2015/2016 Online Instructional Materials Correlation
Introduction to Animal Systems
8008 - 36 weeks
Last Updated
Course Title
Course Syllabus URL
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Introduction to Animal Systems
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Personal Qualities and People
Required 1 Demonstrate positive work ethic.
Required 2 Demonstrate integrity.
Required 3 Demonstrate teamwork skills.
Required 4
Demonstrate self-representation
Required 5 Demonstrate diversity awareness.
Required 6
Demonstrate conflict-resolution
Required 7
Demonstrate creativity and
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills
Required 8
Demonstrate effective speaking
and listening skills.
Required 9
Demonstrate effective reading
and writing skills.
Required 10
Demonstrate critical-thinking and
problem-solving skills.
Required 11
Demonstrate healthy behaviors
and safety skills.
Demonstrate an understanding of
Required 12 workplace organizations, systems,
and climates.
Required 13
Demonstrate lifelong-learning
Required 14
Demonstrate job-acquisition and
advancement skills.
Required 15
Demonstrate time-, task-, and
resource-management skills.
Required 16
Demonstrate job-specific
mathematics skills.
Required 17
Demonstrate customer-service
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills
Demonstrate proficiency with
Required 18 technologies common to a
specific occupation.
Required 19
Demonstrate information
technology skills.
Required 20
Demonstrate an understanding of
Internet use and security issues.
Required 21
Demonstrate telecommunications
Examining All Aspects of an Industry
Required 22
Examine aspects of planning
within an industry/organization.
Required 23
Examine aspects of management
within an industry/organization.
Examine aspects of financial
Required 24 responsibility within an
Examine technical and production
Required 25 skills required of workers within
an industry/organization.
Examine principles of technology
Required 26 that underlie an
Required 27
Examine labor issues related to an
Examine community issues
Required 28 related to an
Examine health, safety, and
Required 29 environmental issues related to an
Addressing Elements of Student Life
Identify the purposes and goals of
Required 30
the student organization.
Explain the benefits and
responsibilities of membership in
Required 31 the student organization as a
student and in professional/civic
organizations as an adult.
Demonstrate leadership skills
through participation in student
Required 32
organization activities, such as
meetings, programs, and projects.
Identify Internet safety issues and
Required 33 procedures for complying with
acceptable use standards.
Exploring Leadership Opportunities Available through FFA
Required 34
Complete the requirements of the
Greenhand FFA Degree.
Participate in the creation of the
Required 35 chapter program of activities
Required 36
Participate in a group discussion
of an agricultural topic.
Required 37
Demonstrate five major
procedures of parliamentary law.
Required 38
Participate in a service-leadership
Participating in Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)
Investigate career opportunities in
the Animal Systems pathway and
Required 39
educational experiences necessary
to prepare for those careers.
Required 40
Describe types of Supervised
Agricultural Experience (SAE).
Required 41
Maintain a cumulative record of
SAE development.
Exploring the Animal Industry
Required 42
Describe animal science and the
role of animals in society.
Required 43
Identify careers in the animal
Required 44
Practice animal and human first
aid and laboratory safety.
Required 45
Differentiate between animal
welfare and animal rights.
Required 46
Describe the purpose of animal
control and humane societies.
Required 47
Describe normal and abnormal
animal behaviors.
Assess county, state, and federal
Required 48 agencies that support the animal
Interpret rules, policies, and
Required 49 regulations affecting the livestock
Identify environmental issues and
Required 50 regulations pertaining to the
animal industry.
Using Basic Scientific Skills in Animal Nutrition
Identify parts and functions of the
digestive system of a ruminant, a
Required 51
non-ruminant, and a pseudoruminant.
Required 52
Identify the nutritional
requirements of selected species.
Required 53
Balance a ration for a given
Required 54 Evaluate feedstuff for quality.
Describing Basic Scientific Skills in Animal Reproduction and Breeding
Identify parts and functions of the
Required 55 reproductive systems of a male
and female animal of one species.
Required 56
Describe the control of
reproductive cycles.
Evaluate the possible outcomes of
Required 57 monohybrid and dihybrid crosses
of animals.
Required 58
Explain the breeding of selected
Required 59
Maintain health and breeding
Managing Animal Health
Required 60
Describe internal and external
parasites and control methods.
Demonstrate various methods of
Required 61 preventative medicine and disease
Required 62 Apply animal health practices.
Required 63
Describe how to perform
emergency first aid on animals.
Using Basic Scientific Skills in Animal Care and Management
Discuss animal marketing
Required 64
Required 65 Maintain equipment and facilities.
Required 66
Operate machinery and
Required 67
Plan routine management of foodproducing animals and facilities.
Incorporating Mechanical Skills as Related to the Animal Systems Pathway
Demonstrate safety procedures in
various areas associated with
Required 68
agriculture mechanics in animal
Demonstrate equipment safety
Required 69 and operation as they relate to the
Animal Systems pathway.
Demonstrate standard
Required 70 measurement techniques in
animal systems.
Demonstrate drawing for
agricultural mechanics as it
Required 71
relates to the Animal Systems
Demonstrate metalworking
Required 72 operations as they relate to the
Animal Systems pathway.
Demonstrate woodworking
Required 73 operations as they relate to the
Animal Systems pathway.
Demonstrate electrical operations
Required 74 as they relate to the Animal
Systems pathway.
Demonstrate small-engine
Required 75 operations as they relate to the
Animal Systems pathway.
Demonstrate plumbing operations
Required 76 as they relate to the Animal
Systems pathway.