THE SIMULATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF METAL, OXIDE AND OTHER MATERIALS WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF ENERGY OR ORIENTATIONAL DEGENERACY ON THE BASE OF JAHN-TELLER SYSTEM BEHAVIOUR B.S.Tsukerblat Ber-Sheva University, ISRAEL L.D. Falkovskaya, A.Ya. Fishman, V.Ya. Mitrofanov Institute of Metallurgy of UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, RUSSIA M.A. Ivanov Institute of Metal Physics of NAN, Kiev, UKRAINE V.I. Tsidilkovski Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry of UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, RUSSIA 1. Introduction. There is a large class of systems containing centers, whose ground state is degenerate, quasi-degenerate or orientationally degenerate. It is enough to mention centers with charge transfer between nearest to non-isovalent substitution ions, splitting (dumbell-like) configurations, off-center ions, impurity pairs consisting of substitution and interstitial ions in high symmetry lattices, systems with orbital degeneracy etc. Distinctive feature of all these centers is multy-well profile of their potential energy. The physicochemical properties of such systems are determined by splitting of energy levels in equivalent potential wells due to the tunneling effects, external fields, random crystal fields and molecular fields of various types. Our interest to these systems is stipulated by the following circumstances. 1) The anomalously large contribution of such centers to different properties of condensed systems and the unusual character of these properties in comparison with the non-degenerate systems. 2) The strong dependence of properties upon the distribution of random crystal fields removing degeneracy on the considered ions. On one hand these fields decrease the susceptibility of the system to external fields and on the other hand they can form the properties of the system e.g. the low temperature - heat capacity. In the diluted degenerate systems one of the main sources of such fields can be just the multy-well potential centers. 233 Jahn-Teller (JT) ions occupy the special position among the multy-well potential centers [1,2,3,4,5,[6],7,8]. The microscopic nature of multy-well potential is known for the JT systems (unlike other ones) and the exhibitions of multy-well potential in different properties (magnetic, thermodynamic, spectral and other) are very diverse. The JT centers can have simultaneously spin and orbital degeneracy, the dipole moment, that is why as a degenerate subsystem they make available the high susceptibility of crystal to the various external actions. Besides, JT states are extended enough widely, e.g., in oxides with cubic lattice one of the 3d ion charge state can be orbitally degenerate. Here, we’ll try to illustrate the peculiarity of structural, thermodynamic, magnetic, spectral and other properties of degenerate systems on the example of JT ions or molecules in crystals. 2. Jahn-Teller states - simple example. The JT theorem claims that for orbitally degenerate ions and molecules the symmetric configuration of environment is unstable with respect to deformations. As a result the adiabatic potential of such ions or molecules (systems with pseudodegeneracy) turns out to be of multy-well type (see Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Three-well potential at JT ions with cubic E-term in the ground state in the absence of tunnelling splitting. This potential W() can be described by the following function of JT strains e(E) = ezz – (exx + eyy)/2 and e(E) = 3(exx – eyy)/2: W() = W0cos3, ctg = e(E)/e(E) . (1) 234 The characteristic displacements of nearest to JT center anions in states corresponding to minimums of adiabatic potential ( -2/3, 0, 2/3) are presented on Fig. 2. X Y JT JT Z Fig. 2. The displacement of nearest to JT center anions at minimums of adiabatic potential. JT 3. The behavior of the dilute systems with degenerate centers in random fields. The low-symmetry crystal fields may be the dominant mechanism of removing degeneracy at the JT ion. In this case the character of random field distribution function determines the peculiarities of low-temperature behaviour of thermodynamic, magnetic and other properties of JT systems. The distinctive property of these functions is their many-component character. For centers