Hazardous Substances Data Bank, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD. http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/ Downloaded September, 2004 ANTHRAQUINONE CASRN: 84-65-1 For other data, click on the Table of Contents Human Health Effects: Human Toxicity Excerpts: LOW SYSTEMIC TOXICITY, BUT MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION, SENSITIZATION. [The Merck Index. 9th ed. Rahway, New Jersey: Merck & Co., Inc., 1976. 94]**PEER REVIEWED** Chronic neurotoxic effects include vision disturbances. /From table/ /Quinones/ [O'Donoghue, J.L. (ed.). Neurotoxicity of Industrial and Commercial Chemicals. Volume I. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc., 1985. 129]**PEER REVIEWED** Skin, Eye and Respiratory Irritations: Irritates .. skin. [ITII. Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Chemicals Safety Manual. Tokyo, Japan: The International Technical Information Institute, 1988. 46]**PEER REVIEWED** Probable Routes of Human Exposure: Anthraquinone was detected in air samples collected in the potroom of an aluminum reduction plant at 297 ng/cu m(1). NIOSH (NOES Survey 1981-1983) has statistically estimated that 6188 workers (1603 of these are female) are potentially exposed to anthraquinone in the USA(2). [(1) Thrane KE, Stray H; Sci Total Environ 53: 111-31 (1986) (2) NIOSH; National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES) (1983)]**PEER REVIEWED** Emergency Medical Treatment: EMT Copyright Disclaimer: Portions of the POISINDEX(R) and MEDITEXT(R) database have been provided here for general reference. THE COMPLETE POISINDEX(R) DATABASE OR MEDITEXT(R) DATABASE SHOULD BE CONSULTED FOR ASSISTANCE IN THE DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT OF SPECIFIC CASES. The use of the POISINDEX(R) and MEDITEXT(R) databases is at your sole risk. The POISINDEX(R) and MEDITEXT(R) databases are provided "AS IS" and "as available" for use, without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. Micromedex makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, timeliness, usefulness or completeness of any of the information contained in the POISINDEX(R) and MEDITEXT(R) databases. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. Micromedex does not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the POISINDEX(R) or MEDITEXT(R) databases. Copyright 1974-2004 Thomson MICROMEDEX. All Rights Reserved. Any duplication, replication, "downloading," sale, redistribution or other use for commercial purposes is a violation of Micromedex' rights and is strictly prohibited. The following Overview, *** ANTHRAQUINONES ***, is relevant for this HSDB record chemical. Life Support: o This overview assumes that basic life support measures have been instituted. Clinical Effects: 0.2.1 SUMMARY OF EXPOSURE ACUTE EXPOSURE A) These agents have an irritant cathartic action. Most human cases are mild to moderate in severity, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and palpitations as the primary symptoms. Severe poisonings may produce kidney damage, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, muscular seizures, dyspnea, and fluid depletion. B) PLANT MATERIAL - There is a 6-hour delay in onset with commercial cascara sagrada preparations that is not seen in intoxications from fresh plant material, due to other active ingredients in the plants. 1) Vomiting is also more prevalent with fresh plant material. 0.2.4 HEENT ACUTE EXPOSURE A) DITHRANOL is an irritant to the eyes and mucous membranes. 0.2.5 CARDIOVASCULAR ACUTE EXPOSURE A) Palpitations were seen in one case report of 6 women who became toxic after ingesting an anthraquinone-containing herbal tea. 0.2.6 RESPIRATORY ACUTE EXPOSURE A) Dyspnea is mentioned as a sign of severe poisoning. 0.2.7 NEUROLOGIC ACUTE EXPOSURE A) Muscular seizures are a rare sign of severe intoxication. Dizziness is occasionally seen in severe intoxications. CNS depression was seen in animals tested with injections of emodin. Analgesia was also noted with injection. These effects have not been noted in human overdose. 0.2.8 GASTROINTESTINAL ACUTE EXPOSURE A) Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and especially diarrhea may be seen with both therapeutic doses and overdose. 0.2.10 GENITOURINARY ACUTE EXPOSURE A) Oliguria and proteinuria may be seen in severe cases. A red color is seen in alkaline urine, and yellow-brown in acid urine. Large doses of anthraquinones may cause nephritis. 0.2.12 FLUID-ELECTROLYTE ACUTE EXPOSURE A) If vomiting and diarrhea are extensive, excessive fluids and electrolytes may be lost. 0.2.14 DERMATOLOGIC ACUTE EXPOSURE A) Some anthraquinones have been shown to be sensitizers. Finger CLUBBING has been reported with abuse of senna. The condition is reversible with discontinuation of the drug. Dithranol may cause a burning sensation, especially on perilesional skin. 0.2.20 REPRODUCTIVE HAZARDS A) Casanthranol, danthron, senna, and cascara sagrada are in pregnancy category C. 0.2.21 CARCINOGENICITY HUMAN OVERVIEW A) Various anthraquinones have been shown to have carcinogenic potential. 0.2.22 GENOTOXICITY A) Various anthraquinones have been shown to have mutagenic potential. Many are frameshift mutagens. Laboratory: A) In cases where diarrhea and vomiting have been excessive, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities might be seen. In such cases monitor for electrolyte loss and/or dehydration. B) A red color is seen in alkaline urine, which turns a yellow-brown in acid urine. The red urine should be differentiated from hematuria. Treatment Overview: 0.4.2 ORAL EXPOSURE A) Emesis is not required. Since not all of the cathartic would be removed with an emetic, vomiting and diarrhea may be seen with overdose. Activated charcoal (without cathartic) may be indicated. B) GASTRIC LAVAGE: Consider after ingestion of a potentially life-threatening amount of poison if it can be performed soon after ingestion (generally within 1 hour). Protect airway by placement in Trendelenburg and left lateral decubitus position or by endotracheal intubation. Control any seizures first. 1) CONTRAINDICATIONS: Loss of airway protective reflexes or decreased level of consciousness in unintubated patients; following ingestion of corrosives; hydrocarbons (high aspiration potential); patients at risk of hemorrhage or gastrointestinal perforation; and trivial or non-toxic ingestion. C) ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: Administer charcoal as a slurry (240 mL water/30 g charcoal). Usual dose: 25 to 100 g in adults/adolescents, 25 to 50 g in children (1 to 12 years), and 1 g/kg in infants less than 1 year old. 0.4.4 EYE EXPOSURE A) DECONTAMINATION: Irrigate exposed eyes with copious amounts of room temperature water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation, pain, swelling, lacrimation, or photophobia persist, the patient should be seen in a health care facility. 0.4.5 DERMAL EXPOSURE A) OVERVIEW 1) DECONTAMINATION: Remove contaminated clothing and wash exposed area thoroughly with soap and water. A physician may need to examine the area if irritation or pain persists. Range of Toxicity: A) Deaths of a 3-year-old and a 20-month-old after ingestion of an unknown number of Rhamnus berries have been reported. B) Rhamnus fruits - In reports to Toxicology Centers throughout Europe, there are exposures reported, but none have resulted in serious symptoms. C) Rheum species - Determination of a toxic dose is very difficult when dealing with plant material. Various species have different concentrations of anthraquinones. [Rumack BH POISINDEX(R) Information System Micromedex, Inc., Englewood, CO, 2004; CCIS Volume 122, edition expires Nov, 2004. Hall AH & Rumack BH (Eds): TOMES(R) Information System Micromedex, Inc., Englewood, CO, 2004; CCIS Volume 122, edition expires Nov, 2004.]