Verbal I enjoy reading, writing & speaking Write a poem to describe

Rivers and Coasts
Year 6 Autumn 2 Homework Grid
Choose a task to complete every week. Remember it needs to be handed in on Friday. Colour in the task on the grid when you have
completed it. Remember your work needs to be at a Year 6 standard!
I enjoy reading,
writing & speaking
I enjoy working with
numbers & science
I enjoy painting,
drawing and
I enjoy doing handson activities
I enjoy making &
listening to music
Write a poem to
describe a waterfall.
Write your own
adventure story set
on or near the sea or
a river.
Make a crossword
based on water, rivers
or the coast. You may
use the internet for
research but don’t
use an online tool to
create your puzzle.
Find a news item or
story and prepare a
storyboard or storymap to retell the tale.
Remember to include
Make a list of rivers
from around the
world - add
interesting facts.
Using squared paper,
design and make a
‘Treasure Island’.
Integrate the use of
coordinates into your
game. Don’t forget
the instructions!
Use the internet to
find out the sea
temperatures in six
different locations
around the world.
Plot them on a bar
chart. Draw
conclusions from your
findings. Compare
them to other times
in the year.
Paint a picture of a
ship which has
travelled around the
Name the oceans and
as many seas of the
world on your own
map. Remember not
to download a
completed map!
Think carefully about
coastal erosion. What
do you think we could
do to solve the
problem? Explain
your answer.
Conduct a water
usage survey at
home. Chart the
results of your water
usage survey. Write a
conclusion. Explain
your results. Do you
think you will change
your water usage?
Design a poster
warning people of the
dangers of water.
Draw or paint a
picture of any aspect
of water, adding
Draw and colour your
own cartoon strip of
the life of a river.
Use a shoebox or
similar to create an
underwater diorama
(a 3D miniature
scene) adding labels.
Compose a short
instrumental piece of
music based on
water. Perform to the
Design and / or make
a model waterwheel
Design and make a
ships compass or spy
Make an ocean /
seaside scene in a
plastic bottle.
Make a model of a
ship that once sailed
around the world.
Identify as many
different songs as you
can with the word
water in them.
Write a rap about
water and perform it
to the class.
Find a song about
water, describe what
it is like and how it
makes you feel.
Write your own song
/ sea shanty to
perform to the class.
Investigate photos /
artwork of coasts/the
sea to inspire your
own picture. Tell us
how they have done
Make a model of the
water cycle and label
Find some songs
about water and
practise singing them
to teach the rest of
the class
Create a short
presentation for the
class on coastlines /
rivers in other parts
of the world. Talk
about aspects that
particularly interest
you, such as wildlife
or threats to the
There have been
many shipwrecks off
the coast of IOW.
Identify 10 of them
and place them on
your own map with
the date of their
shipwrecks. Why do
you think we have
had so many
shipwrecks here?
Paint a landscape or a
seascape that
includes features
from our topic.