with cubic Eterm we have the following Hamiltonian H of interaction with random fields, described by the two-component distribution function f (hE , hE ) [9], H hE , s U E , s hE , s U E , s , s f (hE , hE ) hE hE , s hE hE , s , (2) s where h ,s ( ) are the components of random field at the JT center with index s, U,s are orbital operators. The explicit form of these functions may be sometimes obtained if the character of random field source and the law of low-symmetry field decrease with distance from a 235 source are given. For example, the random field distribution function of deformational nature f(h,h) for a small concentrations of these field sources xi << 1 has the following form f hE , hE f (h) 3 / 2 N JT hE2 hE2 Γ 2 , 2 xi VE i 1 1 , xi 1 (3) where NJT is the number of JT ions in crystal, VE is the parameter of vibronic interaction of JT ion with JT active deformations, is the volume of the unit cell, is the Poisson coefficient. At high concentrations of random field sources xi ~ 1 we have for f(h,h) f hE , hE f (h) N JT exp hE2 hE2 / Δ 2 ; (4) where the dispersion is equal to the random field value at the nearest to a source of such field position, h (h,h). Density of states, heat capacity. The important property of degenerate system is density of states for the excitation energies g(E): g ( E ) E Ei, excited (h) E0 (h) f (h)dh , k (5) where Ei,exited(h,h) and E0(h,h) are the energies of excited and ground states of JT center in random fields correspondingly. We consider the case when the dispersion of random fields is larger than the parameter tun, describing tunnelling between the minimums of adiabatic potential. Then approximately in some region of energies E < constant density of states g(E) ~ NJT / takes place. As a result the linear temperature dependence of heat capacity occurs in the crystals with JT centers CJT ~ Tg(E=0) ~ NJTT/ , kBT < . (6) Because of the fact that at small concentration of random field sources xi << 1 dispersion ~ xii, the heat capacity CJT is proportional to NJTT(xii)-1. In the case when just the degenerate centers are the source 236 of random field, the density of states and heat capacity in corresponding regions of energies and temperatures become independent upon xJT. However the width of the region, where this effect takes place, depends linearly upon xJT. Similarly the modification of the other thermodynamic property behaviour of crystals with the degenerate centers (elastic modules, thermal expansion coefficient, magnetic and dielectric susceptibility) always takes place at temperatures k BT () . These results have rather common character and can be generalized easily on the case of concrete degenerate systems. So, the first examination of obtained results was performed for the analysis of heat capacity of the inert gases crystals with molecular impurities (for example, Kr: 14N2) having the identical system of lowest excited states [10]. Other exotic object for application of obtained results is weakly doped fullerites AxC60 (x<<1), where the considered peculiarities of low temperature properties can be also observed [11]. The dipole centers R3+-OH in oxide proton conductors АIIВIV1-xRIIIxO3-y can serve one more example for illustration [12]. Protons are attached to the oxygen ions forming OH centers, which themselves possess dipole moment and form more complex dipoles with dopant ions R3+. Four equivalent potential minima for protons exist at every oxygen and respectively six minima for OH centers near the dopant in the perovskite lattice. Both types of multy-well states without regard for interactions between different “dipoles” and their interactions with other imperfections are orientationally degenerate. At low temperatures, when hydrogen migration between oxygen atoms is impossible practically, it is enough to consider the four-level states of R3+-OH center. These tunnelling states of hydrogen have symmetry A1+E+B1 of point group C4v and energy values: E(A1) = tun, E(E) = 0 , E(B1) = tun , where tun is the tunneling splitting parameter. Temperature dependencies of the contribution of the indicated centers to the heat capacity С and dielectric susceptibility are shown in a Fig. 3-4. We used the relative temperature scale with t = kBT/tun. It is seen, that 237 heat capacity С is a linear function of temperature in low-temperature