**PEER REVIEWED** Animal Toxicity Studies: Non-Human Toxicity Excerpts: ANTHRAQUINONE...HAS BEEN NOTED ONLY IN EXPTL ANIMAL EYES TO CAUSE IRRITATION & INFLAMMATION WHEN APPLIED TO THE EYE. ...IT IS POSSIBLE THAT IRRITATION IS DUE TO MECH ACTION OF POWDER RATHER THAN TO TOXIC EFFECT... [Grant, W.M. Toxicology of the Eye. 3rd ed. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1986. 109]**PEER REVIEWED** SODIUM-POTASSIUM-ACTIVATED ATPASE FROM RABBIT RED CELL MEMBRANE WAS INHIBITED BY ANTHRAQUINONE. THE INHIBITORY ACTION OF ANTHRAQUINONE WAS DUE TO THE INHIBITION OF -SH GROUP OR THE CARBOXYL GROUP OF THE ENZYME. [KOH IS; TAEHAN SAENGRI HAKHOE CHI 11 (1): 1 (1977)]**PEER REVIEWED** ANTHRAQUINONE WAS MUTAGENIC FOR STRAINS TA1537, TA1538, & TA98, IN THE ABSENCE OF RAT LIVER HOMOGENATE, IN THE AMES/SALMONELLA MICROSOME ASSAY. [LIBERMAN DF ET AL; APPL ENVIRON MICROBIOL 43 (6): 1354 (1982)]**PEER REVIEWED** ANTHRAQUINONE WAS NONMUTAGENIC, WITH OR WITHOUT METABOLIC ACTIVATION, IN SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM STRAINS TA98, TA100, & TA2637 BY THE PREINCUBATION METHOD. [TIKKANEN L ET AL; MUTAT RES 116 (3-4): 297 (1983)]**PEER REVIEWED** Acute neurotoxic effects reported in animals include convulsions; medullary paralysis. /From table/ /Quinones/ [O'Donoghue, J.L. (ed.). Neurotoxicity of Industrial and Commercial Chemicals. Volume I. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc., 1985. 129]**PEER REVIEWED** Ongoing Test Status: The NTP Toxicology Research and Testing Program releases a Management Status Report on a quarterly basis. This report gives the status of chemicals studied, under study, or proposed for study by NTP. The 07/11/2001 issue indicates that anthraquinone is on the list of post peer review technical reports in progress. Route: dosed-feed; Species: rats and mice. NTP TR No 494. [NTP; Division of Toxicology Research and Testing; Management Status Report; 07/11/2001; p.24]**QC REVIEWED** Metabolism/Pharmacokinetics: Metabolism/Metabolites: YIELDS ANTHRONE, 9,10-DIHYDROXYANTHRACENE, & 2HYDROXYANTHRAQUINONE IN RATS. /FROM TABLE/ [Goodwin, B.L. Handbook of Intermediary Metabolism of Aromatic Compounds. New York: Wiley, 1976.,p. A-62]**PEER REVIEWED** Quinones (ie, 6,12-dione) have been shown to undergo oxidation-reduction cycles involving quinone, hydroquinone, and molecular oxygen, resulting in the formation of oxygen radicals and semiquinone radicals. /Quinones/ [Dean, J.H., M.I. Luster, A.E. Munson, I. Kimber. Immunotoxicology and Immunopharmacology. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Raven Press, Ltd., 1994. 577]**PEER REVIEWED** Mechanism of Action: THE QUINONES ARE ALPHA-BETA-UNSATURATED KETONES & REACT WITH SULFHYDRYL (-SH) GROUPS. THIS REACTION HAS BEEN SUGGESTED AS THE CRITICAL BIOCHEMICAL LESION INVOLVING THE -SH GROUPS OF ENZYMES SUCH AS AMYLASE & CARBOXYLASE WHICH ARE INHIBITED BY QUINONES. ... OVERALL /FUNGICIDAL/ MECHANISM MAY INVOLVE BINDING OF ENZYME TO QUINONE NUCLEUS BY SUBSTITUTION OR ADDN @ THE DOUBLE BOND, OXIDATIVE REACTION WITH -SH GROUP, & CHANGE IN REDOX POTENTIAL. /QUINONES/ [White-Stevens, R. (ed.). Pesticides in the Environment: Volume 1, Part 1, Part 2. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1971. 9]**PEER REVIEWED** Pharmacology: Environmental Fate & Exposure: Environmental Fate/Exposure Summary: Anthraquinone's production and subsequent use as an additive in the paper pulping industry,as a bird repellent for seeds, and as the basis for the production of a large number of dyes may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. Anthraquinone is also produced from anthracene in the environment through photolytic and biodegradation processes. If released to the atmosphere, anthraquinone will exist in both the vapor-phase and the particulate phase based on an experimental vapor pressure of 1.16X10-7 mm Hg. In the vapor-phase, it should react with hydroxyl radicals with an estimated half-life of 11 days. Particulate phase anthraquinone may be physically removed from air by wet and dry deposition. Anthraquinone should have slight to low mobility in soil based on estimated Koc values of 1664 and 3702. This compound is expected to biodegrade fairly rapidly with 68% degradation reported in 12 weeks by a mixed soil population. In water, anthraquinone is expected to adsorb to particulate matter and sediment in the water column based on its Koc values. Biodegradation is a major fate process in water; over a three day period, 82% of the added anthraquinone (at 10 mg/L) was degraded by river water, 91% was degraded by sea water. Anthraquinone is also readily biodegraded by natural bacterial populations in groundwater and by activated sludge. A photolysis half-life of 2.8 hours was measured when anthraquinone was exposed to incident light (295-500 nm). Anthraquinone may bioconcentrate in aquatic organisms based on estimated BCF values of 222 and 522; this compound has been detected in fish. Monitoring data indicate that exposure to anthraquinone by the general population is through the ingestion of drinking water. Exposure to anthraquinone may occur occupationally during its use as a dye intermediate or as a catalytic agent in the paperpulping process. (SRC) **PEER REVIEWED** Probable Routes of Human Exposure: Anthraquinone was detected in air samples collected in the potroom of an aluminum reduction plant at 297 ng/cu m(1). NIOSH (NOES Survey 1981-1983) has statistically estimated that 6188 workers (1603 of these are female) are potentially exposed to anthraquinone in the USA(2). [(1) Thrane KE, Stray H; Sci Total Environ 53: 111-31 (1986) (2) NIOSH; National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES) (1983)]**PEER REVIEWED** Artificial Pollution Sources: Anthraquinone's production and subsequent use as an additive in the soda and kraft chemical alkaline pulping processes in the paper pulping industry(1) and as the basis for the production of a large number of acid and base dyes, vat dyes, disperse dyes, and reactive dyes(2) may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams(SRC). Anthracene, which is frequently detected in the environment probably due to its pyrogenic origin, is known to yield anthraquinone upon direct photooxidation in aqueous media(3). The biodegradation of anthracene by white rot fungi results in anthraquinone as a major degradation intermediate(4). Soil samples contaminated with diesel oil and originally not containing anthraquinone were found to contain anthraquinone following 25 weeks(5). Aqueous chlorination products of standard PAH's include anthraquinone; this process works via oxidation of the PAH using hypochlorite(6). [(1) Appleton HT et al; Technical Support Document 9,10-Anthraquinone. SRC TR-85105. USEPA Doc#: 40-8580018. Syracuse, NY (1985) (2) Vogel A; Ullman's Encyl Indus Chem. Gerhartz W (ed). VCH Publishers, Deerfield Beach, FL VA2: 353 (1985) (3) Rontani JF et al; Chemosphere 14: 1909-912 (1985) (4) Field JA et al; Appl Environ Microbiol 58: 2219-2226 (1992) (5) Langbehn A, Steinhart H; Chemosphere 30: 855-868 (1995) (6) Alben