1998 SECTION ANNUAL REPORT AND OUTSTANDING SECTION AWARD NOMINATION FORM GENERAL INFORMATION: SECTION __Columbus _______________ REGION __III_________________________ DATE ____September 9, 1998___________ SECTION SIZE: (as of June 1, 1997) ________ ___X____ ________ ________ ________ VERY SMALL SMALL MEDIUM LARGE VERY LARGE (AIAA Staff will verify Section Size Category) Please type or print neatly. One (1) copy of this form and supporting materials should be sent by mail or fax to: Katy Scheuerman AIAA 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500 Reston, VA 20191-4344 703/264-7551 Fax The Annual Report is the Business Report for the Section and must be received before a Section can receive its rebate for the next year. Please attach any supporting materials you may have, such as newsletters, programs, advertising, etc., describing the Section's activities. The complete package should not exceed 10 pages. The award period covers those events and activities between June 1, 1997 - May 31, 1998. The nomination deadline date is June 30, 1998. Nominations received after June 30, 1998 will not be considered for the award. SUBMITTED BY: SECTION CHAIRMAN: Name: Lynnette Blaney Name: Lynnette Blaney Section Officer Position: Chairperson Address: 1824 Hobbes Drive, Hilliard OH 43026 Address: 1824 Hobbes Drive, Hilliard OH 43026 Telephone Number: 614-424-4504 Telephone Number: 614-424-4504 HIGHLIGHTS OF MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS YEAR Held two dinner meetings each of which brought out members who had not attended a meeting in several years. Made good contacts with the OSU Sigma Gamma Tau group and have committed to joint sponsoring a meeting next year. SECTION ORGANIZATION 1. List the names of the Section Officers Honors and Awards: Chairperson: Lynnette Blaney Technical: Vice Chairperson: Young Members: Doug Sheridan Treasurer: Leon Mark Career Enhancement: Secretary: Programs: Membership: Cynthia Boyd Newsletter Editor: John Fongheiser Public Policy: Dan Cichy Education: 2. List the names and titles of the Section Council: RAC Representative: Ken Thompson Chairperson: Lynnette Blaney Treasurer: Leon Mark Membership: Cynthia Boyd Public Policy: Dan Cichy Young Members: Doug Sheridan Newsletter Editor: John Fongheiser RAC Representative: Ken Thompson Members at Large: Jim Rouse, John Richardson 3. Number of council/officer meetings held during the year_8_____ Average Attendance __5__. 4. Percentage of membership voting in last election of Section Officers _N/A______. 5. Number of officers attending the Section Leadership Briefing _N/A_________. 6. Estimated membership located within 45 min of the meetings _70%_______. 7. Number of Chapters within the Section _N/A__ Number of chapter members_____ and name of chapter(s). MEETINGS, PROGRAMS AND EVENTS 1. Describe the Section's general meetings. Include topic, number of meetings, average attendance and joint sponsorship. There were 3 general membership meetings. The first one was held December 18, 1997. We showed the video “World War II with Walter Cronkite, the Air War Over Europe” and had an informal dinner with about 8 people. A dinner meeting was held on January 13, 1998. Thirty people, members and spouses, enjoyed a presentation by Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, former astronaut and currently director of COSI in Columbus. Dr. Sullivan described her experiences as a space shuttle astronaut and scientist in an excellent presentation and discussion. Our last general meeting was held on April 16, 1998. James Harford spoke about the race to the moon. This meeting was jointly sponsored with the OSU chapter of Sigma Gamma Tau and his presence at the meeting was made possible by the AIAA Distinguished Lecturer program. There were approximately 40 people at the meeting which had by far our best turnout from our OSU members. 2. Describe any young member oriented programs, meetings or activities. The Columbus section and the Ohio State University student section of Sigma Gamma Tau honor society hosted James Harford, an AIAA Distinguished Lecturer. The dinner meeting was at Ohio State. This was excellent opportunity for the professional section to connect with the graduating senior and give them an idea of some of the benefits available by being active in AIAA. This event was quite successful and plans are already underway to have a similar event next year. 3. Describe any career enhancement programs, meetings or activities. None held. 4. Describe your most unique meeting or program based upon subject, format, location, etc. Our most unique meeting was the joint event held in April. This was the first jointly sponsored meeting in several years. This is the first time we were successful in getting a lot of participation from OSU. In particular we had more students than at the last year’s worth of meetings combined. 