Mandarin Chinese 1 Syllabus 中文一

Mandarin Chinese 1 Syllabus
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructor Contact Information
Welcome To
Instructor: Xiuying Tan (Tan lao shi)
Work phone: (203)288-2309 EXT 236
After School Room: 314 (E day only)
Other Office Hours: By Appointment
Department: World language
Course Title: Mandarin Chinese 1 (411chinl-1)
Classroom Location: 314
Semester & Year: 2014-2015
Class Days & Times: A Day 9:45-11:05, C Day
11:30-12:50, E Day 12:50-2:10
(1) Textbook: Integrated Chinese 中文听说读写 Textbook Simplified Character by Yuehua Liu ,Taochung Yao, Nyan-Ping Bi, Liangyan Ge, and Yaohua Shi. Third Edition. Level 1, Part 1. Published by
Cheng & Tui Company, Boston. ISBN 978-0-88727-638-5
(2) Workbook: Integrated Chinese 中文听说读写 Workbook Simplified Character by Yuehua Liu, Taochung Yao, Nyan-Ping Bi, Liangyan Ge, and Yaohua Shi. Third Edition. Level 1, Part 1. Published by Cheng
& Tsui Company, Boston. ISBN 978-0-88727-640-8
This beginner’s course focuses on learning the Mandarin phonetic system (pinyin), reading, writing and
typing simplified Chinese characters, as well as using Mandarin to conduct simple conversations.
Various projects and hands-on activities will allow students to explore Chinese culture, holidays, dancing,
food, and calligraphy.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion, successful students will be able to do the following in Mandarin Chinese:
1. Use the Chinese phonetic system (pinyin) to pronounce Chinese characters.
2. Follow basic rules of stroke order to write Chinese characters.
3. Type most of vocabulary in computer.
4. Greet people, introduce yourself to others.
5. Call the family members in Chinese, such as mother, father, sister, brother and so on.
6. Tell numbers, time, date, and day of the week.
7. Exchange personal information, such as telephone number and email address.
8. Ask Who? Where? and What? questions.
9. Speak about the color, size and price of a purchase and recognize Chinese currency.
10. Order Chinese food in Chinese restaurant.
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Mandarin Chinese 1 Syllabus
Bring to class: (1) Pencils and eraser
(2) Writing grid sheets (will provide in the first class)
(3) Notebook
(4) Text book and workbooks
(5) Folder for tests, quizzes, writing grid sheets and other handouts
(6) Chinese-English Dictionary or online Dictionary (bring laptop)
School Policy:
As a reminder, this classroom and teacher will abide by all the regulations of the 2014-2015 Student
Class Rules:
The class rules are designed to help you learn better and be successful in this class.
 Chinese, first. You are here to learn to communicate in Chinese, using whatever you’ve learned
so far, however little that is. Don’t worry, the teachers won’t be asking you to use any language
you haven’t been exposed to yet. The more you speak, the better your Chinese will be.
 Be on time and ready to learn. Coming late to the class, leaving in the middle of class, or leaving
class early are disruptive and inconsiderate to the other students and to the teacher. It will also
affect your grade adversely.
 Do not miss class. Missing class will slow down your progress, and that slows everyone else
down. Absences will also affect your grade for the course. If you have a true emergency during
the term that keeps you from class, please let me know as soon as possible so that you can
make up missed work quickly.
 Don’t be discouraged by correction. When the teacher corrects what you have just said, repeat
teacher’s correction right away—that way you can internalize the correct way to say it, and she
can make sure you’ve fully understood it.
 Nothing to distract you during the class, please turn off all cell phones and computer before
class. Don’t bring anything not relating to the class.
 Extra credit is not allowed, but extra help is always available. Please feel free to email me or
come to my afterschool room 314 between 2:10 p.m. -2:40p.m. (E day only).
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Mandarin Chinese 1 Syllabus
30% Quizzes
40% tests
10% Assignments (including writing, typing and speaking=voice record assignments )
10% two role-play conversation
10% class attendance and participation.
The grading scale for this class follows Sacred Heart Academy standard and straightforward.
Quizzes and Tests:
Quizzes: There will be a quiz about once a week, including the typing quiz and oral quiz.
Typing quiz: type approximately five vocabulary by using pinyin typing method.
Oral quiz: pronounce approximately five vocabulary or one sentence.
All the quizzes will start three weeks after the school begins. Each vocabulary count one point, a
complete sentence counts five points.
Tests: Tests will be given at the end of each two lessons. They will be announced at least two classes in
Testing policy:
Students who are absent during a quiz or test need to be ready to make up the quiz or test on
the day they return to this class. No late than one week after the student return, otherwise, she
will receive a “0” for that quiz or test. Quizzes are made up in class, tests by arrangement time
(during a study period or after school).
Late assignments will not receive a grade higher than a 70%.
If a student is found cheating, she will receive a “0” and would be subject to disciplinary action.
Any types of dictionaries or online translators are not allowed to use in quiz and test.
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