07/31/12 Minutes

Tuesday ▪ July 31, 2012 ▪ 7:00 p.m.
17 North 100 East, Monticello, UT
1. Call to Order - The regularly scheduled meeting of the Monticello City Council
was called to Order by Mayor Douglas Allen at 7:01 p.m. The following persons were
present for all, or portions of the meeting.
City Officials
Mayor Douglas Allen
City Council
Scott Frost
Scott Shakespeare
Tim Young
Craig Leavitt
Brad Randall
City Manager: Kelly Pehrson
City Recorder: Cindi Holyoak
Public Works Superintendent: Nate Langston
Nathan Chamberlain, Doug Pehrson, Tom Wigginton, Dawn Howe, Monte Wells,
Fred Burnet Jr., Nancy Burnet, Mark Buffington CPT, Mike Williams ZLT, Janet
Ross, R.D. Caroll, Rianon Burnet, and Doug Pehrson.
2. Invocation/Opening Remarks - Mayor Allen invited anyone in the audience or
the governing body to offer a prayer or opening remarks. A prayer was given by
Councilman Scott Frost.
3. Minutes Review/Approval - The minutes were mailed with the agendas.
MOTION was made by Councilman Scott Shakespeare to approve the minutes
of the July 10, 2012 City Council Meeting. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Scott Frost and passed unanimously.
4. Public Comment
Fred and Nancy Burnett are the new Fixed Base Operators at the airport – they plan to
focus on increased revenue by bringing in new businesses. They are looking forward
to progress and building up the airport facility. Mayor Allen suggested renting
portable bathrooms until restrooms can be built. Janet Ross said the portable
bathrooms are around $600 to purchase. There was discussion about involving the
local youth with activities and learning experiences at the airport. Mr. Burnet said
airplanes are a great motivator for higher education. He spoke of several forums
which help kids learn to fly.
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Monticello City Council
July 31, 2012
Janet Ross asked the Council how they feel about the close proximity of the proposed
wind towers to the city. She is worried about them being too close to the Science
Center. Mayor Allen said both the science center and the wind farm projects were
started by the Economic Development Committee. The City has vested time and
money to bring the wind farm to the area. Mayor Allen would like a better
understanding of how the farm will look.
Monte Dalton asked if the city is prepared to pay six thousand per year to land owners
if they are going to fight the location of the towers. Mayor Allen said the City
Council will feel no obligation to the land owners but are obligated to the
community’s citizens. Councilman Randall said the City Council cannot dictate to
land owners what will happen or where the towers can be located if the properties to
be developed are outside of the city limits. Mayor Allen disagreed and said the
Council has a vested interest. Councilman Scott Frost said the Council has every right
to be concerned for the property value of the citizens in this community. Councilman
Young said the Council should represent the members of the community but the
Council has no legal right to stop the project. Janet Ross said Wasatch Wind values
the opinion of the City. They do not want mad neighbors. Manager Pehrson said the
project is not final, the funding has not come through this far. Ross reiterated that
some of the towers are too close to town. She is most concerned with the noise and
flicker shadows in the windows. Wasatch Wind will be present during the next City
Council meeting.
5. Payment of Bills
MOTION was made by Councilman Brad Randall to approve the bills as paid.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Tim Young and passed unanimously.
6. Mud Bog Report – Kenneth Maryboy
Kenneth Maryboy was not present to report.
7. Questar Gas Line Project Update
Manager Pehrson explained the lines will be worked on at Oak Crest and Silverstone
Lane. There are some easements which were not signed so the road will have to be
cut in some places. Public Works Superintendent Nate Langston presented details on
the cuts. Oak Crest does not have easement issues.
8. Consider Community Covenant
Captain Buffington is member of a program designed by the National Guard called
the Community Covenant. The covenant for the City of Monticello was presented for
the City Council to sign. The covenant was read aloud by Captain Buffington. He
asked that the covenant be hung in the office of the City Council. Community support
is the goal of the program. Mayor Allen expressed his gratitude to the service men
and women and their sacrifice for our community. The captain discussed long term
effects of the families of the service men and women.
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Monticello City Council
July 31, 2012
MOTION was made by Councilman Scott Shakespeare to adopt the Monticello
Community Covenant as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Brad Randall and opened for discussion.
Councilman Tim Young - Aye
Councilman Brad Randall - Aye
Councilman Scott Frost - Aye
Councilman Scott Shakespeare – Aye
Councilman Craig Leavitt - Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
9. Consider Home Occupations (216 W Center & 16 S Blue Mountain Dr
This item was tabled.
10. Consider Golf Rate Increase
Manager Pehrson said the golf department is currently being subsidized in the amount
of $4,000. He is proposing a small increase to the golf rates. He said the golf carts are
getting old and the City still owes on two loans. A majority of the golf board
members were in favor of a larger increase than is being proposed. Golf Pro Tyler
Ivins was in favor of a smaller increase. The proposed increase is $1.00 for
everything. Councilman Shakespeare said the golf course is doing fine with the
current rates and does not wish to see the price change. Doug Pehrson said he does
not like the season pass rates to go up due to the shorter season. He said the local
people buy a season pass and spend a lot more on the golf course throughout the year
with tournament participation, etc. The season pass for seniors was increased by fifty
dollars two years ago. Councilman Leavitt said the pass increase could be decided
later in the year as it cannot be changed until the season is over. Councilman Randall
said the decision should be made pending a formal approval from the Golf Board of
MOTION was made by Councilman Scott Shakespeare to table this item until
the Golf Board of Directors has a chance to submit a formal recommendation.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Tim Young.