region kBT < . For this system the value -1/2N(OH)exp{-(tun/)2}/ plays the role of density of states g(0). As a result the coefficient at linear temperature term is maximum, when /tun = 2. Fig. 3. Calculated temperature dependences of heat capacity C. /tun= 0(1), 0.5(2), 1(3), 5(4). Fig. 4. Calculated temperature dependences of dielectric susceptibility . /tun= 0(1),0.5(2),1(3),4(4) It is important to underline, that completely similar results take place for a heat capacity and magnetiс susceptibility of dilute JT systems with zircon structure and JT ions Tm3+, Tb3+, Dy3+[8]. In this case tetragonal crystal field is the analog of tunnel splitting parameter for hydrogen and ensures the identical systematisation of terms in four-level system. 4. Dilute systems with cooperative interactions between degenerate centers. In JT systems with xJT << 1 interaction between JT ions is stipulated mainly by interchanging through phonons. It decreases with 238 distance as R3, and its angular dependence has alternating character. As a result, when this interaction is dominating, the state of lowtemperature phase of a system can not be characterized by the longrange order parameter different from zero. Nevertheless, the lowtemperature phase of a glass type can take place in such system. The analysis of thermodynamic properties of a system with interacting JT ions has shown that at low temperatures new type of state - JT glass may occur. The thermodynamic functions of JT subsystem can be retrieved by a method of virial expansion at temperatures exceeding transition temperature Tg to a low-temperature phase of JT glass. In the case of JT ions, whose ground state is the orbital doublet, the following expressions take place [13] for transition temperature Tg, heat capacity C, generalized susceptibility (magnetic or dielectric susceptibility and elastic constant-module, describing interaction of degenerate term with strains) Tg ~ x JT VE2 / s 2 , (7) B g 2 N JT k BT p2 C ~ N JT k B Tg / T , 0 1 Tg / T , 0 N JT 0 , k BT 0 C JT where is the density of matrix, s is the velocity of a sound, p0 is the electrical dipole moment of the degenerated center, CJT0 is the elastic module of a matrix in the absence of interaction between JT ions and strains. It is obvious, that the value of Tg/T is the parameter of virial expansion and the phase transition into the low-temperature glass phase at temperature Tg is possible. As a result quite definite frozen configuration of strains takes place at the degenerate centers (at given random field distribution in a system) for T < Tg [13,14]. However, the average value of strains in crystal remains equal to zero. Experimentally 239 such states were observed in mixed JT systems with zircon structure (TmxY1-xVO4, TmxY1-xPO4) [15,16]. Thus, JT model enables to describe the low-temperature thermodynamics of degenerate system both at a dominating role of random fields, and in the case of cooperative interaction between the degenerate states. 5. Peculiarities of dilute magnetic systems with JT ions. Magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction. In comparison with the nonmagnetic crystals splitting of orbitally degenerate state in magnetics depends essentially on the direction of exchange fields at JT ion. E.g. the Hamiltonian of magnetic anisotropy in view of three lowest states of JT ion with cubic E-term can be written as 2 H anis DS ( S 1 / 2) 3n z2 1 U E , s 3 n x2 n 2y U E , s , 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 (8) U E , s 0 1 / 2 0 , U E , s 0 1 / 2 0 , 0 0 0 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 where D is the single-ion anisotropy constant, S is spin, n is the unit vector of magnetization. The role of the anisotropy energy is played by the splitting energy of three lowest vibronic states by the spin-orbit interaction in the second order. As a result the angular dependence of the free energy of magnetic anisotropy Fanis has quite non-traditional form at temperature kBT < D (see also Fig. 5) n x2 1 / 3 Fanis 2 DS ( S 1 / 2) Max n z2 1 / 3 n 2 1 / 3 z (9) Such unusual angle dependence leads to stepwise change of Fanis (anisotropy of “light axis”-type) with the magnetization direction (see Fig. 5). 