student) Electronics LAB II (20) (Rank the 1st student) Pulse Technique (19) (Rank the 2nd student) Electronics LAB III (20) (Rank the 1st student) Logical circuits LAB (20) (Rank the 1st student) Physics of Electronics (16) (Rank the 1st student) Power Electronics (18.75) (Rank the 2nd student) VLSI (16.5) B.Sc Thesis ( 18 ) (Rank the 2nd student)