Councilman Scott Frost - Aye
Councilman Scott Shakespeare – Aye
Councilman Craig Leavitt - Aye
Councilman Tim Young -Aye
Councilman Brad Randall - Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
11. Consider Swimming Pool Closure Date
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Monticello City Council
July 31, 2012
The proposed date is September 3, 2012. The swimming pool is heavily subsidized. If
the pool is closed by this date money will be saved in utility costs.
MOTION was made by Councilman Scott Shakespeare to close the swimming
pool on Sept. 3. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tim Young and
opened for discussion.
Councilman Scott Shakespeare – Aye
Councilman Craig Leavitt - Aye
Councilman Tim Young - Aye
Councilman Brad Randall - Aye
Councilman Scott Frost - Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
12. Consider Appointment of Fire Chief
MOTION was made by Councilman Scott Shakespeare to appoint Brad Randall
as the Monticello City Fire Chief. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Scott Frost and opened for discussion.
Councilman Craig Leavitt - Aye
Councilman Tim Young - Aye
Councilman Brad Randall - abstained
Councilman Scott Frost - Aye
Councilman Scott Shakespeare – Aye
The motion passed.
13. Big 4 Tractor Shelter
Mayor Allen said a 35% match with the proceeds from the sale of the building will
allow the City to purchase a shelter for the Big 4 tractor. Manager Pehrson expressed
the need for low maintenance and no engineering fees. Windows are a necessity to
draw tourists.
14. Secondary Water Metering
Mayor Allen said metering is a must with the drought conditions the community has
experienced during the last few years. He said the water should be used more wisely.
He opened it up for discussion. Councilman Leavitt suggested metering large users
for data collection but he is not in favor of metering all connections at this time.
Councilman Randall said abusers and large users are the problem. Mayor Allen
agreed that the larger the property, the more waist will occur. He said most people set
sprinkling systems during the dry part of the summer and leave the same setting even
when the monsoon rains come. He has witnessed sprinklers which are staying on for
12 hours at a time in one place. He said these problems will never be resolved
without meters. During the year 2002, a bad drought was experienced. He said the
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Monticello City Council
July 31, 2012
water waist should be stopped now. Councilman Leavitt said there will be people who
don’t mind spending the money and people who can’t afford it will let their yards die.
Manager Pehrson discussed the financing. Superintendent Langston said ultimately,
to be responsible for the water, every connection should be metered. There was
discussion about placing 10 meters per year or doing the whole project at once. He
said the base rate could be kept the same with a couple tiers for higher users. With
this revenue the loan could be paid. He said there are enough meters in place to base
rates according to the data that is collected. Councilman Randall said the secondary
system could be abandoned. This will impact citizen sprinkler systems and cause
cross connection problems. Inspections would have to be made every year for every
connection. Mayor Allen said he would be worried about water pressure if the
culinary water system is taxed with irrigation. Councilman Young suggested metering
properties with more acreage and charging them above the average user amount.
Manager Pehrson will find out if this is legal. Dawn Howe asked if the meters only
last 20 years and the loan is 30 years what do you do then? Mayor Allen discussed the
history of Monticello and the water metering situation. He said 70 percent of the
water being used is secondary water. Dawn asked about feasibility studies to find
more water. Mayor Allen said the Clay Draw project would costs $38 million to
build. Superintendent Langston said wherever the water comes from it should be
metered. Councilman Frost said the City cannot grow unless we learn how to
conserve water.
MOTION was made by Councilman Scott Frost to direct city staff to pursue
secondary water metering system with CIB funding and the Water Conservancy
grant. The motion was seconded by Councilman Scott Shakespeare and opened
for discussion.
Councilman Tim Young - Nay
Councilman Brad Randall - Nay
Councilman Scott Frost - Aye
Councilman Scott Shakespeare – Aye
Councilman Craig Leavitt - Nay
The motion failed.
Councilman Randall said the City should start working on the large users and
compare data with state recommendations.
MOTION was made by Councilman Scott Frost to direct the city staff to use the
money from the Water Conservancy District to begin metering secondary water
with large users first without an additional loan. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Tim Young and opened for discussion.
Councilman Tim Young - Aye
Councilman Brad Randall - Aye
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Monticello City Council
July 31, 2012
Councilman Scott Frost - Aye
Councilman Scott Shakespeare – Aye
Councilman Craig Leavitt - Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Randall suggested asking CIB for a grant to match funding.
15. Wind Farm
This item was discussed during the Public Comment section of the meeting.
16. Governing Body/Administrative Communications
16.1 City control of transient room tax: A draft resolution was presented to
the City Council which will go to the San Juan County Commission for a
16.2 Councilman Scott Frost: expressed gratitude for the Pioneer Day
Celebration success.
16.3 Swimming pool wood is weathering.
16.4 Councilman Leavitt reported a great golf tournament.
16.5 The softball tournament was a great success also.
17. Meetings
18. Adjournment
MOTION was made by Councilman Craig Leavitt to adjourn the meeting
at 9:23 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Scott Shakespeare
and passed unanimously.
ATTEST: ____________________
Cindi Holyoak, Recorder
Minutes APPROVED by: ___________________
Mayor Douglas L. Allen
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DATE: ___________