240 Fig. 5. The light axes of JT subsystem The anomalously large value of this contribution to the magnetic crystallographic anisotropy energy is caused by the fact that the constants of single-ion anisotropy for orbitally degenerate centers are proportional to or 2cub, where cub is the cubic crystal field parameter. For usual non-degenerate ions the anisotropy constants are proportional to 4cub3 in cubic crystals. This peculiarity of the behavior of JT subsystem free energy leads to the appearance of oblique phases in systems with competing anisotropy (due to the JT term proportional to ni2 in contrast to ni4 in magnetic anisotropy energy of matrix). The magnetostriction properties of these systems are also original. At a given direction of magnetization the spin-orbit interaction removes the degeneracy from the directions of local JT deformations which were earlier equivalent and this leads to the magnetostriction distortion of the crystal. The JT ions contribution to the magnetostriction constants in the absence of random fields is equal to xJTeJT, where eJT is the characteristic local JT deformation (eJT ~ 10-1-10-2). Only tetragonal deformations can take place at the centers under consideration and each of the three energy levels turns to be the lowest in the definite region of magnetization angles. The transfer of magnetization through the boundary of these regions is accompanied at 241 low temperatures by the change of the type of tetragonal deformation at JT ions, that is the JT ion contribution to magnetostriction. Such effects were observed in the system YIG: Mn3+ [17]. The low-symmetry random fields which are always present in real systems remove partly or absolutely the degeneracy at JT center. If random field dispersion D, then the resulting contribution of JT centers to magnetoelastic characteristics diminishes D/ times (when kBT < ). However, even in this case the values of magnetostriction constants largely surpass the corresponding values which are typical for orbitally non-degenerate ions. Behavior of reorientable centers containing a 3d-ion of mixed valence in cubic magnets. The indicated results (besides JT systems) have the direct relation to magnetic properties of cubic magnets with mixed valence (MV) centers stipulated by non-isovalent substitutions or vacancies (see, for example, [18])). Such centers of several 3d-ions with the charge, localized on them, arise in the case of non-isovalent substitutions and in the presence of anion or cation vacancies. The MV complexes in addition to traditional properties of JT centers have peculiarities stipulated by reorientation of an extra charge (electron or hole) between ions of a complex, when the degeneracy is taken out at the expense of external perturbations or cooperative interactions. Fig. 6. The trigonal MV center near anion vacancy V - vacancy, C - cation, А anion, h - extra hole First of all it concerns to occurrence of essential electrical dipole moment at MV center. The example of MV center with С3v symmetry is presented in Fig. 6 for the case of cubic crystal lattice (in particular for 242 spinel structure). It consists of three cations (3d-ions) with localized t2g hole on them. In the case of small hopping integrals b of an excess charge (b<Dor ) reorientation of MV center (the transfer of an extra charge) is similar to tunneling of JT ion between minimums of adiabatic potential. The similar systems are characterized by anomalously strong contribution to constants of magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction, nonconventional angular dependence of the free energy of a magnetic anisotropy and effects, connected with competing anisotropy [19]. An example of the typical phase diagram (relative temperature concentration) for systems, where the competition of a magnetic anisotropy of a matrix and MV centers takes place is presented in Fig. 7. Fig. 7. Magnetic phase diagram of a system with mixed valence centers Cr4+-Cr3+ (Cr2+-Cr3+). Continuous and dashed curves represent the lines of first - and second - order phase transitions, respectively. 7. Resonance properties of degenerate systems. As a rule the character of resonance spectrums of degenerate centers is determined by the dominating mechanism of splitting of the ground and lowest excited states. Such spectrums are very sensitive to any quantitative and qualitative changes of the system state. As a result the degenerate center spectrums can be of the convenient source of information about the main crystal matrix. 