5. Describe each SPECIAL EVENT held this year. Please include the following: (1) goal, purpose and topic of the event, (2) target audience, (3) type of publicity, (4) company support, if any and (5) if the event attracted new or student members. None held. MEMBERSHIP ACTIVITIES 1. Describe membership retention activities. None 2. Describe membership drive (recruitment) activities and results. None 3. Describe activities to encourage member upgrades. Information on member upgrades is distributed to all members. HONORS AND AWARDS 1. Describe any local section awards given to members and supporters. N/A 2. List members nominated for national or regional honors and awards. Please include (1) nominee's name, (2) award, and (3) status. N/A 3. Describe the purpose and criteria for selection of any new awards established this year. N/A TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES 1. Describe local technical committees, their function and activities for this year. N/A 2. Describe any technical symposia and short courses not described in detail elsewhere in this report. N/A EDUCATION ACTIVITIES 1. List the student branches within the section and describe any section activities related to these branches. There is a student branch at the Ohio State University. 2. Describe actions taken to establish new student branches. None 3. Describe involvement of section with the regional student conference. Coordinated with the student branch advisor to encourage students to submit a paper. 4. Describe any professional continuing education programs. None 5. Describe any pre-college outreach programs instituted/continued this year. We sponsored an award for the best high school research paper in the area of aeronautics/astronautics as part of the Columbus Technical Council’s competition. This consisted of judging several papers on diverse topics, providing a written response to the students describing their strengths and weaknesses, and presenting the award at the yearly banquet. The section also sponsored awards for the best Science Fair project in the aero/astro field at the District Science Fair. Cash awards were presented to the top high schools and junior high project. Members judged the displays, spoke with the students, and presented the award at the ceremony. SERVICES TO THE MEMBERSHIP AND COMMUNITY 1. Describe activities that inform the public and section members and activities that support government officials. Information on the Congressional Visit Day is distributed to all members. 2. Describe section publications other than the newsletter. Include information on the content, frequency, and distribution. None 3. Describe any new or revamped service(s) provided to the membership. None. 4. Describe any involvement with science clubs, vocational guidance, speakers bureau, science fairs, tutoring etc. We sponsored an award for the best high school research paper in the area of aeronautics/astronautics as part of the Columbus Technical Council’s competition. This consisted of judging several papers on diverse topics, providing a written response to the students describing their strengths and weaknesses, and presenting the award at the yearly banquet. The section also sponsored awards for the best Science Fair project in the aero/astro field at the District Science Fair. Cash awards were presented to the top high schools and junior high project. Members judged the displays, spoke with the students, and presented the award at the ceremony. INTERNET ACTIVITY 1. Does your Section have a home page? When was it established? No home page or other internet presence. 2. Who maintains the site and how often is it updated? 3. Do you use it to promote upcoming Section Activities? How? 4. Does your Section reference other section pages to keep up-to-date on what other Sections are doing? 5. Other Activity: FINANCIAL SUMMARY (this portion of the report does not satisfy the requirements for an audit report) Beginning Balance _7/1/97_____ $_249.81____ date Checking Account Savings Account Other (please specify ) Section Rebate Other Income* Expenses $_249.81 _ $__ 0.00__ $__ 0.00__ $_505.36__ $_198.00__ $_656.20__ Estimated Ending Balance _5/31/98_____ $_287.97____ date *Please describe the other sources of Section income: Dinner Programs PROBLEMS AND GOALS 1. Identify any problems/concerns facing the section. There is a lack of aeronautical/astronautical related companies in the area. The only major activity in the Columbus area is at the Ohio State University. This has negatively impacted our membership. The great majority of our members are retired or affiliated with OSU. There is no company or organization drawing aerospace professionals to the area. OSU has been supportive and we are working to get those members more involved but since many of them are very active at the national level, they do not have time to also be as active in the section. We have only about 35 members who participate at all and I do not see this changing in the near future. 2. Recommend up to three (3) priority goals for next year. Our major goal for next year will be to increase the participation from our members at OSU and from the student chapter. OTHER See attached newsletters.