K; Anal Chem 52: 1825-828 (1980)]**PEER REVIEWED** Environmental Fate: TERRESTRIAL FATE: Estimated Koc values of 1664 and 3702(1,SRC), based on experimental values for log Kow(2) and water solubility(3), indicate that anthraquinone will have low to slight mobility in soil using a soil mobility classification(4). Anthraquinone is not expected to volatilize from dry surfaces based on an experimental vapor pressure of 1.16X10-7 mm Hg(5) or to volatilize from moist soil surfaces given an estimated Henry's Law constant of 3.18X10-9 atm-cu/mole(1,SRC) from the water solubility(3) and vapor pressure(5). Biodegradation of anthraquinone is expected to be a major fate process for this compound in soil; 68% of added anthraquinone was biodegraded by a mixed soil population within 12 weeks(6). A mixed bacterial population, isolated from a coal-tar contaminated soil, biodegraded anthraquinone even faster with only 6.5% of the initial concentration of anthraquinone remaining after 3 days(7). [(1) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 4-9, 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (2) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. Chihara H et al, eds; ACS Prof Ref Book, Washington,DC: Amer Chem Soc p. 118 (1995) (3) Yalkowsky SH, Dannenfelser RM; Aquasol Database of Aqueous Solubility. Ver 5. Coll Pharm, Univ Arizona-Tucson, AZ. PC Version (1992) (4) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 23 (1983) (5) Shimizu T et al; J Soc Dyers Colour 103: 132-7 (1987) (6) Mueller JG et al; Environ Sci Technol 25: 1045-55 (1991) (7) Mueller JG et al; Appl Environ Microbiol 55: 3085-90 (1989)]**PEER REVIEWED** AQUATIC FATE: Based on estimated Koc values of 1664 and 3702(1,SRC), determined from experimental values for log Kow(2) and water solubility(3), anthraquinone may adsorb to particulate matter and sediment in the water column(4); this may be a major fate process for this compound(SRC). Photolysis of anthraquinone may occur in water. When exposed to incident light (295-500 nm), a photolysis half-life of 2.8 hours was measured(5). Anthraquinone may bioconcentrate in aquatic organisms based on estimated BCF values of 222 and 522(1,SRC) determined from experimental values of log Kow(2) and water solubility(3), respectively; this compound has been detected in fish(6). [(1) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 4-9, 5-4, 5-10 (1990) (2) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. Chihara H et al, eds; ACS Prof Ref Book, Washington,DC: Amer Chem Soc p. 118 (1995) (3) Yalkowsky SH, Dannenfelser RM; Aquasol Database of Aqueous Solubility. Ver 5. Coll Pharm, Univ Arizona-Tucson, AZ. PC Version (1992) (4) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 23 (1983) (5) Svenson A, Bjorndahl H; Chemosphere 17: 2397-2405 (1988) (6) Vassilaros DL et al; Anal Chem 54: 106-112 (1982)]**PEER REVIEWED** AQUATIC FATE: Biodegradation of anthraquinone in the water column is expected to be a major fate process. Over a three day period, 82% of the added anthraquinone (at 10 mg/l) was degraded by river water, 91% was degraded by sea water(1). Biodegradation using mixed cultures from seawater degraded anthraquinone 50% over 10 days; metabolite concentration was low but included mainly benzoic and phthalic acids(2). Mixed bacterial populations from groundwater were able to completely degrade anthraquinone within 5 days(3). From 50-100% degradation has been reported using activated sludge as an inoculum and a three week incubation period(4-9). [(1) Kondo M et al; Eisei Kagaku 34: 188-95 (1988) (2) Rontani JF et al; Chemosphere 14: 1909-912 (1985) (3) Mueller JG et al; Appl Environ Microbiol 57: 1277-285 (1991) (4) Struijs J, Stoltenkamp J; Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 19: 204-211 (1990) (5) Chemicals Inspection and Testing Institute; Biodegradation and Bioaccumulation Data of Existing Chemicals Based on the CSCL Japan. Japan Chemical Industry Ecology-Toxicology and Information Center. ISBN 4-89074-101-1 (1992) (6) De Morsier A et al; Chemosphere 16: 833-47 (1987) (7) Nyholm N; Chemosphere 21: 1477-87 (1990) (8) Kawasaki M; Ecotoxic Environ Saf 4: 444-54 (1980) (9) Blok J, Booy M; Ecotox Environ Saf 8: 41022 (1984)]**PEER REVIEWED** ATMOSPHERIC FATE: Based on an experimental vapor pressure of 1.16X10-7 mm Hg at 25 deg C(1), anthraquinone will exist in both the vapor phase and the particulate phase in the ambient atmosphere(2,SRC). Anthraquinone is expected to degrade fairly quickly in the vapor phase by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals with an estimated half-life of 11 days(3,SRC). Particulate phase anthraquinone may be removed physically from air by wet and dry deposition(SRC). Anthraquinone absorbed to airborne wood soot particles and exposed to sunlight (3-4 hour period) was stable. Under the same conditions but with 0.1 ppm NOx present a half-life of 2.5 hours was reported indicating that ozone in the presence of sunlight promotes degradation reactions for this compound(4). Anthraquinone has been detected in rain water from several storm events(5). [(1) Shimizu T et al; J Soc Dyers Colour 103: 132-7 (1987) (2) Bidleman TF; Environ Sci Technol 22: 361-367 (1988) (3) Meylan WM, Howard PH; Chemosphere 26: 2293-2299 (1993) (4) Kamens RM et al; Environ Sci Technol 23: 801-06 (1989) (5) Ligocki MP et al; Atmos Environ 19: 1609-617 (1985)]**PEER REVIEWED** Environmental Biodegradation: Anthraquinone (at 10 mg/l organic carbon), inoculated with activated sludge, reached 28% of the theoretical CO2 within 28 days(1). 52.3% of the initial concn of anthraquinone (100 mg/l) was biodegraded by an activated sludge inoculum (time = 3 weeks)(2). Biodegradation of anthraquinone was measured using three standard tests (each using activated sludge inocula)(3). Over a 20 day period, 51-91%, 81-93%, and 70% of the added anthraquinone was biodegraded in the Sturm test, MITI test, and the RDA test, respectively(3). Anthraquinone (at 100 mg/l) was biodegraded by 46% over a 28 day period (UK-MITI test); a lag time of about 7 days was observed(4). From 30100% BODT was measured in the Japanese-MITI test over 14 days (anthraquinone = 100 mg/l)(5). Varying activated sludge inoculum sizes had little impact on the final oxidation of anthraquinone; 40-60% oxidation at 56 days was seen for all inoculum levels(6). [(1) Struijs J, Stoltenkamp J; Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 19: 204- 211 (1990) (2) Chemicals Inspection and Testing Institute; Biodegradation and Bioaccumulation Data of Existing Chemicals Based on the CSCL Japan. Japan Chemical Industry EcologyToxicology and Information Center. ISBN 4-89074-101-1 (1992) (3) De Morsier A et al; Chemosphere 16: 833-47 (1987) (4) Nyholm N; Chemosphere 21: 1477-87 (1990) (5) Kawasaki M; Ecotoxic Environ Saf 4: 444-54 (1980) (6) Blok J, Booy M; Ecotox Environ Saf 8: 410-22 (1984)]**PEER REVIEWED** A mixed bacterial population (EM4) isolated from sea water foam biodegraded anthraquinone (concentration = 1 g/l); 50% of the added compound was degraded over 10 days(1). Metabolites included benzoic and phthalic acids in low concentrations(1). Over a three day period, 82% of the added anthraquinone (at 10 mg/l) was degraded by river water, 91% was degraded by sea water(2). Anthraquinone was present in groundwater at an initial concentration of 3.3 ug/ml; 1.9 ug/ml remained after 3 days, and an undetectable amount was left following 5 days after inoculation with a mixed