243 JT ions or mixed-valence centers of the 3d group have a substantial influence on the different resonance spectrums (ultrasonic attenuation, ESR, FMR, NMR and other) of crystals. Let us consider the distinctive features of the observed NMR spectrum of such centers in magnetic cubic crystals. In this case the hyperfine fields at the nuclei of degenerate centers have a substantial anisotropic component and therefore depend strongly on the state of the orbital subsystem. In the case of doubly degenerate JT ions with octahedral (Mn3+, Cu2+) or tetrahedral coordination (Fe2+) the Hamiltonian of hyperfine interaction Hhf has the following form [20, 21]. (10) A H hf A1IS 2 U E 3I z S z IS 3U Eε I x S x I y S y . 2 Here S and I are the electron and nuclear spins of JT ion, A1 and A2 are parameters of the isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine interactions. We are omitting rather small quadrupole interactions to streamline equations. Then according to the expression (10) the NMR frequency of the JT ion is equal to c d 2 nz2 c d 2 nx2 c d 2 n 2y 1/ 2 , (11) C A1S , d A2S U E , d A2S U E 3U E / 2, where ... means the quantum-statistical or quantum-mechanical expectation value. It is easy to see that the spectral distribution of NMR frequencies strongly depends on the quantum-mechanical average values of orbital operators <UE> and <UE> or in other words on the dominant mechanism of the orbital degeneracy removal (one-ion anisotropy field, random and local low-symmetry crystal fields). It is obvious that in contrast to pure spin 3d ions with the resonance frequencies depending on one parameter of the isotropic hyperfine interaction A1, the NMR spectrum of JT ions is highly anisotropic. The anisotropy factor is determined by the ratio A2 / A1 which can be of the order of unity or greater. In the case when the main contribution to the splitting of the orbital doublet brings in the one-ion anisotropy, the NMR spectrum at low 244 temperatures contains only one line. The position of this line depends on the direction of magnetization. The character of the NMR spectrum is drastically changed when random crystal fields bring in the dominant contribution to the splitting of the orbital doublet. At / D > 1and low temperatures (kBT < ) the distribution of orientations of pseudo-spin moments <UE> and <UE> becomes practically uniform and the absorption band of width A2 S 1 3 n x2 n 2y n x2 n z2 n 2y n z2 1 / 2 thus arises. The maximal width of the NMR spectrum takes place when the direction of magnetizations is parallel to [100]-axes. In this case the absorption peaks in the static limit of the JT effect correspond to the frequencies [20-22] 1 = A1 + A2S, 2 = A1 - A2/2S . These frequencies determine the high and low boundaries of the absorption band, if the parameters of hyperfine interactions satisfy the conditions: 2A2/A1 > 1 or A1/A2 < -1. In the opposite case the absorption band begins from = 0 and its high-frequency boundary corresponds to Max(1, 2). The typical NMR spectral distribution Ni0.35Zn0.09Cu0.12Fe2.29O4 [22] is given in Fig. 8 (A,B). for Cu2+ in Fig. 8A. Experimental NMR spectrum of Cu2+ ions in nickel-zinc ferrite 1-63Cu2+, 2 - 65Cu2+, 3 – integral spectrum. 245 Fig. 8B. Theoretical spectral distribution of NMR for JT ions with ground cubic E-term in the case kBТ/<<1 [22] 1–dynamic JT effect (A1=260, A2=-120 MHz); 2– static JT effect (A1=260, A2=-120 MHz); 3 – static JT effect (A1=-70, A2=-310 MHz) The typical NMR spectrums of Mn3+ ions in ferrites [20,21] are demonstrated in Fig. 9. Fig. 9. The NMR spectrum of Mn3+ ions in ferrites MnFe2O4 (a) and Mn0.82Zn0.18Fe2O4 (b) for the magnetization orientations along [001], [111], [110]-axes correspondingly. 