Identification of the Si3N4-like grain boundary tissue phase by TEM methods in ncTiSiN hard coating deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering B. Pécz1 , P.B. Barna1, I. Kovács1, G. Radnóczi1, and S. Veprek2 1 MTA TTK, Research Institute. for Technical Physics and Materials Sciences, H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege u. 29-33, Hungary 2 Department of Chemistry, Technical University Munich, Lichtenbergstr. 4, D-85747 Garching, Germany It has been early identified that the high hardness (>30 GPa) of functional surface coatings (more general is the Si doped TiN) required in the various fields of application can be provided by nanocomposite film structures in which the nanocrystals are encapsulated by a thin layer of a second phase. Beside the crystal size (5-10nm) the nature (thickness, structure, level of oxygen contamination) of the interfacial layer is the most decisive to control the hardness1. One of the main challenge facing electronmicroscopists is to determine the thickness and structure/chemistry of the Si3N4-like tissue phase situated in the nanocurved interfaces between the TiN nanocrystals with the knowledge of theoretical calculations that the optimal thickness could be in the range of some ML. In the present study we localized the Si3N4-like interfacial layer and determined its thickness in the nanocomposite TiN/ Si3N4 coating doped with 6,4 at% Si. It has been concluded that the TiN single crystals identified by lattice fringe imaging are encapsulated by the Si3N4-like interfacial layer and its thickness is in the range of 1-2 nm. The size of single crystals (10 – 150 nm) is larger than the grain size determined by XRD analysis (6-8nm). Conventional and high resolution transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction were applied to determine the microstructure. The Si3N4-like interfacial layer was investigated by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The cross sectional (XTEM) and plan view specimens of the 6,4 μm thick TiN/ Si3N4 coating deposited on stainless steel substrate have been prepared by the ion beam thinning technique developed by A. Barna. 1 P. Nesladek and S. Veprek, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 177 (2000)53