population derived from creosote contaminated soil(3). Anthraquinone, using an anaerobic digesting sludge inoculum, inhibited gas production for 4 weeks (lag phase >75 days) before limited net gas production began; the volume of gas produced during the experiment (60-100 days) was not greater than that produced by the blanks. It was not possible to say whether degradation of this compound occurred as this gas may have been produced either by degradation of anthraquinone or by degradation of substrates in the sludge which were not degraded during the inhibitory phase(4). [(1) Rontani JF et al; Chemosphere 14: 1909-912 (1985) (2) Kondo M et al; Eisei Kagaku 34: 188-95 (1988) (3) Mueller JG et al; Appl Environ Microbiol 57: 1277-285 (1991) (4) Battersby NS, Wilson V; Appl Environ Microbiol 55: 433-39 (1989)]**PEER REVIEWED** White rot fungi of the genus Trametes degraded anthracene without any accumulation of anthraquinone suggesting that either anthraquinone was not formed as a metabolite of this process or that this genus can rapidly metabolize anthraquinone(1). Lignolytic cultures of Phanerochaete chrysosporium metabolized anthraquinone(1). Anthraquinone, initially present at 48.6 mg/3 kg soil, was biodegraded by the soil bacterial population to 15.3 mg/3 kg soil following 12 weeks incubation(2). Anthraquinone initially present at 1229.7 mg/3 kg sediment was biodegraded by the sediment bacterial population to 1122.9 mg/3 kg sediment following 12 weeks incubation(2). A seven strain bacterial community isolated from a coal-tar contaminated soil biodegraded anthraquinone with only 6.5% of the initial concentration remaining after 3 days(3). [(1) Field JA et al; Appl Environ Microbiol 58: 2219-2226 (1992) (2) Mueller JG et al; Environ Sci Technol 25: 1045-1055 (1991) (3) Mueller JG et al; Appl Environ Microbiol 55: 3085-3090 (1989)]**PEER REVIEWED** Environmental Abiotic Degradation: Anthraquinone in aquatic media (ethanol(99%): water (1%)) exposed to incident light from 295-500 nm resulted in a reported photolysis half-life of 2.8 hours(1). Anthraquinone subjected to exhaustive photolysis (16 hr, 253.7 nm irradiation, in ethanol) undergoes photochemical conversion to 9,10-dihydroxyanthracene and secondly to 9-anthranol in the absence of oxygen(2). Anthraquinone deposited on silica gel and exposed in the dark did not react to the presence of ozone at varying concentrations and exposure times(3). Anthraquinone absorbed to airborne wood soot particles and exposed to sunlight (3-4 hour period) was stable; under the same conditions but with 0.1 ppm NOx present, a half-life of 2.5 hours was reported. This indicates that ozone in the presence of sunlight promotes degradation reactions for this compound(4). The rate constant for the vapor-phase reaction of anthraquinone with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals has been estimated as 1.498X10-12 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 deg C(5,SRC). This corresponds to an atmospheric half-life of about 11 days at an atmospheric concentration of 5X10+5 hydroxyl radicals per cu cm(5,SRC). [(1) Svenson A, Bjorndahl H; Chemosphere 17: 2397-2405 (1988) (2) Carlson SA, Hercules DM; Anal Chem 45: 1794-99 (1973) (3) Grosjean D et al; Environ Sci Technol 21: 635-43 (1987) (4) Kamens RM et al; Environ Sci Technol 23: 801-06 (1989) (5) Meylan WM, Howard PH; Chemosphere 26: 213-218 (1993)]**PEER REVIEWED** Environmental Bioconcentration: BCF values of 222 and 522 were calculated for anthraquinone, using an experimental log Kow of 3.39(1) and an experimental water solubility of 1.353 mg/l(2), respectively, and recommended regression-derived equations(3,SRC). This BCF value suggests that anthraquinone may bioconcentrate in aquatic organisms(3). Anthraquinone was detected in brown bullhead catfish from the Black River, Ohio(4) indicating that bioconcentration may occur(SRC). [(1) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. Chihara H et al, eds; ACS Prof Ref Book, Washington,DC: Amer Chem Soc p. 118 (1995) (2) Yalkowsky SH, Dannenfelser RM; Aquasol Database of Aqueous Solubility. Ver 5. Coll Pharm, Univ Arizona-Tucson, AZ. PC Version (1992) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 5-4, 5-10 (1990) (4) Vassilaros DL et al; Anal Chem 54: 106-112 (1982)]**PEER REVIEWED** Soil Adsorption/Mobility: Based on an experimental log Kow of 3.39(1)and an experimental water solubility of 1.353 mg/l(2), Koc values of 1664 and 3702, respectively, for anthraquinone can be calculated using regression-derived equations(3,SRC). According to a suggested classification scheme(4), these Koc values suggest that anthraquinone has low to slight mobility in soil(SRC). [(1) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. Chihara H et al, eds; ACS Prof Ref Book, Washington,DC: Amer Chem Soc p. 118 (1995) (2) Yalkowsky SH, Dannenfelser RM; Aquasol Database of Aqueous Solubility. Ver 5. Coll Pharm, Univ Arizona-Tucson, AZ. PC Version (1992) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 4-9 (1990) (4) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 23 (1983)]**PEER REVIEWED** Volatilization from Water/Soil: The Henry's Law constant for anthraquinone was determined from experimental values of vapor pressure(1) and water solubility(2) as 2.35X10-8 atm-cu/mole(3,SRC). This value indicates that volatilization of anthraquinone from water surfaces will be slow(3). [(1) Shimizu T et al; J Soc Dyers Colour 103: 132-7 (1987) (2) Yalkowsky SH, Dannenfelser RM; Aquasol Database of Aqueous Solubility. Ver 5. Coll Pharm, Univ Arizona-Tucson, AZ. PC Version (1992) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc p. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990)]**PEER REVIEWED** Environmental Water Concentrations: SURFACE WATER: Anthraquinone was detected in 2 of 79 samples of industrial wastewater from either the timber products or organics and plastics industries(1). Surface water from 2 sites and anoxic deep water from a single site in the Baltic Sea contained anthraquinone at unreported concentrations(2). Anthraquinone was detected at unreported concentrations in the Waal River, April 1974(3). [(1) Bursey JT, Pellizzari ED; Analysis of Industrial Wastewater for Organic Pollutants in Consent Degree Survey. Contract No. 68- 03-2867. Athens, GA: USEPA Environ Res Lab pp 167 (1982) (2) Ehrhardt M et al; Marine Chem 11: 449-61 (1982) (3) Meijers AP, Van der Leer RC; Water Res 10:697-604 (1976)]**PEER REVIEWED** GROUNDWATER: Anthraquinone was present in groundwater down-gradient from an abandoned wood-preserving plant at concentrations of 3.3 mg/25 ml; at 0.002 mg/l in streamwater that flowed through the plant site(1). [(1) Middaugh DP et al; Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 21: 233-44 (1991)]**PEER REVIEWED** DRINKING WATER: A tap water sample taken from Kitakyushu, Japan contained 5.2 ng/l anthraquinone(1). Tap water from Tsukuba, Japan contained anthraquinone at unreported concentrations(2). Anthraquinone was detected in Ottawa's drinking water supply, sampled in January and February 1978 (concn = 1.8-2.4 ng/l)(3). Twelve Great Lakes municipal drinking water supplies in Canada contained anthraquinone with concentrations ranging from not detected to 72 ng/l(4). Drinking water taken from 6 unspecified water treatment plants, was analyzed for the presence of anthraquinone in June and October 1978; anthraquinone was detected at all sites in concentrations of 0.6 to 2.1 ng/l(5). Tap