246 The comparison of the theory and observed low-temperature spectrums of the considered systems has shown that these spectrums are characterized by the structure (angular and frequency dependences) which is typical for ions with the static Jahn-Teller effect in crystals with large random fields ( / D > 1). While the anisotropy factor for Cu2+ is large (A2/A1>1/2) the situation for Mn3+ is quite opposite (A2/A1<1). The effect of the NMR spectrum contraction must be observed in considered systems with increasing temperature [21]. Firstly, the such phenomenon was locked in for Mn3+ ions in a lithium ferrite [23] (see Fig. 10). Fig. 10. NMR spectrum contraction of Mn3+ ions in Li0.5Fe3.5O4 monocrystal at 77 and 300К. a – H0 = 0, b – H0 = 1.5 kOe The splitting of the lowest lying vibronic states of Mn3+ ions in octasites Ei (i = x, y, z) is determined primarily by the low-symmetry crystal field of the lithium sublattice. Thus the resultant low-temperature NMR spectrum is a superposition of several anisotropic spectra of Mn3+ ions in crystallographically different octasites. At high temperatures, kBT > Ei, the anisotropic components of the hyperfine fields are determined by the difference between the populations of the split states; they tend to zero as temperature is raised. As a result, a significant contraction of the NMR absorption takes place. A similar effect observed in the ESR of Cu2+ ions has been labeled as a “dynamic spectral contraction’’ (Ref. [ 5], 247 for example). We note that the effect discussed here may also occur in a long list of systems with JT ions, whose orbital degeneracy is lifted by the field of anisotropy or random crystal fields. Quite different mechanism of nonuniform broadening of the NMR spectrum was proposed for orbitally degenerate centers in crystal with mixed-valence ions [24]. A distinctive feature of Jahn-Teller states of such clusters is seen when degeneracy is lifted: the lifting of degeneracy gives rise to a nonuniform distribution of the net charge which accompanies a characteristic deformation of the system. In random crystal fields, the NMR spectrum of the cluster ions spreads out into a band with a width of the order of the isotropic hyperfine interaction parameter and is distinct from the conventional mechanisms, which stem from anisotropic hyperfine interactions at JT ions [21]. The proposed mechanism of nonuniform broadening of the spectra of nuclear transitions is typical for a broad class of coordination compounds, including high-TC superconducting oxides and doped fullerites. Spectra features like those discussed here have been observed in the NMR spectra of mixed-valence chromium ions in chromium chalcogenide spinels [25]. 8. Cooperative systems with JT ions. Since the microscopic nature of the structure phase transitions for similar systems is known they may be an ideal model for investigation of phenomenon accompanying such phase transitions. Let us, for example, consider the problem of suppression of the structure phase transitions by random crystal fields and decomposition of mixed systems with degenerate centers. Structural phase transitions (cooperative JT effect). We shall confine the consideration to JT ferroelastic with doubly degenerate ions. In this case the simple model was proposed by Kanamori [6] for the description of structure phase transitions, caused by the cooperative Jahn-Teller effect (12) 2 2 V e hE , s V2 (eE eE ) U E , s H E0 E E , Ve h 2 V e e U s E E , s 2 E E E , s 248 1 0 2 E0 N C JT eE eE2 V3eE eE2 eE2 , 2 1 0 0 1 / 2 U E , U E , 0 1 1 / 2 0 where N is the number of elementary cells in crystal; V2 and V3 are the parameters of anharmonic interaction of the doubly degenerate term with uniform JT deformations eE and eE ; hE,s and hE,s are the components of the two-dimensional random field at the JT ion, index s labels JT ions. In the absence of anharmonic interactions the model describes the structure phase transitions of the second order, while transitions of the first order are described when anharmonic interactions are taken into account. The cubic crystals with spinel structure, containing JT ions of the iron group (Mn3+, Cu2+, ets.) in octasites, can serve as an example of considered ferroelastics. The analogous model may be utilized for the rare-earth compounds with the zircon structure (for example, TmVO4). As a rule, the structure phase transitions of the first order occur in the cubic crystals while of the second order - in compounds with zircon structure. In the theory of the cooperative Jahn-Teller effect the role of the order parameter is played by the deformation eE, which is defined by the equation [6, 26] V 2V e (V e hE V2e2 ) E (e, h) , e cJT E 0 2 E th E (e, h) k BT C JT (13) 1/ 2 2 E (e, h) VE e hE V2e2 hE2 , e eE . Here сJT is the concentration of JT ions, the line over the expression means the configuration averaging with random field distribution function f(h) (3)-(4), for simplicity the quantity V3 is set to zero. The typical temperature dependencies of the order parameter for different values of dispersion are presented in Fig. 11. 