Year Group: 2 Class Teacher: Miss O’Neill Mrs Warner Spring 2 Summer 1 Unit Title: Fantastic Florence Unit Title: The Great Fire of London (Florence Nightingale) Entry point: To visit Porchester Castle and become reporters for the Entry point: Children will be stepping back in time to 1666 for a themed day Great Fire of London day. Exit point: To plan a banquet and invite important guests Exit point: Children will act out the Great Fire of London, taking on the roles of different people within the story. Outcome: To generate questions as a stimulus for the topic and Outcome: To gain an insight into the effects of The Great Fire of independently research answers. To gain an insight into how London and how it has effected history by independently generating people lived in the past questions and researching answers. To develop an understanding of the effects of fire. Literacy: Traditional Stories (fairytales Literacy: Non-Fiction writing: with castles in the plot) Key Text: Newspaper reports on the Great Fire Key Text: Patterns on the page (poetry) Rapunzel of London (non chronological reports). The Great Fire of London Jack and the Beanstalk Writing fire safety instructions. Maths: Time tables focus Extracts from Samuel Pepys Calculation strategies, operations and The stories created will be Maths: Positional language, solving Diary the relationship between them sent to our partner school mathematical problems using addition Measure weight, fractions of foods in Africa and division, measuring weight, used in our medieval banquet capacity and length. Properties of shapes (2D/3D) Science: Forces and Movement To be able to use forces to allow their draw bridge to move down to allow the knight into the castle Knowledge and Understanding of the World: History: Investigate castles and explore motte and bailey; defences position, keep, battlements etc; life inside the castle Geography: Visit a local castle and explore. Look at the surrounding area and locate on maps, identify and describe the place. Why do you think this place was chosen as a site? How has it changed? Also consider the effects of tourism on the site of the castle ICT: Developing ideas and making things happen-using text ease as a programme to develop work processing skills UNCRC Article(s): Article 37: No one is allowed to punish you in a cruel and harmful way P4C Stimuli: Pupils to generate questions Use an illustration from the key text Key Questions: Why do we have castles? What was the purpose of castles? Are castles still important today? PDL: Changing Friendships Knowledge and Understanding of the World: History: To explore the Great Fire of London – how it started, why did it spread? What steps were taken to stop the fire? What were the consequences? How do we know about the fire? Children will also be comparing London then to London today. Geography: We will explore how London has changed over time, in particular thinking about the River Thames at the time of the Fire of London and the River Thames now. ICT: We will be using ICT for our research on the Great Fire of London. As well as interactive programmes to extend our knowledge. PDL: Taking Charge SEAL: Relationships Creative Development/DT: Build a castle; this could be a modern castle for a character from a fairy tale. Art: Mark Making During visit to castle take rubbings - of stones etc. Use these to produce textured effects in pictures of the castle. Examine stained glass, architecture etc Produce heraldic shields, "stained glass" pictures - using cellophane etc, sketches Science: Changing materials Exploring and describing the way everyday materials changed when they are heated and cooled. Gym: Pathways Share our story writing with our African friends Entry point – off site visit to Porchester Castle Creative Development/DT: Oak class will be making their own fire collage using various different materials. We will be designing and building 3D house to place in our fire display. We will also be baking bread and cakes from pudding lane. Finally, we will design a hose pipe that could be used to help put a fire out. R.E. Concept – Creation Christian and Hindu stories Gym: Twisting, turning, spinning Games: Group games and inventing rules Games: Inventing Individual Games MFL: Buildings in London MFL: buildings Music: Recorder (listen to me) Article 13: The right to find things out and share information (art/ICT/writing). Article 19: The right to not be hurt (role of fire fighters –P4C link) P4C Stimuli: Pupils to generate their own questions about the Great Fire of London. Fire Crew: Would you be a good fire fighter? Key Questions: How did the Great Fire of London start? Why did the Great Fire of London spread so far? What were the consequences of the fire? How did they stop the fire? How do we know about the fire? SEAL: Safety and Independence Community/International Involvement: International Links – consider castles from around the world Dance: Word and word messages R.E. Concept – welcoming Palm Sunday UNCRC Article(s): Music: Tuned percussion (listen to me) Community/International Involvement: Autumn term – visit from the fire crew