water from Athens, GA contained anthraquinone at concentrations of 20-100 ng/l(6). [(1) Akiyama T et al; J UOEH 2: 285-300 (1980) (2) Shiraishi H et al; Environ Sci Technol 19: 585-590 (1985) (3) Benoit FM et al; Intern J Environ Anal Chem 6: 277-87 (1979) (4) Williams DT et al; Chemosphere 11: 263-76 (1982) (5) Benoit FM et al; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 23: 774-78 (1979) (6) Thruston AD Jr.; J Chrom Sci 16: 254-59 (1978)]**PEER REVIEWED** RAIN/SNOW: Anthraquinone was detected in eight of nine documented rain storms in Oregon at concentrations of 2.2 to 16 ng/l for spring storms and 18-74 ng/l for fall storms(1). Anthraquinone was detected in 7 of 7 rain storms in Portland, OR from February to April, 1984 (concns = 1.5-3.6 ng/cu-m)(2). Anthraquinone was detected in precipitation in Norway with a possible source of this chemical in Eastern Europe and England(3). [(1) Pankow JF et al; Environ Sci Technol 18: 310-18 (1984) (2) Ligocki MP et al; Atmos Environ 19: 1609-617 (1985) (3) Lunde G; Ambio 5: 207-8 (1976)]**PEER REVIEWED** Effluent Concentrations: Anthraquinone was emitted at concns of 24.3 and 4.4 ug/km during particulate emission tests (simulating urban driving conditions) of tailpipes of non-catalyst (average of 1965 Mercury Monterey, 1969 Ford Mustang, 1970 Buick Skylark, 1972 Chevrolet Caprice, 1974 Ford Pinto, and 1976 Volkswagen Beetle) and catalyst cars (average of 1977 Chevrolet Vega, 1980 Honda Civic 150, 1980 Honda 1500, 1980 Toyota Corolla, Datsun 200 SX, 1983 Chevrolet Malibu CL, and 1983 Dodge Omni), respectively; at a concn of 23.5 ug/km from tailpipes of heavy-duty diesel trucks (average of a 1987 GMC truck, two-axle, and a 1987 Ford Dump truck, three-axle)(1). Particulate samples obtained from an automobile using a diesel engine contained anthraquinone at unreported concns(2). Diesel emission particulates from a Volkswagen Rabbit contained anthraquinone(3). Particulate emissions from a representative small aircraft gas turbine engine contained detectable quantities of anthraquinone in 5 of 8 different sampling conditions (concns of 0.06-58.49 ng/cu-m; detection limit=0.01 ug)(4). Organic extracts of emissions from burning cereal straw contained anthraquinone at 995 ug/kg fuel(5). Particulate samples from the exhaust of a flame retention head residential oil burner combusting No. 2 fuel oil contained anthraquinone(6). [(1) Rogge WF et al; Environ Sci Technol 27: 636-651 (1993) (2) Yu ML, Hites RA; Anal Chem 53: 951-54 (1981) (3) Choudhury DR; Environ Sci Technol 16: 102- 06 ((1982) (4) Robertson DJ et al; J Air Pollut Control Assoc 30: 261-66 (1980) (5) Ramdahl T, Becher G; Analytica Chimica Acta 144: 83-91 (1982) (6) Leary JA et al; Environmental Health Perspectives. Washington,DC: US Dept Health and Human Services 73: 223-34 (1987)]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthraquinone was detected in 2 of 4 extracts of MM5 trains from 4 different municipal waste incinerators (concn = 2.9-9.0 ug/ml)(1). Flyash extracts from municipal incinerators contained anthraquinone in 3 of 5 sites(2). Anthraquinone was identified in the flyash of an Ontario municipal incinerator at unreported concentrations(3). Anthraquinone was not detected in tire wear particles and was present at concentrations of 0.31 and 0.41 ug/g in brake lining particles and road dust particles, respectively(4). [(1) James RH et al; Evaluation of Analytical Methods for the Determination of POHC in Combustion Products. J Proc APCA 77th Ann Mtg, June 24-9, 1984. San Francisco, CA Paper 84-18.5 pp. 1-25 (1984) (2) Eiceman GA et al; Anal Chem 51: 2343-350 (1979) (3) Tong HY et al; J Chrom 285: 423-41 (1984) (4) Rogge WF et al; Environ Sci Technol 27: 1892-904 (1993)]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthraquinone was detected in leachate (concentration=0.7 ug/l) from central Texas lignite under conditions meant to replicate rainfall leaching of coal piles(1). Tap water (pH=9) exposed to test panels coated with a commercial coal tar contained anthraquinone(2). Anthraquinone was detected in pulping liquors from processes using this compound as a catalyst for the delignification of wood; in black liquors n=14, concentration=3.0-170 mg/l; in alkaline pulping liquors n=6, concentration=0.5-11.5 mg/l; in wash liquors n=5, concentration=0.13-0.75; in filtrates from bleaching n=5, concentration=0.04-0.66(3). Anthraquinone was detected at concentrations of 49-110 ppb in the raw wastewater of a dye manufacturing plant; it was not detected in the final effluent of the same plant(4). Anthraquinone was detected in 235 samples obtained from superfund sites; data were compiled from CLP Analytical Results Database(5). [(1) Stahl RG Jr. et al; Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 13: 179-90 (1984) (2) Alben K; Anal Chem 52: 1825-828 (1980)(3) Nelson KH, Cietek DJ; J Chrom 281: 237-44 (1983) (4) Games LM, Hites RA; Anal Chem 49: 433-40 (1977) (5) Eckel WP; Amer Chem Soc, Div Environ Chem, Preprint Ext Abstr, 208th ACS Nat Meet, 34: 67-9 (1994)]**PEER REVIEWED** Sediment/Soil Concentrations: Marine sediments from the sewage area of Marseilles, France contained anthraquinone in 9 of 10 sites (concentration=2-400 ng/g)(1). Sediment from Dokai Bay contained anthraquinone(2). [(1) Milano JC, Vernet JL; Oceanis 14: 19-27 (1988) (2) Terashi A et al; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 50: 348-55 (1993)]**PEER REVIEWED** Atmospheric Concentrations: SOURCE DOMINATED: Anthraquinone was detected in one of eight air samples (concn = 44.5 ng/cu m) near a chemical factory in Czechoslovakia(1). Anthraquinone was detected in air samples collected in the potroom of an aluminum reduction plant at a concn of 297 ng/cu m(2). [(1) Holoubek I et al; Toxicol Environ Chem 29: 251-260 (1991) (2) Thrane KE, Stray H; Sci Total Environ 53: 111-31 (1986)]**PEER REVIEWED** URBAN/SUBURBAN: Organic extracts from airborne particulate matter collected in Barcelona City contained anthraquinone at 9, not detected, 26, and 21 pg/cu m during the spring, summer, fall, and winter, respectively(1). Atmospheric aerosol samples were collected in Barcelona; anthraquinone was present in the summer sample at 82 pg/cu m and in the winter sample at 75 pg/cu m(2). Anthraquinone was detected in airborne particulate matter in Duisburg, Germany from February to April, 1982 (concn = 0.221.89 ng/cu m(3). Ambient air levels of anthraquinone in Toronto, Ontario were reported as 0.9-1.3 pg/cu m(4). 