249 The phase transition can be described analytically when the anharmonic parameter is small. Then, in the absence of random fields, the phase transitions are nearly of the second order and characterized by the following parameters TD (VE e0 )(1 6 p 2 ), eE (TD ) 6 pe0 , eE (T 0) (1 2 p )e0sign( p) , p V2 0 C Ω , e0 cJT JT VE C0 Ω (14) , JT where TD is the temperature of the structure phase transition, e0 is the parameter, describing JT deformation at T 0K, the quantity p << 1. Fig. 11. Temperature dependencies of the order parameter. The following dimensionless variables and values of parameter p are used: x = eE/e0, t = kBT/(VEe0), /(VEe0)= 0.4 (1), 0.8(2), 0.9(3), 1.1(4); p = -0.2. Random crystal fields and dilution of JT systems by nondegenerate ions reduce the temperature of phase transition and value of the order 250 parameter in the low-symmetry phase. The phase transition temperature TD is equal to zero, when the critical value of the dispersion arrives at crit, which has the same order as the quantity VEe0 (13) 1/ 3 TD A 1 crit , crit 2 VE e0 1 2p 2 , A3 . 2 3 (3) The critical concentration of JT ions may be determined in the framework of this approach if the dependence of the dispersion as a function of сJT is defined, e.g,: 2(сJT)= 2(0) + (1 - сJT)12. Such calculations have been performed for the solid crystal solution Tm1-xLuxVO4, where the critical concentration of JT ions Tm3+ is situated in the interval 0.18 < xcrit< 0.28 (x = 1 - сJT) [27]. The model shows good agreement between theoretical and experimental results [28]. Cooperative JT model can be used also for the analysis of the structure phase transitions in quasi two-dimensional crystal La2MeO4- (Me = Cu, Co). The interest to the question icreased after the discovery of HTSC. The phase transition from the high-temperature tetragonal phase to the low-temperature octahedral phase occurs due to rotation of the oxygen octahedron around the [110] axis and antiphase rotations of oxygen octahedrons in the neighboring cells [29-30]. For the description of such phase transitions a model of multi-well potential centers was developed on the basis of a theory of the pseudo Jahn-Teller effect [31]. In this model the expressions for the order parameter and temperature of the structure transition TD are similar to (11)-(13). If the main contribution to the dispersion is made by one type of random field source, e.g. Sr impurities, the corresponding expressions for TD are transformed to the form (see also Fig. 9) TD TD ( x 0) 1 2/π x/xcrit , TD , (14) 2 TD TD ( x 0)1 x/xcrit 1/ 2 , TD . π where the critical concentration xсrit = {2TD(x = 0)/()}2. The comparison of the theoretical dependence TD(x) with experimental data is shown in Fig. 12. The resulting, without any fitting parameters, 251 theoretical curves are in good agreement with experimental data. Fig. 12. Concentration dependence of the transition temperature from tetragonal phase to orthorhombic phase in La2-xSrxCuO4-. Decomposition of degenerate systems. Let us consider now the phase transition such as decomposition of degenerate systems and analyze the origin of immiscibility (or rather weak miscibility) of different components in crystals with the cooperative JT effect. In such systems the substitution of JT ions by orbitally nondegenerate ions can lead to a separation into phases with a higher and lower concentrations of JT ions. The connection between structural phase transformations and phase transitions of separation type always takes place. This connection appears in JT crystals due to the fact that in both cases the system has a tendency to lower its free energy as a result of maximum possible splitting of degenerate states. The possibility of the microscopic description of different types of immiscibility phase diagrams using simplest JT subsystem models with structural phase transitions (SPT) of the first and second orders was shown in [32,33,34]. Model of mixture. Phase instability regions in quasi-binary system. The model of a mixture in which free energy is determined by splitting of 252 degenerate levels, and the configuration entropy corresponds to a random distribution of JT ions in the mixture is considered. In this case, the free energy of a quasi-binary system per structural unit can be written in the form: (15) F E (e, h) e2 , , FJT k BT ln 2cosh 2 k T B Fid T xJT ln xJT 1 xJT ln 1 xJT . 