English – Miss Mursch

Team 8 B Supply List and Guidelines 2013-2014
English – Miss Mursch
Three ring binder
Loose leaf paper in the binder
Several #2 pencils
Blue and/or black pens only
Pencil pouch
Social Studies – Mr. King
Three ring binder with four dividers
Loose leaf paper
Blue and/or black pens
Pencil pouch
Colored Pencils
 You may combine your English and social studies binder, using one large binder for
the two classes with one pencil pouch.
Math – Mr. Tinkler
Three ring binder
Four dividers
Spiral index cards
Calculator TI-30X (Recommended)
Pencil pouch
Science – Mrs. Loveric
Three ring binder
Five dividers
Loose leaf paper in the binder
Blue and/or black pens only
Pencil pouch
 You may combine your math and science binder, using one large binder for the two
classes with one pencil pouch.
Algebra – Mrs. Giovannone
Three ring binder
Loose leaf paper in the binder
Blue and/or black pens only
Graphing calculator TI-83 (Recommended)
***If you will be receiving AIS services, you will need a two pocket folder.
Team 8 B Supply List and Guidelines 2013-2014
In an effort to ensure the success of all our students and to alleviate any confusion as to what is
acceptable as an eighth grade student, Team 8B implements the following procedures consistently
and cohesively, effective on the first day of school:
Written Work:
1. Any paper submitted without a name (first and last) will be returned with the grade of a zero.
2. No assignments will be accepted late for credit. Please adhere to all assigned due dates and
utilize the homework board regularly to ensure you are completing all requirements for all
classes. (You will still be required to complete the assignment with no credit given.
Additionally, disciplinary action may be taken at the discretion of the teacher).
3. All written work for ALL classes will be expressed in complete sentences following rules
for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Assignments submitted without the appropriate
spelling, capitalization, and punctuation will be deducted a minimum of half credit.
4. All written work will be completed on lined notebook paper or the supplied worksheet.
Sentences will be written between the lines or on the worksheet in an appropriate size. All
writing will be neat and legible. Written work which does not fulfill these requirements will
not be accepted for credit.
Classroom Conduct:
1. All students will be prompt and prepared for all classes every day. You are to be in your
seat with all required materials for each class when the bell rings. You are not to leave your
seat without the teacher’s permission.
2. All students will actively participate in every class; this includes asking questions, taking
notes, and completing all class exercises and activities directed by the teacher.
3. If you are having difficulty understanding a topic or concept, it is YOUR responsibility to
speak with your teacher to obtain the needed extra help.
4. All students will show respect for all other students in the classroom and the teacher at all
5. All students are responsible to complete all required work whether he/she is absent, leaves
early, or comes late. Utilize the team homework board daily!
6. You must have your planner with you at all times to record assignments, and it is used as
your pass to travel in the building.
We know that you will agree that these simple requirements will lead to productive, responsible,
and successful students in all areas of their educational careers. “Failure isn’t an option if success is
just a matter of more effort,” (W. Bruce Cameron).