2 of 7 sites in the US sampled for ambient air particulates (Upland, CA; Lake Charles, LA) contained anthraquinone at unreported concentrations(5). Mean gas and particulate-phase concentrations of anthraquinone were measured in Portland, OR during February and April, 1984 and February and April, 1985 (gas concn = 2.5 ng/cu m; particulate concn = 0.59 ng/cu m)(6). Urban air particles from St. Louis, MO contained anthraquinone at unreported concentrations(7). [(1) Bayona JM et al; Chemosphere 29: 441-50 (1994) (2) Galceran MT, Moyano E; Talanta 40: 615-21 (1993) (3) Konig J et al; Anal Chem 55: 599-603 (1983) (4) Harkov R; J Environ Sci Health A21: 409-33 (1986) (5) Kolber A et al; In: Short-term Bioassays in the Analysis of Complex Environmental Mixtures II, pp. 21-43, Mar 82, PB82-233198 (1982) (6) Ligocki MP, Pankow JF; Environ Sci Technol 23: 75-83 (1989) (7) Ramdahl T et al; Environ Sci Technol 16: 861-865 (1982)]**PEER REVIEWED** RURAL/REMOTE: Airborne particulate matter sampled near Chacaltaya, Bolivia (remote location) and Antwerp, Belgium (urban location) contained anthraquinone in 6 of 6 samples (Bolivia, n = 2, concn = 0.064-0.065 ug/1000 cu m; Belgium, n = 4, concn = 0.57-1.0 ug/1000 cu m; detection limit = 0.02 ug/1000 cu m)(1). [(1) Cautreels W et al; Sci Total Environ 8: 79-88 (1977)]**PEER REVIEWED** Plant Concentrations: 2 of 6 samples of mosses and 3 of 6 samples of needles contained anthraquinone (mosses = 1756.8 to 4054.1 ng/g; needles = 459.5 to 1918.9 ng/g) near a chemical factory in Czechoslovakia(1). [(1) Holoubek I et al; Toxicol Environ Chem 29: 251-260 (1991)]**PEER REVIEWED** Fish/Seafood Concentrations: 42 ppb anthraquinone was detected in Black River (Ohio) bullhead catfish(1). [(1) Vassilaros DL et al; Anal Chem 54: 106-112 (1982)]**PEER REVIEWED** Animal Concentrations: 2 of 5 earthworm samples contained anthraquinone (concns = 473 to 4715.9 ng/g) near a chemical factory in Czechoslovakia(1). [(1) Holoubek I et al; Toxicol Environ Chem 29: 251-260 (1991)]**PEER REVIEWED** Environmental Standards & Regulations: TSCA Requirements: Section 8(a) of TSCA requires manufacturers of this chemical substance to report preliminary assessment information concerned with production, use, and exposure to EPA as cited in the preamble in 51 FR 41329. [40 CFR 712.30 (7/1/94)]**PEER REVIEWED** Pursuant to section 8(d) of TSCA, EPA promulgated a model Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule. The section 8(d) model rule requires manufacturers, importers, and processors of listed chemical substances and mixtures to submit to EPA copies and lists of unpublished health and safety studies. Anthraquinone is included on this list. [40 CFR 716.120 (7/1/94)]**PEER REVIEWED** Manufacturers and processors of anthraquinone are required to conduct specific chemical tests as required under TSCA section 4. [40 CFR 799.500 (7/1/94)]**PEER REVIEWED** Chemical/Physical Properties: Molecular Formula: C14-H8-O2 **PEER REVIEWED** Molecular Weight: 208.20 [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals. Rahway, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1989. 109]**PEER REVIEWED** Color/Form: LIGHT YELLOW, SLENDER MONOCLINIC PRISMS BY SUBLIMATION IN VACUO; ALMOST COLORLESS, ORTHORHOMBIC, BIPYRAMIDAL CRYSTALS FROM SULFURIC ACID + WATER [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals. Rahway, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1989. 109]**PEER REVIEWED** YELLOW RHOMBIC NEEDLES FROM ALCOHOL, BENZENE [Weast, R.C. (ed.). Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 60th ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press Inc., 1979.,p. C-121]**PEER REVIEWED** YELLOW-GREEN CRYSTALS [Worthing, C. R. (ed.). Pesticide Manual. 6th ed. Worcestershire, England: British Crop Protection Council, l979. 19]**PEER REVIEWED** Boiling Point: 377 DEG C @ 760 MM HG [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals. Rahway, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1989. 109]**PEER REVIEWED** Melting Point: 286 DEG C [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals. Rahway, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1989. 109]**PEER REVIEWED** Density/Specific Gravity: 1.42-1.44 AT DEG 20 C/4 DEG C [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals. Rahway, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1989. 109]**PEER REVIEWED** Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient: log Kow = 3.39 [Hansch, C. and A. Leo. The Log P Database. Claremont, CA: Pomona College, 1987.]**PEER REVIEWED** Solubilities: INSOL IN WATER; 0.44 G/100 G ALC @ 25 DEG C; 2.25 G/100 G BOILING ALC; 0.11 G/100 G ETHER @ 25 DEG C; 0.61 G/100 G CHLOROFORM @ 20 DEG C; 0.26 G/100 G BENZENE @ 20 DEG C; 0.30 G/100 G TOLUENE @ 25 DEG C [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals. Rahway, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1989. 109]**PEER REVIEWED** SOL IN CONCN SULFURIC ACID [Weast, R.C. (ed.). Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 60th ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press Inc., 1979.,p. C-121]**PEER REVIEWED** SOL IN ACETONE [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993 84]**PEER REVIEWED** Solubility in water = 1.353 mg/l [Yalkowsky SH, Dannenfelser RM; Aquasol Database of Aqueous Solubility. Version 5. College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona-Tucson, AZ. PC Version (1992)]**PEER REVIEWED** Spectral Properties: MAX ABSORPTION (ALCOHOL): 252 NM (LOG E= 4.7), 278 NM (LOG E= 4.1), 330 NM (LOG E= 3.7); SADTLER REF NUMBER: 1815 (IR, PRISM); 508 (UV) [Weast, R.C. (ed.). Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 60th ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press Inc., 1979.,p. C-121]**PEER REVIEWED** Intense mass spectral peaks: 208 m/z (100%), 180 m/z (96%), 152 m/z (75%), 151 m/z (38%) [Hites, R.A. Handbook of Mass Spectra of Environmental Contaminants. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., 1985. 44]**PEER REVIEWED** IR: 279 (Sadtler Research Laboratories IR Grating Collection) [Weast, R.C. and M.J. Astle. CRC Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds. Volumes I and II. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc. 1985.,p. V1 102]**PEER REVIEWED** UV: 815 (Absorption Spectra in the UV and visible Regions, Academic Press, New York) [Weast, R.C. and M.J. Astle. CRC Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds. Volumes I and II. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc. 1985.,p. V1 102]**PEER REVIEWED** MASS: 1478 (Atlas of Mass Spectral Data, John Wiley & Sons, New York) [Weast, R.C. and M.J. Astle. CRC Handbook of Data on Organic Compounds. Volumes I and II. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc. 1985.,p. V1 102]**PEER REVIEWED** The UV spectrum exhibits four bands - 251 nm (Emax = 54000), 279 (Emax = 17600), 321 nm (Emax = 4800), 377 nm (Emax = 110) [Gerhartz, W. (exec ed.). Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. 5th ed.Vol A1: Deerfield Beach, FL: VCH Publishers, 1985 to Present.,p. VA2 347]**PEER REVIEWED** Vapor Density: 7.16 (AIR= 1) [Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1997. ,p. 325-16]**QC REVIEWED** Vapor Pressure: 1.16X10-7 mm Hg @ 25 deg C [Shimizu T et al; J Soc Dyers Colour 103: 132-7 (1987)]**PEER REVIEWED** Other Chemical/Physical Properties: VAPOR PRESSURE = 1 MM HG @ 190.0 DEG C [Sax, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 4th ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1975. 411]**PEER REVIEWED** Liquid Molar Volume = 0.193625 cu m/kmol; IG Heat of Formation = -9.52X10+7 J/kmol; Heat Fusion at Melting Point = 3.2552X10+7 J/kmol [Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.]**PEER REVIEWED** Flash point = 185 deg C [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993 84]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthraquinone is sublimed easily without decomposition [Gerhartz, W. (exec ed.). Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. 5th ed.Vol A1: Deerfield Beach, FL: VCH Publishers, 1985 to Present.,p. VA2 348]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthraquinone dissolves in 90% sulfuric acid giving a yellow to orange solution, and in oleum (20% SO3), giving a red solution. [Gerhartz, W. (exec ed.). Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. 