0 xJT FJT Fid C JT Expressions (13), (15) allow to calculate the chemical potentials a (of components with JT ions), b (of component with orbitally nondegenerate ions), and the exchange chemical potential = a -b of the quasi-binary system under investigation [35,36,37]: x F FJT a b FJT xJT T ln JT , (16) xJT xJT 1 xJT a F 1 xJT FJT xJT 1 xJT FJT T ln xJT . (17) xJT One can use the standard condition of equilibrium for the calculation of the concentrations of components (binodals) in the coexisting phases: aI = aII , bI = bII , where indexes I and II correspond to the phases with tetragonal and cubic symmetry respectively. The boundaries of the region of absolute instability of the solution are determined by the condition [38]: 2F 2 xJT 0 . xJT (18) The corresponding equilibrium phase diagram (binodal) and the spinodal curve are shown in Fig. 13 for the case of SPT of the second order. The critical point of mixing is achieved at temperature kBTcrit = 0/3 (0 VEe0) and concentration xcrit = 1/3. The results of calculation of the phase boundaries (binodal lines) for the cooperative JT systems with the first order SPT are shown in Fig. 14. In contrast to the system considered above, the critical point of mixing 253 coincides with the SPT temperature of the pure compound with JT ions [39]. Such phase diagram is in good qualitative agreement with the typical fragment of the experimental diagram for the stratified JT systems (see, for example [39]). Thus it is shown that the model of degenerate system with substitutions allows to describe a separation of the mixed system into phases with a higher and lower concentrations of degenerate centers in all temperature range below Tcrit. Fig. 13. Phase diagram of the quasi- Fig. 14. Phase diagram of the quasibinary JT systems with SPT of binary JT systems with SPT of first second order. order. Bold curve is the binodal and dashed is the spinodal one. It is possible to show, that the class of the immiscibility phase diagrams described by JT model of interparticle interaction can be essentially extended. It follows, in particular, from the analysis of phase equilibriums of crystalline systems with two types of JT ions. The typical phase diagrams of such mixed JT systems is presented in Fig. 15-16. The systems are considered with one type of anharmonic coupling (Fig. 15) and competing anharmonic couplings (Fig. 16). 254 It is obvious, that the asymmetrical model of JT system with a competing anisotropy (p1 p2 ) allows to describe the basic types of the immiscibility phase diagrams for quasi-binary systems [40]. Fig. 15. The phase diagram of the quasi-binary JT system without competing anisotropy (p1 = 0.3, p2 = 0.05). The dashed line in the top of the diagram shows a line of structural phase changes in a system with a random distribution of two types of JT ions. The dotted line in the bottom of the diagram shows the curve of absolute (spinodal) instability of a system. Fig. 16(a,b). The phase diagrams of the quasi-binary JT system with a competing anisotropy (p = p1 = p2 = 0.25 (a), 0.35 (b)). The solid lines correspond to phase boundaries. The dashed curve in the diagram top shows a line of structural phase transitions in a system with a random distribution of two types of JT ions. The dotted curves in diagram bottoms show boundaries of an angular phase. 255 8. Conclusion. We hope, that the developed microscopic theory of wide class of JT system properties (frequently unusual) can become a model basis for calculations of phase equilibriums, structural, thermodynamic, magnetic and spectral properties of composite systems with various types of the degenerate states. For today there are enough examples confirming such point of view. The work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 02-03-32877). References 1 . Ham F.S. Jahn-Teller effects in electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. In: Electron paramagnetic resonance. N.Y.: Plenum Press. 1972. P.1-119. 2 . Sturge M.D. Jahn-Teller effects in solids. Solid State Phys. 1967. V. 20. P. 91-201. 3 . Abragam A., Blini B. 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