5th ed.Vol A1: Deerfield Beach, FL: VCH Publishers, 1985 to Present.,p. VA2 348]**PEER REVIEWED** Chemical Safety & Handling: Skin, Eye and Respiratory Irritations: Irritates .. skin. [ITII. Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Chemicals Safety Manual. Tokyo, Japan: The International Technical Information Institute, 1988. 46]**PEER REVIEWED** Fire Potential: SLIGHT, WHEN EXPOSED TO HEAT OR FLAME. SPONTANEOUS HEATING: NO [Sax, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 6th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984. 292]**PEER REVIEWED** NFPA Hazard Classification: Health: 0. 0= Materials that, on exposure under fire conditions, offer no hazard beyond that of ordinary combustible material. [Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1997. ,p. 325-16]**QC REVIEWED** Flammability: 1. 1= This degree includes materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur, such as Class IIIB combustible liquids and solids and semi-solids whose flash point exceeds 200 deg F (93.4 deg C), as well as most ordinary combustible materials. Water may cause frothing if it sinks below the surface of the burning liquid and turns to steam. However, a water fog that is gently applied to the surface of the liquid will cause frothing that will extinguish the fire. [Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1997. ,p. 325-16]**QC REVIEWED** Flash Point: 365 DEG F (185 DEG C) (CLOSED CUP) [Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 12 ed. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1997. ,p. 325-16]**QC REVIEWED** Fire Fighting Procedures: WATER, FOAM, CARBON DIOXIDE, WATER SPRAY OR MIST, DRY CHEM [Sax, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 6th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984. 292]**PEER REVIEWED** Preventive Measures: SRP: The scientific literature for the use of contact lenses in industry is conflicting. The benefit or detrimental effects of wearing contact lenses depend not only upon the substance, but also on factors including the form of the substance, characteristics and duration of the exposure, the uses of other eye protection equipment, and the hygiene of the lenses. However, there may be individual substances whose irritating or corrosive properties are such that the wearing of contact lenses would be harmful to the eye. In those specific cases, contact lenses should not be worn. In any event, the usual eye protection equipment should be worn even when contact lenses are in place. **PEER REVIEWED** Disposal Methods: SRP: At the time of review, criteria for land treatment or burial (sanitary landfill) disposal practices are subject to significant revision. Prior to implementing land disposal of waste residue (including waste sludge), consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices. **PEER REVIEWED** Occupational Exposure Standards: Manufacturing/Use Information: Major Uses: CHEM INT FOR VAT DYES, ACID DYES, MORDANT DYES, DISPERSE DYES, SOLVENT DYES, & FOR PIGMENTS [SRI]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthraquinone serves as the basis for the production of a large number of acid and base dyes, vat dyes, disperse dyes, and reactive dyes. [Gerhartz, W. (exec ed.). Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. 5th ed.Vol A1: Deerfield Beach, FL: VCH Publishers, 1985 to Present.,p. VA2 353]**PEER REVIEWED** As an additive in the soda and kraft chemical alkaline pulping processes in the paper pulping industry. [Appleton HT et al; Technical Support Document 9,10-Anthraquinone. SRC TR-85-105. EPA Fiche # OTS0581336. Syracuse, NY (1985)]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthraquinone is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of the laxative Danthron, also as a major dyestuff intermediate, as a catalyst in the isomerization of linseed and other vegetable oils, as an accelerant in nickel electroplating, and has a use in improving adhesion and heat stability of tirecords. [Appleton HT et al; Technical Support Document 9,10-Anthraquinone. SRC TR-85-105. EPA Fiche # OTS0581336. Syracuse, NY (1985)]**PEER REVIEWED** Intermediate for dyes and organics, organic inhibitor, bird repellent for seeds. [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993 84]**PEER REVIEWED** Manufacturers: James River Corp of Virginia. PO Box 2218 Tredegar Street Richmond, VA 23217 (804) 644-5411. James River Specialty Chemicals, 4th & Adams Street, Camas, WA 98607 (360) 834-8278. Production Site: Camas, WA 98607 [SRI. 1995 Directory of Chemical Producers-United States of America. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, 1995 460]**PEER REVIEWED** Methods of Manufacturing: Through the oxidation of naphthalene to naphthaquinone, which is condensed with butadiene to yield tetrahydroanthraquinone; this is dehydrogenated to produce anthraquinone. [Appleton HT et al; Technical Support Document 9,10-Anthraquinone. SRC TR-85-105. EPA Fiche # OTS0581336. Syracuse, NY (1985)]**PEER REVIEWED** PRODUCED INDUSTRIALLY FROM PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE & BENZENE IN PRESENCE OF ALUMINUM CHLORIDE BY FRIEDEL-CRAFTS REACTION. FROM ANTHRACENE WITH VANADIUM PENTOXIDE, SODIUM CHLORATE, GLACIAL ACETIC & SULFURIC ACIDS. CONVENIENT LAB PROCEDURE. [Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals. Rahway, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1989. 109]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthracene + nitric acid, concentrated (nitric acid oxidation process); o-Benzoylbenzoic acid (acid-catalyzed condensation) [Ashford, R.D. Ashford's Dictionary of Industrial Chemicals. London, England: Wavelength Publications Ltd., 1994.]**PEER REVIEWED** General Manufacturing Information: BASIC PRODUCERS: BAYER AG (WEST GERMANY) (CORBIT*, MORKIT*) JF HENRY CHEM CO, INC, FINE CHEM DIV. [Farm Chemicals Handbook 1981. Willoughby, Ohio: Meister, 1981.,p. C-20]**PEER REVIEWED** ANTHRAQUINONE DYE. A DYE WHOSE MOLECULAR STRUCTURE IS BASED ON ANTHRAQUINONE. ... CI NUMBERS FROM 58000 TO 72999. THESE ARE ACID OR MORDANT DYES WHEN OH OR HSO3 GROUPS RESPECTIVELY ARE PRESENT. THOSE ANTHRAQUINONE DYES THAT CAN BE REDUCED TO ALKALINE SOL LEUCO (VAT) DERIVATIVE THAT HAS AFFINITY FOR FIBERS, & WHICH CAN BE REOXIDIZED TO THE DYE, ARE KNOWN AS ANTHRAQUINONE VAT DYES. THEY ARE LARGELY USED ON COTTON, RAYON, & SILK, & HAVE EXCELLENT PROPERTIES OF COLOR & FASTNESS, & RELATIVELY LOW TOXICITY. /ANTHRAQUINONE DYE/ [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993 84]**PEER REVIEWED** ...DISPERSE DYES (USED FOR ACETATE, RAYON & SYNTHETIC FIBERS)... DISPERSE COLORS MAY BE ANTHRAQUINONE...DYES... [International Labour Office. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Volumes I and II. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1971. 426]**PEER REVIEWED** FUNGICIDAL ACTIVITY IS FOUND IN VARIETY OF QUINONES IN GENERAL ORDER 1,4-NAPHTHOQUINONE GREATER THAN PHENANTHROQUINONE GREATER THAN P-BENZOQUINONE GREATER THAN ANTHRAQUINONE. [White-Stevens, R. (ed.). Pesticides in the Environment: Volume 1, Part 1, Part 2. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1971. 9]**PEER REVIEWED** AS BIRD REPELLANT TREAT SEEDS OF CEREALS, VEGETABLES & LEGUMES @ RATE OF ABOUT 1 LB (OF 25% FORMULATION)/500 LB SEED. [Spencer, E. Y. Guide to the Chemicals Used in Crop Protection. 7th ed. Publication 1093. Research Institute, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Canada: Information Canada, 1982. 19]**PEER REVIEWED** Formulations/Preparations: GRADES: SUBLIMED; 30% PASTE (SOLD ON 100% BASIS); ELECTRICAL 99.5%. [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993 84]**PEER REVIEWED** ANTHRAQUINONE CATHARTICS ALL CONTAIN CHARACTERISTIC DERIV WHICH ARE PRESENT IN THE FREE STATE...OR IN GLYCOSIDIC COMBINATION WITH GLUCOSE, ARABINOSE, OR RHAMNOSE. MAJOR ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS.../INCL/ ANTHRAQUINONE... [Osol, A. and J.E. Hoover, et al. (eds.). Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences. 15th ed. Easton, Pennsylvania: Mack Publishing Co., 1975. 738]**PEER REVIEWED** AS SEED DRESSINGS: 25% WP OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER SEED PROTECTANTS. [Spencer, E. Y. Guide to the Chemicals Used in Crop Protection. 7th ed. Publication 1093. Research Institute, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Canada: Information Canada, 1982. 19]**PEER REVIEWED** Consumption Patterns: ESSENTIALLY 100% AS A CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATE FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF DYES (1976) [SRI]**PEER REVIEWED** U. S. Production: (1972) PROBABLY GREATER THAN 4.54X10+5 GRAMS [SRI]**PEER REVIEWED** (1975) GREATER THAN 4.54X10+5 GRAMS [SRI]**PEER REVIEWED** U. S. Imports: (1972) 3X10+7 GRAMS (PRINCPL CUSTMS DISTS) [SRI]**PEER REVIEWED** (1975) 1.03X10+8 GRAMS (PRINCPL CUSTMS DISTS) [SRI]**PEER REVIEWED** 813,322 pounds (in 1983) [Appleton HT et al; Technical Support Document 9,10-Anthraquinone. SRC TR-85-105. Syracuse, NY (1985)]**PEER REVIEWED** Laboratory Methods: Analytic Laboratory Methods: A CONVENIENT PROCEDURE IS DESCRIBED FOR QUANTITATION OF POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BY HPLC-GC IN WATER AT THE NANOGRAM TO MICROGRAM PER LITER LEVEL. APPLICATION OF THIS PROCEDURE TO THE STUDY OF AQ CHLORINATION REACTIONS OF SEVERAL POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IS DESCRIBED. [OYLER AR ET AL; ANAL CHEM 50 (7): 837 (1978)]**PEER REVIEWED** A METHOD WAS DEVELOPED FOR THE DETECTION OF 9,10ANTHRAQUINONE BIRD REPELLANT IN SEEDS, CROPS, & SOIL. THE DETECTION WAS BY ELECTRON-CAPTURE DETECTOR. RECOVERIES WERE 94-106% @ 0.5-0.05 PPM, & THE MAX SENSITIVITY WAS 0.05 PPM. [MAINI P; J CHROMATOGR 128 (1): 174 (1976)]**PEER REVIEWED** ANTHRAQUINONE DETERMINATION IN AIRBONE PARTICULATE MATTER BY CAPILLARY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY & GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY/MASS SPECTROMETRY. [KOENIG J ET AL; ANAL CHEM 55 (4): 599 (1983)]**PEER REVIEWED** POLAROGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF ANTHRAQUINONE WITH DMF AS SOLVENT, AMMONIUM ACETATE SOLN AS SUPPORTING ELECTROLYTE, & GELATIN SOLN AS MAX SUPPRESSOR. RESULTS WERE REPRODUCIBLE & ERRORS DID NOT EXCEED + OR - 3%. [POPESCU S; ANAL LETT 12 (B15): 1565 (1979)]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthraquinone was detected in rainwater using GC/MS (MDL = 0.05-0.10 ng/l). [Pankow JF et al; Environ Sci Technol 18: 310-8 (1984)]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthraquinone was detected in fish tissue using capillary gas chromatography followed by GC/MS (detection limit = 0.2 ppb, average recovery = 72%). [Vassilaros DL et al; Anal Chem 54: 106-12 (1982)]**PEER REVIEWED** Anthraquinone was detected in tap water using GC/MS followed by mass fragmentography. [Shinohara R et al; Water Research 15: 535-42 (1981)]**PEER REVIEWED** Special References: Special Reports: ZWAVING JH; RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE ANALYSIS OF ANTHRAQUINONE DERIVATIVES; PHARMACOLOGY 20(SUPPL 1) 65 (1980). A REVIEW & DISCUSSION ON RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE ANALYSIS OF ANTHRAQUINONE DERIVATIVES. FRIEDMANN CA; STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS OF ANTHRAQUINONES IN SOME PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS; PHARMACOLOGY 20(SUPPL 1) 113 (1980). A REVIEW ON THE STRUCTUREACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS OF ANTHRAQUINONES IN SOME PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS. ANTON R ET AL; PHARMACOLOGY 20 (SUPPL 1): 104 (1980). A REVIEW & DISCUSSION ON THE THERAPEUTIC USE OF NATURAL ANTHRAQUINONE FOR OTHER THAN LAXATIVE ACTIONS. Synonyms and Identifiers: Synonyms: ANTHRACENE, 9,10-DIHYDRO-9,10-DIOXO**PEER REVIEWED** 9,10-ANTHRACENEDIONE **PEER REVIEWED** ANTHRADIONE **PEER REVIEWED** 9,10-ANTHRAQUINONE **PEER REVIEWED** CORBIT **PEER REVIEWED** 9,10-DIOXOANTHRACENE **PEER REVIEWED** HOELITE **PEER REVIEWED** MORKIT **PEER REVIEWED** Formulations/Preparations: GRADES: SUBLIMED; 30% PASTE (SOLD ON 100% BASIS); ELECTRICAL 99.5%. [Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 12th ed. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Rheinhold Co., 1993 84]**PEER REVIEWED** ANTHRAQUINONE CATHARTICS ALL CONTAIN CHARACTERISTIC DERIV WHICH ARE PRESENT IN THE FREE STATE...OR IN GLYCOSIDIC COMBINATION WITH GLUCOSE, ARABINOSE, OR RHAMNOSE. MAJOR ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS.../INCL/ ANTHRAQUINONE... [Osol, A. and J.E. Hoover, et al. (eds.). Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences. 15th ed. Easton, Pennsylvania: Mack Publishing Co., 1975. 738]**PEER REVIEWED** AS SEED DRESSINGS: 25% WP OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER SEED PROTECTANTS. [Spencer, E. Y. Guide to the Chemicals Used in Crop Protection. 7th ed. Publication 1093. Research Institute, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Canada: Information Canada, 1982. 19]**PEER REVIEWED** Administrative Information: Hazardous Substances Databank Number: 2074 Last Revision Date: 20020118 Last Review Date: Reviewed by SRP on 1/31/1996 Update History: Complete Update on 01/18/2002, 4 fields added/edited/deleted. Field Update on 01/14/2002, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 09/07/2001, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 08/09/2001, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 03/03/2000, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 02/02/2000, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 09/21/1999, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 08/26/1999, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 09/02/1998, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 06/02/1998, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 02/27/1998, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 10/26/1997, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 02/24/1997, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 08/07/1996, 56 fields added/edited/deleted. Field Update on 05/10/1996, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Field Update on 01/23/1996, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Field Update on 10/19/1995, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Field Update on 10/03/1995, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 12/28/1994, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 08/11/1994, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 03/25/1994, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 05/25/1993, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 02/05/1993, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Field update on 12/24/1992, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 04/16/1990, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 03/06/1990, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Field update on 03/06/1990, 1 field added/edited/deleted. Complete Update on 12/28/1984